As a former Education advisor, if I had to pick one of the most frequently asked questions by prospective students, it would be “How many hours do I need to study?”
The vast majority (if not all) of our students are working and leading hectic professional lives. Some are motivated and have already decided to undertake a master’s, while others contemplate the unknowns of an online programme. In my experience, two things affect their decision the most.
First – finances, and second, being able to strike the perfect work, study, and life balance. While I cannot completely help you with the finances (partially yes – check out the discount offers currently being offered on our online MBA, MSc, and LL.M programmes), I thought what I could do to help was to bring some facts to light about the other unknowns – what does a typical day in the life of an online master’s student look like?
Today, we’re looking at June’s typical study days. June, an RKC & University of Cumbria’s graduate, offered us these answers:
An Introduction
Which programme did you choose and why?
I chose MBA programme as it matched my work experience and that is what I wanted to do after graduation.
The Study Plan
How did you plan to study each module, and what was the reality? How many hours did/do you have to put in each day/or in a week?
Each Monday morning I would check the requirements for the modules I was registered into. I would then plan my week accordingly. I put in about 20 hours a week for each module, plus some extra time when completing the assignments, mid-term or final. Each week I tried to respond on the discussion board by Wednesday and then would respond to others on the discussion in the latter part of the week. Of course, sometimes life gets in the way, and I would have to put in more time one week, to make up for the time I missed due to other obligations.
What part of the day did/do you find most suitable to study? (e.g. early mornings, lunch break, evenings, weekends?)
I work best in the morning, so this is my preferred time when possible. To study in the evening I would often go to the local library for a quieter atmosphere that at home.
To study in the evening June would often go to the local library for a quieter atmosphere that at home.
How much time did you devote for each assignment?
Probably more than I should have! It depended on the amount of research that was needed for each assignment. On an average about 20 – 30 hours for mid-terms and 40 – 60 hours for finals, with the exception of the residency with the final assignment after returning – I’m guessing I spent closer to 120 hours on that final assignment.
Travelling and Communication
Did you travel for work? How did travelling impact your ability to study?
Studying would become difficult due to disparate bandwidth availability. Having said that, it was often an opportunity on the plane or between flights to study during quiet times.
How were you able to interact with peers and/or professors given the time differences?
The five hour time difference between Ontario Canada and Switzerland was bit of a problem, especially trying to get assignments in on time.
A typical day as a master’s student
What does a typical day as an Online Masters’ student look like for you?
Since I work best in the morning, I would get my coffee and start by checking the discussion boards and making note of what I needed to give a response for. I mapped out my reading for the week, and so would spend my allotted time doing the reading and listening to webcasts. By Wednesday each week, I would put my contribution to the discussion board.
Any advice?
Any advice you have for students to better plan their studies.
Make a schedule early on to get the mid-term and final assignments completed.
Create files on your computer to keep your modules, assignments, and research organised so that when you are completing your assignments you can easily find your materials. I noticed that many students did not participate in the discussion boards, and I think they missed a valuable part of the learning. And potentially we missed out on their experience and perspective that they may have shared with the rest of the class.
June advises to create files on your computer to keep the modules, assignments, and research organised
All right, so this was a sneak peek of a typical day in life as a master’s student. I hope you find it insightful and informative and that it gives you an idea of what to expect when you enrol for our master’s programmes. Watch this space as we have many more interesting insights coming up!
This series has fast become one of our most appreciated blog posts. This “Day in the Life of” series focuses on the challenges and rewards our students derive from doing an online master’s degree with us, and we have been blessed with students who were more than happy to volunteer their time and share their experiences.
There is no better way to learn than from those who came before and see what worked for them. It will help you become a better student and help you make an informed decision.
An Introduction
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Who are you?
I am Kevin Young, a Robert Kennedy College (RKC) and York St John University (YSJ) MBA student.
Which programme did you choose and why?
MBA Management Consulting because after several years consulting in South East Asia & Australia, I decided to gain an MBA and set up my own consultancy business, which I am now in the process of doing.
The Study Plan
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How did you plan to study each module, and what was the reality? For example, how many hours did/do you have to put in each day/or in a week?
I dedicated hours each week and knew the only way to get through this was to stick to a plan. A good timetable and study plan do help. Also, I would spend my lunch break doing some studying or reading relevant to the module.
What part of the day did/do you find most suitable to study? (e.g. early mornings, lunch break, evenings, weekends?)
Sundays were my best study day. After early morning coffee, I would spend the whole day working on my modules.
How much time did you devote to each assignment?
I started the assignments as I did my lessons, so they were in parallel – just to ensure I could keep up.
Travelling and Communication
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How did travelling impact your ability to study?
I would also do a bit of studying on a plane. A flight from Singapore to Brisbane is 8 hours – that’s a full-day study!
How were you able to interact with peers and/or professors given the time differences?
Online makes it easy because there is no time zone relevant to working on the modules. For the dissertation, my supervisor was in the UK, and I was in Australia, so it was 9:00 am for him and 6 or 7 pm for me to connect – no issue, and it worked really well.
A typical day as a master’s student
What does a typical day as an Online master’s student look like for you?
Luckily, I could sometime sneak a bit of studying into my working day, especially at lunchtime. At the end of the workday, I would go home and spend four or more hours in the evening. I would often have Saturday free with the family and then get stuck on Sundays. Saturday was a fallback day if I was getting behind.
Any advice you have for students to better plan their studies.
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Have a study plan and stick to it – almost project manage your time! Don’t try to do two modules together; just concentrate on each one at a time. Use the class chats to query things or get advice. Above all – enjoy the learning! I was lucky in that I was passionate about the subjects in the module.
We at Robert Kennedy College are here to support you through the entire process and encourage you to get in touch with our team of Education Advisors and chat with them Live on WhatsApp if you have any questions about our programmes, fee structure, the application process, or details on discounts we might be offering at this time.
If you have already made up your mind and are ready to apply, then just click here.
Our students come from different walks of life. Robert Kennedy College (RKC) takes pride in being a truly international college, with over 7000 students from 140 countries. Our 100% online programmes have been designed for busy managers. Our students and alums work for many international organisations and top companies from all over the world.
Allow me to introduce one of the RKC’s proud students, Dr. Wambaka Kosea, sharing few insights and some words of wisdom from his own experience.
There is no better way to learn than from those who came before and see what learning strategies worked for them. It will help you become a better student and, hopefully, help you make an informed decision.
Dr. Wambaka Kosea
We asked Dr. Kosea few questions and we got some truly inspiring answers
Brief introduction about yourself, background, education and work experience
My Name is Wambaka Kosea, aged 46 years, born to Kosea Makwasi and Rovanance Nandudu in the District of Sironko in Uganda.
I studied at Bugwagi Primary School from Primary One to Primary Five and then went to Buyobo Primary School for Primary Six and Seven. I then joined Masaba Secondary School for Ordinary and Advance level, from where I passed and was admitted to Makerere University to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Education (Economics and Geography). In 2002, I applied and was admitted at the School of Economics of Makerere University to pursue a Master’s Degree in Economic Policy and Planning. In 2008 I enrolled for a PhD in Economics at Makerere University and then enrolled for other academic qualifications and professional skills training. I now hold a PhD in Management as well (Project Management) from the University of Central Nicaragua, a Master’s Degree in International Commercial Law From the University of Salford in conjunction with Robert Kennedy College Zurich, a Master’s in Business Administration from East and Southern African Management Institute, Arush Tanzania and a candidate for a Masters in International Events Management at the University of Salford In conjunction with Robert Kennedy College Zurich.
I have also attained the following professional development and or academic certificates.
Professional Development Certificate in Negotiation (Dealing with Difficult People and Problems) from Harvard Law School, Harvard University USA.
Professional Development Certificate in Intensive Leadership Excellence from the University of California (Berkeley Extension), Californian, USA.
Certificate in International Labour Migration: Economics, Politics and Ethics, from the University of OxfordUK
Professional Development Certificate/Banking Game/Financial Boot Camp, finance and banking in Europe from Frankfurt School of Financial Management, Frankfurt, Germany
Professional Development Certificate in International Taxation on Oil and Gas and Other Mining Activities from IBFD (International Tax Academy) Singapore.
Professional Development Certificate in International Tax Aspects of Corporate Tax planning from IBFD Moscow, Russia.
Professional Development Certificate in Energy and Mining Law from Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Professional Development Certificate in International Organisations Management from the University of Geneva Switzerland.
Certificate in Climate Change: The Science from the University of British Columbia, Canada.
Certificate in Global Diplomacy: The United Nations from the University of London and SOAS University of London, UK
Professional Development Certificate in Analytical System Thinking from Enterprise University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa.
Post Graduate Certificate in Project Planning and Management from Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.
Post Graduate Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation from Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.
Certificate in Human Resource Management; from the Institute of Adult and Continuing Education, Makerere University
Certificate in Strategic Procurement and logistics management; from the Institute of Adult and Continuing Education, Makerere University
Professional Development Certificate in Strategic Management from East and Southern African Management Institute, Arusha, Tanzania. A high-profile management course that involved strategic thinking and long-term planning training for Big National and International Organizations, including comprehensive and coherent means of sustainable impact monitoring and evaluation.
Professional Development Certificate in Wetland and Poverty Reduction Project, from Wetlands International, with four major thematic modules, namely;-Wetlands and Water Resource Management, Wetland Valuation, Policy Setting and Advocacy, and Financial Mechanisms
Professional Development Certificate in Trade and Trade Policy from Uganda Programme on Trade Opportunities and Policy with the European Union. A course that involved training in Regional integration and agreements in Africa (opportunities and challenges facing COMESA), the Hong Kong Ministerial conference and beyond, Aid for Trade, the Doha Work Program (lessons, challenges and the way forward), Mult-lateral trade systems (focusing on ACP-EU) trade relations, National Trade Policy for Uganda and dispute settlement in international.
It should be noted that apart from the Bachelor’s Degree in Education, which the Government sponsored me, the costs of all other remaining courses have been met myself.
Dr. Wambaka Kosea being accompanied by Wife, Doctors and Professors of Makerere University towards the celebration of his academic achievements at Sheraton Kampala Hotel on the 10th of February 2023.Dr. Wambaka Kosea giving a speech at the celebration of his academic achievements at Sheraton Kampala Hotel on the 10th of February 2023.Dr. Wambaka Kosea with the Rector of University of Central Nicaragua during the graduation of a PhD in Management.
I taught Economics for two years at St Lawrence Citizens High School from 2000 to 2002. I worked as a part-time consultant for the Uganda Programme on Trade Opportunities and Policy (UPTOP), funded by the Government of Uganda and the European Union as mainly an evaluator of trade research proposals for funding.
Currently I am the Group chairman of Strategic Group of companies (Strategic Friends International, incorporated in Uganda, Washington DC and Hong Kong, Strategic African Bidder Limited, Strategic Sustainable Development Fund Limited, Strategic Luxuries Transport Company Limited, Big Push Construction Limited, Events De Strategic Limited, Soft Services Development Forex Bureau Limited and HEM Cash Limited).
Dr. Wambaka Kosea at his work station at Strategic Friends International at Nakawa House, Nakawa Business Centre Kampala.
When did you decide to enrol for a Master’s with RKC?
I enrolled for a Master’s with RKC in 2018
What factors led you to pursue a Master’s degree at RKC?
The kind of work I am involved in cuts across borders and therefore requires that I understand issues to do with international commercial law. For international recognition and competitive purposes, I must attain it from a world reputable University or College at affordable costs and friendly payment terms. I also knew the skills and or qualifications needed to achieve my life goals and wanted an institution that could offer those skills.RKC and the University of Salford offers the needed courses and have merited in credibility and international recognition and also offers the courses within my financial confines and work schedule.
How much did you devote to studying online and submitting assignments?
The modules had specific timelines for study and assignment submissions. I spared time outside my work schedule to adhere to program timelines.
Did you attend the on-campus residency program? What are your views about the residency?
Yes, I attended the on-campus residence program at Robert Kennedy in Zurich from Monday, June 17th to Friday, June 21st 2019. The residency program created an opportunity for the student to physically interact and learn from each other and also interact with the professors. It created room for the exchange of ideas and physical learning from the instructors with immediate responses since questions were put to professors and responses provided there and then. The group case studies built confidence among students to make presentations to other students from different backgrounds, and that was carried beyond residency. Interaction after class was not limited to only academics but also in other areas, such as culture and business opportunities in different countries of participants. It also created an opportunity for students to tour Switzerland and learn many things. Students created friendships that existed beyond Zurich. Residency as it sounds should be physical.
How long did it take you to complete the program?
It took me a record time of one year.
In your opinion, how has the Master’s degree from RKC benefited you personally and professionally?
The master’s from RKC has benefited me personally and professionally, as delineated hereunder:
I now understand the current world legal regimes (Laws, Policy and Regulations) and their applicability to my work. I am therefore positioned to execute international trade activities and consultancies from a technically informed point of view with either none or minimal mistakes. I am among the few resource person to offer technical guidance and consultancies in areas of international arbitrations in Africa. The master’s program also groomed me and ushered me into conducting research privately and make applicable deductions and recommendation that can be used to better policies and programs. It should be noted that all assignments involved writing reports on certain problems or issues within the jurisdiction of the course which required one to conduct research. My confidence in the masters’ programs of the college can be certified by my enrollment for the second master’s in International Events Management.
Dr. Wambaka Kosea giving a keynote speech at the launch of the National Career Guidance Day at Kololo Independent ground on the 20th of March 2023 and sponsored by among others Strategic Friends International.
How was your experience with fellow students, professors and quality of education received?
Much as the course was done with limited physical interaction with other students and professors apart from the mandatory residency where we had a chance to physically interact, it was, however, organized in such a way that some assignments were done in groups that enabled us to learn from the experience and strength of other students from other parts of the world. The group discussions worked a great deal and eased understanding with the guidance of professors. The physical interaction at the mandatory residence at Robert Kennedy College in Zurich sealed the program learning process.
The quality of education grooms the student to independently identify problems and provide solutions from a technically informed point of view. The method of assessment is compressive, transparent and aims at cultivating the level of understanding of the student in a particular subject matter. The fee payment structure is democratic in that it gives room for students to decide on a schedule that is convenient for them. Communication and feedback during the study process are timely, and the online library is available and well-equipped. Personally, my experience did not only stop at academics but also created sustainable friendships that have actually opened business opportunities with companies that employ some of the students I studied with.
Inspiration Statement
Unless economics has changed but what I know is that education is an investment, and just like any other investment, it is associated with a number of risks and the bigger the investment in education, the bigger the risk and the bigger the risk, the bigger the profit. The level-one positions themselves will determine their readiness to handle challenges and reap the opportunities offered by the world. Anyone can do business and succeed, but sustainable businesses that exist beyond one’s lifetime are uncured to professionalism and training.
Education has its own time and must be attained within a specific timeline if one is to use the skills attained to make contributions, and global contribution requires that one understands global problems meaning that the kind and magnitude of contribution will depend on the level of exposure to global problems within the right timelines.
I am driven by the fact that those who have made significant contributions on earth are human, and therefore a statement like “if they did it, I could also do it, and my personality is my unique gift” properly describes me.
A truly inspirational and motivating life story Dr. Wambaka Kosea, driving success in his career. I am sure you feel inspired enough to take that plunge of investing in education, investing in your future, investing in yourself!
We at Robert Kennedy College are here to support you through the entire process and encourage you to get in touch with our team of Education Advisors and chat with them Live on WhatsApp if you have any questions about our programmes, fee structure, the application process, or details on discounts we might be offering at this time.
If you have already made up your mind and are ready to apply, then just click here.
Through the #DILO series of blog posts we have been bringing you insights into the life of our master’s students, sharing their thoughts and opinions, ups and downs, and key learning points during their online studies. The whole idea behind this series is to make you aware of realities of online studies, and help you in decision making.
This week we take a look at a day in the life of one of our MBA students, a pilot by profession and the one who addresses himself as a ‘transformation agent’. Let’s hear his experience studying for Master’s of Business Administration:
An Introduction
Which Uni are you studying with?
York St John University (UK)
I chose the MBA in Leading innovation and change offered in exclusive partnership with York St John University
Which programme did you choose and why?
I chose the MBA in Leading innovation and change : change is constant and without innovation, one can be knocked out or overran by change!
The Study Plan
How did you plan to study each module, and what was the reality? How many hours did/do you have to put in each day/or in a week?
To be honest, it was like an adhoc system in the beginning..
Moreover, change of company, country and crazy flight schedules including night flights meant I had to search for what would work for me.
Prepare a study plan and pick a time of the day that works best for you
What part of the day did/do you find most suitable to study? (e.g. early mornings, lunch break, evenings, weekends?)
Given the unique work requirements, studying early mornings or late nights had been virtually impossible owing to early flights or night flights.
Then I discovered I could do study while in cruise!
Long flights with extended periods in cruise became an interesting option…
How much time did you devote for each assignment?
I usually could not set for myself a fixed time..often it was the fatigue levels from day and night flights that determined how productive I could be. It was chaos because I had flight exams at the new company that also had really demanding pass rates…(80%). Only the last of the four modules worked better after the work related chaos subsided.
Dr. Radu had a chat with me after failing the first module marginally. I had thought that balancing this chaos was stretching my capacities beyond the minimum required to pass. I had intended to put a stop to studies till a better time emerged. But, I am glad that I had the talk with Dr. Radu Negoescu…I kept going and never looked back.
Travelling and Communication
How did travelling impact your ability to study?
Travel brought more chaos into the works. I worked hard to bring order to it.
How were you able to interact with peers and/or professors given the time differences?
I communicated through WhatsApp! Fantastic…it can be lonely but when a group is available, fellow students share their challenges and give each other support.
A typical day as a master’s student
What does a typical day as an Online Masters’ student look like for you?
For a pilot, no day is typical. Cruising to different destinations means having to alternate study times when freshness is at its peak for maximum concentration. However during difficult times, I had to take a minimum an hour daily to either read or do a write up.
For the dissertation though, 100 words for 100 days was the least allowable minimums…instead of waiting until last days owing to the scope and research involved.
Any advice?
There is no fixed working system. Everything is relative to one thing: one’s level of discipline!
If you have been dreaming of joining a master’s programme or have had this personal goal to gain a higher education, now is the time! Take the valuable advice from our current students, gain from their experience, add your own unique study strategies, and make your own success stories! I would love to feature you one day on our college blog.
Chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on all the programmes we offer, application process, and for information on discounts we might be offering at this time.
The vast majority (if not all) of our students are working and leading remarkably busy professional lives. Some are motivated and have already decided to undertake a master’s, while others contemplate the unknowns of an online programme. In my experience, two things affect their decision the most.
First – finances, and second, being able to strike the perfect work, study, and life balance. While I cannot completely help you with the finances (partially yes – check out the discount offers currently being offered on our online MBA, MSc, and LL.M programmes), I thought what I could do to help was to bring some facts to light about the other unknowns – what does a typical day in the life of an online master’s student look like?
I asked a few of our students from different walks of life, occupations, and personal situations to answer a few questions on their study tactics and strategies, plans and reality, and so on. I thank each one of the respondents for taking the time to share their experiences and give valuable advice to you – possibly future students. In our ‘a typical day in the life of a master’s student’ blog series, we bring to you one of our real students or alumni sharing the insights.
Today, we’re looking at one of our students journey, a busy professional being a CEO of an International NGO, who got only busier during and after Covid.
An Introduction
Which programme did you choose and why?
MBA Leading Innovation and Change, because the “Aid industry” needs to innovate and change and I needed to learn so I could play a small part in that.
The Study Plan
How did you plan to study each module, and what was the reality? How many hours did/do you have to put in each day/or in a week?
Given my intense work schedule I chose to do the program over two years committing to 25 hours per week of study during the time actively enrolled in a module plus pre-reading between modules. It all went well for the first module and then I had to take a few years off due to a serious medical situation.
Since restarting It will took me two years to complete the remaining 3 modules and the dissertation. Time commitment on modules 25 hours per week average was close, albeit closer to 40 hours a week closer to deadlines.
What part of the day did/do you find most suitable to study? (e.g. early mornings, lunch break, evenings, weekends?)
Well, for me it was evenings and weekend, sometimes late evenings as late as 3am. I eventually understood that the studies cannot be done effectively in an hour or two at a time. It definitely needed longer periods of intense study.
How much time did you devote for each assignment?
I took the 300 hours recommended very seriously in my planning (25 jours per week per module) In the end, I probably averaged 350-400 per module. There is so much reading to do and lots of great rabbit holes 🙂
Immensely! My job involves me being all over the world 6 months out of 12 and this heavily impacted one module. I planned the best I could, but it was a huge challenge and in the end I had to get board permission to back off on some work commitments to ensure I succeed in my studies. Fortunately, my board is very understanding, I don’t think everyone would have that privilege. In the end, Covid slowed travel, but at the same time increased my workload very heavily.
How were you able to interact with peers and/or professors given the time differences?
I was so disappointed with the switch to an on-line residency because of Covid. Other than that, online interaction was fine and time differences were not a major issue for me.
A typical day as a master’s student
What does a typical day as an Online Masters’ student look like for you?
There was no typical day for me, intense travel schedules and work responsibilities made that extremely difficult. Some weeks I could not get more than a few hours and in other weeks I studied 60 to 70 hours.
Any advice?
Any advice you have for students to better plan their studies.
Do not undertake this lightly. Be realistic in your planning, consider your work loads and travel schedules and make sure you build a realistic study plan around them. It takes huge discipline, you have to make it a priority and in doing so consider your family situation too. I am thankful that my wife understands how important this is to me and continues to support me throughout.
All right folks, this was a sneak peek of a typical day as a master’s student. I hope you find it insightful and informative and that it gives you an idea of what to expect when you enrol for our master’s programmes. Watch this space as we have many more interesting insights coming up!
This series has fast become one of our most appreciated blog posts. This “day in the life of” series focuses on the challenges and rewards our students derive from doing an online master’s degree with us, and we have been blessed with students who were more than happy to volunteer their time and share their experiences.
There is no better way to learn than from those who came before and see if what worked for them will work for you. It will help you become a better student and, hopefully, help you make an informed decision.
An Introduction
Who are you, really?
I am Andy Wertheim, a Robert Kennedy College and University of Cumbria MBA student.
The Study Plan
How did you plan to study each module, and what was the reality? How many hours did/do you have to put in each day/or in a week?
I planned to allocate a certain number of hours per week on fixed evenings and the occasional weekend, but it didn’t work out that way. I’m definitely a “deadlines” person, so the regular modular structure of the course helped keep things ticking along nicely, with draft essays and other assignments keeping me focused on making good progress. It became more of a challenge with the dissertation as there was a) a hiatus after finishing the last essay and then being allowed to start the dissertation, so I completely lost momentum, and, b) there were no intermediate milestones/deadlines to keep me ticking along. As a result, I had to be much more disciplined and ended up taking blocks of time off work to complete the dissertation. I clearly needed to get up a head of steam and tackle sections in a block rather than do a little often with stop-start not working for me.
What part of the day did/do you find most suitable to study? (e.g. early mornings, lunch break, evenings, weekends?)
As mentioned above, longer blocks of time suited me best rather than a particular time of day. That said because I was also doing a full-time job and other activities, I was mostly restricted to evenings and weekends.
How much time did you devote to each assignment?
Unknown, sorry – I didn’t keep a log.
Travelling and Communication
How did travelling impact your ability to study?
Work travel tends to be occasional long-haul flights for me, which helped as I could download relevant reading and could then take notes, etc., on the flight. Most of my study time, however, was spent at home.
How were you able to interact with peers and/or professors, given the time differences?
The forums were okay, but this is the biggest issue with remote courses, in my experience. You simply don’t get the same level of interaction, shared learning and general camaraderie / shared experience as you do with face-to-face learning. This was particularly noticeable with the excellent week-long sustainability residential in Cumbria, especially when juxtaposed against the comparative isolation (even loneliness) of the dissertation. The benefits of remote learning definitely outweigh the restrictions, however.
My advice
What does a typical day as an Online Masters’ student look like for you?
Lots of evening reading during the modules, completing the interim assignments and then a bigger burst of effort in 2-3 day blocks for the final assessment submissions. The dissertation was a whole new ball game with longer blocks of time needed to really focus on getting the job done.
Any advice you have for students to better plan their studies.
I can only suggest people find their own rhythm – if you’re very disciplined, then a little often may work for you, but I’m not like that, so had to adapt to fit my own way of working within the wider context of work and MBA deadlines.
We at Robert Kennedy College are here to support you through the entire process and encourage you to get in touch with our team of Education Advisors and chat with them Live on WhatsApp if you have any questions about our programmes, fee structure, the application process, or details on discounts we might be offering at this time.
If you have already made up your mind and are ready to apply, then just click here.
Continuing with our popular blog series that answers some of the questions we at Robert Kennedy College (RKC) get asked frequently by students looking to join one of our online programmes, we asked some of our past and current students to share their thoughts and opinions, to give their feedback on how they handled the challenges of online learning. Hopefully, this will help you to make an informed decision.
Let’s learn from those who came before and see if what worked for them will help you become a better student!
An Introduction
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Who are you, really?
My name is Naomi Osei-Asemani. Professionally I work as an educationist. I am a CEO of an international school in Ghana, West Africa (Peculiar International School). I have 140 staff working under me. Personally, I love kids and anything that has to do with them, especially their upbringing and education. My school has 1,400 students ranging from ages 1-19. I am very passionate about this job; thus, I sacrifice all my life and finances for it. I also love taking care of the youth and directing them, so they don’t derail from their missions in life. I, therefore, have about five (5) students I am taking care of/sponsoring at various universities in my country Ghana. I have also given scholarships to more than twenty (20) children to attend school (basic school), some of whom I feed as well. I also like taking care of old people, and in that area, I have four elderly people (two are 85 years old) I feed and ensure their safety.
Getting back into education
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Your story of getting back to do a Master’s degree
What was the driving force behind your enrolling for an online degree? Who inspired you? What motivated you?
In the first place, it has been my desire for a long time to become a PhD holder one day in my life. Secondly, the industry I am in is challenging; the mode of delivering education worldwide keeps changing, and therefore, I needed and still need to upgrade myself to meet global challenges. Finally, my school runs the Cambridge IGCSE and A Level, and there is, therefore, the need to recruit staff with high qualifications and those qualified to deliver the curriculum. I, therefore, need to highly educate myself so that I don’t fall short of the knowledge and skill required to direct the affairs of the staff. Self-motivation is a global challenge that comes with human resources.
What were the thoughts/situations/people/challenges holding you back from starting (if any)? How did you overcome them?
Family issues. How will I manage schooling with my tasking job? HOW DID I OVERCOME IT? I resorted to doing all my studies at night when all the family members and my staff had retired to their beds. I did this continuously for two years.
What surprised you the most when you started your studies?
I realized that I could work and attain a master’s degree using only the night to study. I thought I could do that because I worked so hard during the day and cared for my family after work. But I could pull through even though it was a bit tough.
Do you feel there are unique challenges women face when deciding to get back into education?
Yes, women face issues with their husbands, childcare and the fact that society generally doesn’t expect higher education from women. My friends think a bachelor’s degree should be enough since I own a business. To the society around me: “what else are you looking for in life”? Also, challenges with workplace issues, especially when women are working for other employers. The challenges are lack of funds to sponsor oneself to school, tight work schedules, and traffic to get back home.
Getting the degree
Graduation @YorkStJohn in the Quadrangle
The work to get the degree – what did you learn, how did you balance, what would you do differently
I needed to learn more about leadership because I needed to become a better leader than I was.
I was attracted to the innovation part because of the changing trends in education delivery and changes in technology.
Climate change is happening all around us.
I thought this course would help me acquire the requisite knowledge to combat these issues.
What is the single most important thing you learned during the programme?
One most important thing I learnt is that, culture is like an iceberg; what we see happening in the organization is just the tip of the iceberg. The bigger part of organizational culture is very much embedded in the attitudes and behaviours of people, and changing the culture is not as easy as we think.
Michael Watkins sees Culture as a form of protection that has evolved from situational pressures. With this, we know that culture evolves, so as the people grow in the organization, the culture also grows with them. I have therefore been deliberate with the kind of culture my organization is building because I have become aware of how difficult it is to change the culture we build.
How did you balance work and studies?
I work during the day and study during the night.
Any particular challenges to being a woman and studying online, or do you think all students face the same ones?
The challenge of having to balance my responsibilities as a wife, a mother, a career woman, a CEO and a philanthropist (well, I think some other women also go through the same). Also, I did not have any physical classmates to even talk to when I faced any challenge: this aspect was very challenging.
Life post degree
What changed, if anything?
What’s new in your life since graduating / starting your studies? Any visible impact already?
Having finished my studies, I have acquired new knowledge, skills and abilities to change what is not working in my workplace. To bring new innovations and deliberately introduce organizational activities that I know can become deeply embedded in our culture.
Anything you are doing differently now because of the things you learned?
I have introduced online studies for my students and parents, which has helped during the Covid-19 crisis. I have also been able to open another school which is totally different from the schools operating in the area, and even from the current one I am operating, it is an innovation. This school will open in three months’ time. It is a combination of the Montessori and Froebel systems of education. The packaging and delivery methods are different. I am also rolling out a new system where parents can call teachers to come to their homes to help their children.
Do you feel that getting a Master’s degree or doing other online programmes can reduce gender discrimination in the workplace?
Of course, yes. Having a Master’s degree has made me bolder and more knowledgeable. My appetite for research has also increased.
Advice for other women
Photo credit:
Or other students, really.
Imagine you could send a message back in time to your pre-degree self: what would it be?
Eiiii!! Naomi, everything is possible. Don’t think of your tight schedule in your office, the needs of your staff or the number of students under you. Don’t even think your husband or your three children would be hindrances. Remember, Naomi, that with God on your side and with determination and hard work, you can make it. Also, know that you can do everything through Christ who strengthens you, so go all out and venture into any area in life you want to.
Imagine you could send an object back in time to your pre-degree self: what would it be?
A picture to motivate me.
Closing thoughts
Anything else you would like to add that could help with the goal of increasing women’s participation/access to a Master’s degree?
I want all women to know that there is nothing impossible if you are determined to do it. In the face of all the challenges we see, we can still do whatever we want to do, be whatever we want to be and get wherever we want to get. Step out to take your Master’s degree, do the RKC online degree from your home, and remember to work more during the night when everyone is asleep. Listen, the sky is no longer the limit; the moon has now won the challenge. So aspire to be better. God bless you.
If you have been thinking about getting your master’s degree, and proving to yourself and others that you CAN do it, now would be a good time to take the plunge. Have a look at our list of programmes and see if we have anything that could help.
I hope this blog has answered some of your questions, and please watch this place for more similar blogs. You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on all the programmes we offer, the application process, and the discounts we might offer.
As a kid in the 90s, I remember several adults (parents and educators mainly) going on and on about how listening to music while studying, especially western classical, will make a child smarter or help them learn subjects quicker. They said a scientific study called the Mozart effect had proven this as fact.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Hearing this had a significant impact on me at that time. I remember forcing my parents to take me to the music store to buy CDs and cassette tapes (yes, I know, it was a long time ago) of classical music, mainly Mozart and Beethoven. Now, this is music that I don’t enjoy (even though I tried really hard to like it), and I forced myself to listen to it while studying. As you can imagine, the results were not great, which was the end of that experiment. Man, did my parents lay into me for wasting money on those CDs.
But I also know many people who listen to music when they work/study, and it seems to work for them.
However, as far as the Mozart effect is concerned, since the initial study, there have been several others, and the findings have been mixed. In general, listening to music you love tends to put you in a good mood, and a positive frame of mind can, in turn, positively impact your work.
Our results on the effects of listening to Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major K. 448 on spatial–temporal task performance have generated much interest but several misconceptions, many of which are reflected in attempts to replicate the research. The comments by Chabris and Steele et al. echo the most common of these: that listening to Mozart enhances intelligence. We made no such claim. The effect is limited to spatial–temporal tasks involving mental imagery and temporal ordering.
Frances H. Rauscher, PhD, Co-author of the study “Music and spatial task performance”.
I love listening to my kind of music when I drive, especially on long-distance trips, and music helps me enjoy the drive and reduces the stress and fatigue I might feel otherwise. So, I can attest that music can positively impact your frame of mind and help you study better.
Here are four points you should consider when you experiment with music and see if it can positively impact your study/work.
(1) The choice of music
There is no point in listening to music you don’t like. You will be irritated and distracted if you try and force yourself to listen to music you are not interested in, which will reduce your efficiency. So, listen to music you like; it will hopefully put you in a happy frame of mind and should translate to an improved learning/working experience.
(2) Listen to music with no lyrics
I, like most people, tend to sing along with the songs I like, which can get very distracting, especially when I am trying to read and study or when I am trying to formulate sentences when writing a paper. When I am singing along with a song, that is where my focus is – on the lyrics and trying to keep pace with the beat. My focus will not be on what I am reading or writing. However, when I am doing something physical such as working out or even driving, singing along usually enhances my experience of the activity. The lyrics might even motivate me to push harder for a better result.
So, listen to music that is appropriate to the work that you are doing. When researching or writing, I usually have soft music (without lyrics) playing in the background and on repeat to not distract me from work; it is something that I enjoy and works for me. When I drive, cook, clean, or work out, it is rock, hip-hop and a bit of metal at a loud but not distracting volume, and this type of music works for me in this situation.
(3) Experiment
Don’t be afraid to experiment to find out what kind of music works for you while studying or doing a particular job. Not all music will work to give you the push you are looking for at a given time. So, mix things around and see what works for you. You might find that sometimes you just need peace and quiet to focus on a job and get it done correctly and efficiently.
(4) Limit the time
I have found that when I listen to music for too long, especially when studying, writing or researching, the effect of the boost I get from it reduces after a while and can even get a little distracting. So, I use music as a boost, something to push my focus beyond my usual. I usually start my work without music, as I am typically fresh when I start, and when I feel my focus begin to drift, I play music and recentre myself. I play something a little upbeat when I feel sluggish (usually after lunch). Music being played depends on my state of mind and need not always be on.
These are a few points that I have found work for me. Hopefully, it will work for you as well. Do you listen to music when you study? Does it help you learn better? Comment below!
If you are looking to start studying again and are looking to join a 100% online master’s degree programme, then consider joining our globally recognised master’s degree programmes. Look at our list of programmes and see if we have anything you are interested in doing.
You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on the programme that is right for you, the application process, and details on discounts we might offer.
As a former Education advisor, if I had to pick one of the most frequently asked questions by prospective students, it would be “How many hours do I need to study?”
The vast majority (if not all) of our students are working and leading hectic professional lives. Some are motivated and have already decided to undertake a master’s, while others contemplate the unknowns of an online programme. In my experience, two things affect their decision the most.
First – finances, and second, being able to strike the perfect work, study, and life balance. While I cannot completely help you with the finances (partially yes – check out the discount offers currently being offered on our online MBA, MSc, and LL.M programmes), I thought what I could do to help was to bring some facts to light about the other unknowns – what does a typical day in the life of an online master’s student look like?
Today, we’re looking at overview of one of RKC’s student typical day who is taking MBA Learsership and Management, offered in exclusive partnership with York St. John University.
An Introduction
Which programme did you choose and why?
I am studying MBA Leadership and Management. I chose it because I am a finance professional but work with the Operations unit which oversees the running of the office. And leadership and Management skills are required be able to manage people.
The Study Plan
How did you plan to study each module, and what was the reality? How many hours did/do you have to put in each day/or in a week?
The course is conducted online. I mostly study on weekends and sometimes week days in the office when everyone has left. I usually listen to lectures and make my own notes from them. In total, I put in more than 10 hours a week, as I also have to do research and listen to the videos over and over, alongwith reading relevant text books.
What part of the day did/do you find most suitable to study? (e.g. early mornings, lunch break, evenings, weekends?)
On weekends I would study early mornings and also late evenings. On weekdays, I preferred studying late evenings after work in the office when everyone would leave. I usually stay back for at least 2 hours.
In total, I put in more than 10 hours a week
How much time did you devote for each assignment?
Quite some time you need to do proper research and also understand your subject matter for you to be able to get a pass mark. So I had to drop out some social commitments and devote more time to my studies.
Travelling and Communication
Did you travel for work? How did travelling impact your ability to study?
I am studying online so travelling did not impact me.
How were you able to interact with peers and/or professors given the time differences?
There was a module that required a group interaction and my fellow students lived in two different time zones. But we were able to agree on a time that we could meet. Time differences did not affect my interaction with my professors as they always responded to me in time and they could be reached whenever need be.
A typical day as a master’s student
What does a typical day as an Online Masters’ student look like for you?
A typical day for me starts early at about 5:30am on weekends with me going to our OnlineCampus listening to videos and reading the online materials. On week days it also starts at 5:30am and getting ready for work. I usually work till 6:00pm and after I finish, would study for 2 hours, sometimes more in the office.
Any advice?
Any advice you have for students to better plan their studies.
The best advice I can give to students is
1. Find a time in the day for up to 2 hours that you can concentrate on just your studies
2. Reduce social activities especially if you are working and studying at the same time
3. Try to ask a lot of questions to your professor if you don’t understand the instructions given for an assignment. I had to retake a module because I misunderstood the instruction.
4. Find a fellow student within the course you are doing, with who you can discuss few topics for better understanding.
5. Learn to submit assignment 2-3 days before the deadline. You might get unexpected internet challenge uploading your assignment at the last minute and miss the deadline by few minutes which will make you get a capped mark.
Guochang used reading tools, as Acrobat for reading, Zotero for note…
All right, so this was a sneak peek of a typical day in life as a master’s student. I hope you find it insightful and informative and that it gives you an idea of what to expect when you enrol for our master’s programmes. Watch this space as we have many more interesting insights always!
In one of our most popular blog series featuring our female students, we asked our students to share their experiences with us – the challenges of getting back to school, managing work and study along with family, and the unique challenges they faced being female students.
Darija is a graduate of our MA programme in Leading Innovation and Change (MALIC) through our exclusive partnership with York St John University, UK. This programme has been discontinued and reincarnated as a 100% online MBA programme in Leading Innovation and Change.
“The MALIC program was the enabler to put all the puzzle pieces together that I had acquired in my working life. It made all things very logical and made me understand all the interactions even better.
I enjoyed the learning journey a lot! Since it is an online course, I really liked the freedom to learn in my pace and time.
The residency week was just great! Not only the learning but the people made it very special! It was wonderful to meet new friends from all over the world.
I cannot imagine any program to be more international than MALIC is! This aspect brings in fantastic personalities and perspectives.
Thank you to all who made this learning such a fun journey!”
Darija Barrech, Managing Director – Culcha gmbh, Zurich, Switzerland and an alumnus of Robert Kennedy College
Darija Barrech, Managing Director – Culcha gmbh, Zurich, Switzerland and an alumnus of Robert Kennedy College
An Introduction
Who are you, really (How do you define yourself? Professionally, personally?)?
My home is where my heart is. That describes me quite well. I am 1 of 4 children of my Croatian mother and my Pakistani father. I was born in Germany and grew up in Pakistan. At 15, I returned to Germany for further education. So maybe now you know why I ended up in HR :). I love people, I breathe change, I innovate, and I am culture… After heading HR for a multinational medical device company, I wanted to give some “fresh air” to my brain. I had been looking for a program for over a year. After completing MALIC, I founded my own company (, where I consult organisations in the area of organisational culture, leadership and change. Since August 2017, I have been a mom of our daughter Aviva which is another BIG learning and blessing in life. For almost 10 years, my husband and I have been living in Switzerland – which is a lovely and beautiful country.
Getting back to education
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash.
Your story of getting back to do a Master’s degree
What was the driving force behind your enrolling for an online degree? Who inspired you? What motivated you?
After heading HR for a multinational medical device company, I wanted to give some “fresh air” to my brain. I had been looking for a program for over a year. My husband, who saw an advertisement for the MALIC program in an aeroplane magazine, made me aware of it. The program was THE PERFECT FIT for me. It was blended, and the topics were spot on.
What were the thoughts/situations/people/challenges holding you back from starting (if any)? How did you overcome them?
What surprised you the most when you started your studies?
One thing I had never anticipated or thought of while looking for a good program was the mix of students. We were around 40 students in my cohort and “only” 4 where from Europe – the others coming from all over the world! I really made friends for life!
Do you feel there are unique challenges women face when deciding to get back into education?
When I started MALIC, I was without children but in a challenging job. From today´s perspective, I can imagine starting a program like MALIC could be very challenging in terms of time capacity (if you have children). Of course, like everything in life, it’s a question of priorities. Another thought might be in the direction of other national/geographical cultures… I could imagine that women in certain geographies might have the wish to conduct such a program but do not have the financial or family backing to do so.
Getting the degree
Photo by Mohammad Shahhosseini on Unsplash.
The work to get the degree – what did you learn, how did you balance, what would you do differently
Which programme did you do? Why?
MALIC, the program was THE PERFECT FIT for me. It was blended and the topics where spot on. I liked the focus on change, leadership, culture, strategy and innovation.
What is the single most important thing you learned during the programme?
That I can learn everything, I want!
How did you balance work and studies?
Discipline and backing from my husband.
Any particular challenges to being a woman and studying online, or do you think all students face the same ones?
I do not see any particular challenges women face other than in time and/or culture/geography.
Life post-degree
Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash.
What changed, if anything?
What’s new in your life since graduating/starting your studies? Any visible impact already?
I feel very sure and am very curious about the topics. I still keep learning.
Anything you are doing differently now because of the things you learned?
My way of learning has changed. I have been more academic-driven since MALIC. I more often consult studies when evaluating a topic.
Do you feel that getting a Master’s degree or doing other online programmes can reduce gender discrimination in the workplace?
I don’t think it can.
Advice for other women
Or other students, really.
Imagine you could send a message back in time to your pre-degree self: what would it be?
Why didn’t I do it earlier?!
Imagine you could send an object back in time to your pre-degree self: what would it be?
My MALIC Degree 🙂
Closing thoughts
Anything else you would like to add that could help with the goal of increasing women’s participation/access to a Master’s degree?
Completing MALIC was not only fun and smooth due to the topics, but it just gave me so many AHA moments and it clicked so many things I knew from practical work. It was THE BEST thing to do for me! Of course it is not easy doing such a program next to full time work, family, kids,…. BUT it is worth every minute spend. Professionally I grew by doing MALIC. I founded my own company ( where I consult organisations in the areas of culture, leadership and change. While being on the residency week in York, we had the opportunity to see the graduates (a year above us). This picture was THE motivator for me to continue and keep on learning when times got tougher.
If this blog has motivated you to challenge yourself and do a master’s degree, then have a look at our list of programmes and see if we have anything you are interested in doing.
You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on the programme that is right for you, the application process, and details on discounts we might be offering at this time.