
Hello, and welcome to the Robert Kennedy College blog. While you will not find here information about how to apply or details of the different programmes, you will be able to experience and keep up with the work (and sometimes fun!) life at the college.

Our permanent staff and students are contributors to this blog, and will hopefully give you a glimpse of all the interesting and exciting things that happen around the “campus”.

Welcome, and do not hesitate to drop us a comment to let us know how we are doing!


  1. Shaden

    This is a great step to enable students to see and share the experience and the nice time while spending in the unviersity campus and learn more.

  2. Gloria Sidiya

    Am so interested in registering for the course and feel it can add more value to my already acquired skills in B.Tech(project Management and diploma in business management) Is it possible to send/email me the fees,how are they paid etc?

  3. Fatmata Claire Carlton Hanciles

    Having read all the welcoming information I am very happy to have chosen the University of Salford for my LLM program. Thanks to all.

  4. Antoine William

    I am happy to discover Robert Kennedy college. In view of its extensive catalog we can, without risk of being mistaken, declare that it is a useful development institution for African countries.

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