Online Education: Why should you consider doing your degree programme with Robert Kennedy College?

Embarking on a higher education journey is a significant decision, and selecting the right institution is crucial. Robert Kennedy College (RKC) stands out as an excellent choice for online education for several compelling reasons. Here’s why enrolling in a program at RKC could be the right move for you:

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Swiss Quality Education Online

RKC offers Swiss-quality education that is globally recognised. Committed to high standards, the college provides comprehensive and flexible programmes designed to meet various professional and personal development needs. You can rest assured that our programs are tailored to your needs. You can experience our online platform by requesting that your Education Advisor open a trial account. Additionally, you can chat with your Education Advisor live on WhatsApp.

Exclusive University Partnerships

The college has exclusive partnerships with top UK universities – University of Cumbria, the University of Salford, York St. John University, and the University of Gloucestershire. These partnerships ensure that the programs are carefully designed to meet the changing demands of today’s dynamic industries.

University of Cumbria

The partnership between the University of Cumbria and Robert Kennedy College is a significant collaboration in online postgraduate education. Here are some key aspects of this partnership:

  • Established in 2010, this partnership has been dedicated to delivering online graduate and postgraduate qualifications to managers worldwide. You can visit the university website for more information about the partnership.
  • The programmes offered through this collaboration are unique and include BA, LLM, MBA, and MSc degrees.
  • Each programme is delivered by Robert Kennedy College’s team of expert practitioners, which is complemented by a module delivered by the University of Cumbria.
  • This partnership ensures students receive a globally recognised education combining Swiss quality with British tradition.
  • With students from every continent, the programs offer a truly international experience and an opportunity to network with fellow leaders from all over the world.
  • Robert Kennedy College offers twenty-two unique MBA programs through its exclusive partnership with the University of Cumbria Business School.

This collaboration reflects a commitment to providing comprehensive and flexible programs that adapt to students’ lifestyle and career objectives, ensuring they receive a high-quality education that is respected worldwide.

University of Salford

The partnership between the University of Salford and Robert Kennedy College is a strategic alliance that combines the strengths of both institutions to offer a range of master’s programs through online education. Here are some highlights of this partnership:

  • Franchise Agreement: The University of Salford and RKC have a franchise agreement that allows RKC to deliver a selection of the university’s master’s programs online to a global audience. You can visit the university website for more information about the partnership.
  • 100% Online Delivery: These programmes are delivered entirely online, making them accessible to applicants worldwide. The courses are presented online via video and supplemented by seminars and tutorials with RKC tutors.
  • British Government Recognition: The degree awarded upon completion is recognised by the British government and duly listed on the United Kingdom’s Department for Education list of recognised UK awarding institutions. You can verify their official University status directly at the UK Government Website.
  • Diverse Program Offerings: The partnership offers a variety of programmes, including LLM International Commercial Law, MSc Business Administration, MSc Digital Business, and many more, catering to different professional needs. Click here for more information on the programmes we offer.
  • Real-World Application: The programmes are designed to be relevant and applicable to today’s business environment, helping students build strategies and gain knowledge that can be directly applied to their careers.
  • Global Student Body: The partnership prides itself on having students from every continent, providing a diverse and international learning experience.
  • Industry-Focused Education: The University of Salford Business School aims to excel as an industry-focused business school with a global outlook, known for exceptional applied knowledge creation and exchange.
  • Exclusive Online Programmes: In our commitment to providing state-of-the-art services to students, we use cutting-edge software tailor-made for online course delivery. OnlineCampus is an all-encompassing interactive and easy-to-use software which makes studying online a truly enjoyable experience.

This partnership is a testament to the commitment of both institutions to provide quality education that is flexible, accessible, and aligned with the needs of the global marketplace.

York St John University

The partnership between York St John University and Robert Kennedy College is an exclusive collaboration that enhances the educational landscape by offering a range of online master’s programs. Here are some key points about this partnership:

  • Exclusive Online Programmes: The partnership provides exclusive online master’s programmes, such as the 100% Online MBA, in various specialisations, such as Leading Innovation and Change, Coaching Mentoring and Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Innovation Leadership and Consulting, and Leadership and Management.
  • Global Recognition: The degrees offered through this partnership are recognised worldwide, ensuring graduates have qualifications that are respected and valued globally.
  • Swiss Quality Education: Robert Kennedy College, based in Zürich, Switzerland, is known for its Swiss-quality online learning. The college has developed state-of-the-art online e-learning technology, which is used to deliver these programmes.
  • Student-Centred Philosophy: The partnership emphasises a student-centred approach, where students are part of an online learning community engaged with faculty members and other students.
  • Diverse and International: With over 5,000 students from 130 different countries, the programmes offer a truly international and diverse educational experience.
  • Flexible and Tailored for Career Growth: The courses are designed to be flexible and prestigious, tailored to fit the career growth needs of the students.

This partnership between York St John University and Robert Kennedy College represents a commitment to providing quality education that is flexible, accessible, and aligned with the needs of the global job market.

University of Gloucestershire

The partnership between the University of Gloucestershire and Robert Kennedy College is a recent collaboration to provide an innovative and accessible academic pathway for students worldwide. Here are some key features of this partnership:

  • Direct Entry to PhD: The Executive Diploma in Advanced Research offered by Robert Kennedy College provides a pathway to the University of Gloucestershire’s PhD program. Upon completing the diploma and passing an online interview, students can gain direct admission to the PhD program, focusing on dissertation writing.
  • Worldwide Recognition: The PhD achieved through this collaboration is accredited by the British Government, ensuring the degree is recognised and respected.
  • 100% Online Learning: The partnership offers the flexibility of online study, allowing students to balance their academic pursuits with personal and professional commitments.
  • Personalised Mentorship: Students receive comprehensive support and guidance throughout their doctoral journey, ensuring a personalised educational experience.
  • Diverse Specialisations: The programme offers a range of fields for specialisation, including Strategic and Digital Marketing, Law, Accounting, Business Strategy, and more, catering to various academic interests and career goals.
  • Exclusive Fees for Alumni: RKC alums benefit from special tuition fees and convenient instalment options, making further education more accessible.

This partnership bridges the gap between rigorous academic research and practical, real-world application, providing a transformative educational experience that empowers students to become thought leaders and change-makers in their respective fields.

Wide Range of Programmes

Whether you’re interested in an MBA, MSc, BA, LL.M, or even a PhD, RKC has a programme for you. Specialisations range from Computer Science and International Business to Digital Marketing, Finance, Public Health Management, and more, providing diverse fields to advance your career. Click here for our programme catalogue.

Flexible Learning

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

RKC’s 100% online delivery model allows you to learn at your own pace and in your own space. This flexibility enables you to balance your personal life, professional goals, and academic growth seamlessly.

Fast-Track or Extended Study Options

The structure of RKC’s programmes is designed to accommodate your schedule. Depending on your needs, you can fast-track your degree completion to as little as one year or extend it up to five years.

Career Advancement

Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

The programs at RKC are tailored for career growth. They are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge required to excel in your field and to help you climb the professional ladder.

Innovative Learning Environment

RKC utilises the latest technology to deliver its courses, ensuring an engaging and interactive learning experience. The college’s innovative approach to online education sets it apart from traditional institutions. You can experience a limited part of this experience through our trial access; chat with your Education Advisor today on WhatsApp and request your trial access.

Supportive Academic Community

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

RKC boasts a supportive academic community. Students have access to experienced faculty and a network of peers from around the world, fostering a collaborative and enriching learning environment.

Robert Kennedy College offers a unique blend of Swiss-quality education, flexible learning options, and globally recognised degrees. Its partnership with top UK universities ensures that the programmes are relevant and up-to-date, preparing students for the challenges of the modern workplace. If you’re looking for an institution that values innovation, flexibility, and global recognition, RKC is an excellent choice for your academic and professional development.

Choosing RKC for your studies is not just about earning a degree; it’s about embarking on a journey that will transform your career and open doors to new opportunities. With its commitment to excellence and student success, Robert Kennedy College is where your future begins.

Click here to apply. There is no application fee, and applying doesn’t involve any commitment.

The Dynamic Interplay of Politics and International Business

In today’s interconnected world, international business is not only influenced by market forces and economic conditions but also by the ever-changing landscape of global politics. Governments play a pivotal role in shaping policies that directly impact businesses operating across borders. The dynamics of political alliances, treaties, sanctions, and trade agreements can either facilitate smooth operations or introduce significant challenges for multinational corporations.

1. Political Stability and Economic Policy

Political stability is a cornerstone for economic growth and investment. Stable governments typically foster favorable business environments characterized by predictable regulatory frameworks, consistent policies, and reliable institutions. These factors attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and encourage businesses to expand operations within a country.

Photo by Mr Cup / Fabien Barral on Unsplash

Conversely, political instability, coups, civil unrest, or regime changes can disrupt business operations significantly. MNCs often face heightened risks such as asset seizure, contract renegotiations, or even nationalization in politically unstable regions. The uncertainty generated by such events can deter investment and force businesses to reassess their strategies or withdraw from affected markets.

2. Trade Policies and Tariffs

Governments wield significant influence through trade policies and tariffs, which directly impact the cost competitiveness of goods and services in international markets. Trade agreements, such as free trade agreements (FTAs) or customs unions, aim to reduce tariffs and trade barriers, facilitating smoother trade flows and market access for businesses.

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However, shifts in political alliances or the imposition of tariffs and trade restrictions can disrupt established supply chains and increase costs for MNCs. For instance, trade tensions between major economies like the United States and China have led to tariff escalations, affecting industries reliant on global supply chains and influencing investment decisions.

3. Geopolitical Risks and Security Concerns

Geopolitical factors, including international conflicts, terrorism, and regional tensions, pose significant risks for businesses operating across borders. These risks manifest in various forms, from physical threats to infrastructure and personnel, to regulatory changes aimed at enhancing national security.

Photo by Cole Keister on Unsplash

For example, sanctions imposed by one country against another can limit trade and financial transactions, impacting businesses with operations or interests in the targeted region. MNCs must navigate these risks by conducting thorough risk assessments, implementing robust security measures, and diversifying their operations to mitigate potential disruptions.

4. Influence of Political Alliances and Regional Integration

Political alliances and regional integration efforts, such as the European Union (EU) or ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), create integrated markets with standardized regulations and reduced trade barriers. These agreements offer businesses economies of scale, access to larger consumer markets, and streamlined regulatory processes.

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However, the stability and coherence of such alliances can be fragile, subject to shifts in member countries’ political priorities or external pressures. The Brexit referendum and subsequent negotiations underscored the complexities and uncertainties surrounding regional integration, impacting businesses across Europe and beyond.

Strategies for Businesses

In response to the dynamic interplay of politics and international business, companies adopt several strategies to manage risks and capitalize on opportunities:

  • Political Risk Assessment: Regular assessment of political risks in target markets informs strategic decision-making and risk mitigation efforts.
  • Diversification: Diversifying markets, suppliers, and investment portfolios reduces dependency on any single market or region prone to political instability.
  • Government Relations: Engaging with government officials, policymakers, and industry associations enables businesses to advocate for favorable policies and influence regulatory outcomes.
  • Adaptability and Resilience: Building flexibility into supply chains, operations, and strategic planning allows businesses to respond swiftly to political developments and mitigate disruptions effectively.

Here are some examples to illustrate how changing governments and political alliances have impacted international business:

US-China Trade Relations: The trade war initiated by the Trump administration against China significantly affected global supply chains and business strategies. Tariffs were imposed on billions of dollars worth of goods, prompting companies to reconsider manufacturing locations and supply chain logistics to mitigate increased costs. The phase one trade deal signed under the Biden administration brought some relief but tensions continue to shape global trade dynamics.

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Brexit and Its Impact on EU-UK Trade: The United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union (EU) through Brexit introduced complexities for businesses operating across the UK and EU. Industries heavily reliant on frictionless trade faced disruptions due to new customs checks and regulatory requirements. Companies had to navigate new trade rules, tariffs, and supply chain adjustments, impacting sectors from automotive to financial services.

Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Sanctions: Geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine have led to sanctions imposed by Western countries, targeting Russian individuals, businesses, and sectors such as finance, defense, and energy. These sanctions restrict trade and investment activities, affecting multinational corporations with operations or interests in Russia and Ukraine, and prompting them to reassess their risk exposure and operational strategies.

Photo by Artur Voznenko on Unsplash

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic: The global pandemic underscored the vulnerability of supply chains to disruptions. Governments implemented various measures, from travel restrictions to export controls on medical supplies, affecting international trade and business operations. Companies had to quickly adapt by diversifying suppliers, revising logistics strategies, and navigating fluctuating demand patterns amidst evolving government responses.

Trade Agreements and Regional Integration: The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) are examples of recent trade agreements that aim to enhance economic cooperation among member countries. These agreements create opportunities for businesses to access new markets with reduced trade barriers, fostering economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region.

Navigating the intersection of politics and international business requires agility, foresight, and a deep understanding of global dynamics. Businesses that proactively manage political risks, leverage opportunities presented by regional integration, and maintain robust government relations are better positioned to thrive in an increasingly complex global economy. By staying informed, adaptable, and strategically proactive, MNCs can navigate the challenges posed by changing governments, political alliances, and geopolitical uncertainties while capitalizing on new opportunities for growth and expansion.

Join our Masters programme in business and kickstart your career to another level. Talk to one of our education advisor to know more about the admission process, fee structure and intake information.

FIVE tips that can help you select the right specialisation for your master’s degree

It is always great to have options when making a significant, life-changing decision. And generally, the more options we have, the more accurately we can choose what suits us. On the flip side, if you are unsure what you want, too many choices might confuse you.

What will be your choice? Photo by Hansjörg Keller on Unsplash.

When I did my master’s degree in business, even though there were a few specialised degrees at that time, most of us just stuck with the big four generic specialisations – marketing, HR, finance and IT.

A master’s degree in business can be a versatile and valuable degree that can help you advance your career in various fields and industries. However, choosing the right specialisation for your master’s can be a challenging and crucial decision, as it can determine your future prospects and opportunities. There are many factors to consider when selecting a master’s specialisation, such as your current and future career goals, interests, strengths, market demand, salary potential, and personal growth.

The following are FIVE tips that can help you make an informed decision when choosing a specialisation for your master’s degree in business.

1. Assess your interests and strengths. You should choose a specialisation that aligns with your passion, curiosity, and aptitude. You should also consider your previous academic background, work experience, and skills and how they can help you excel in your chosen field.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash.

2. Consider your career goals and aspirations. Choose a specialisation that matches your vision, purpose, and ambition. It would help if you also thought about the roles, responsibilities, and challenges you want to take on and the impact you want to make in your industry or society.

Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash.

3. Research the market demand and trends. Choose a specialisation with high demand, growth potential, and relevance in the current and future job market. It would be best to look at the industry outlook, the competition, the opportunities, and the threats in your chosen field.

4. Evaluate the salary and return on investment. Choose a specialisation that offers a lucrative and competitive salary and a good return on your investment (a master’s degree from a reputed and globally recognised university can be expensive). You should also consider the cost, duration, and quality of the master’s degree program and how it can affect your financial situation and career prospects.

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash.

5. Seek advice and guidance. Consult your mentors, peers, professors, or career counsellors who can offer insights, suggestions, or feedback. You can also read online reviews, blogs, articles, or forums, where you can find helpful information and opinions from other business degree students or graduates.

These are just a few tips that I believe will help you make an informed decision when choosing a master’s degree specialisation that works best for you. Please comment below if you have any other suggestions or tips to help our readers make a more informed decision.

Explore several specialised master’s/bachelor’s/PhD degree programmes that Robert Kennedy College offers through exclusive partnerships with top British universities. You could also get in touch with our team of admission advisers on WhatsApp, who can have a look at your profile and give you some advice.

If you have already made up your mind, click here to apply.

Education Leadership – It’s all about learning

Education serves as the foundation block of human society. It is a dynamic process, and education can be received from a variety of institutions all over the world. Education has seen numerous changes through the centuries and is an ever-evolving field constantly facing new challenges. Educational institutions aim at providing structured learning to develop knowledge and skills along with the holistic balance for overall growth, enabling the individual to lead a successful life. Various institutions operate to provide age-appropriate education to kids and adults.

Who is an education leader?

A leader in education is one that other educators look up to for guidance, direction, and example. An educational leader serves as a guide in an organizational setting. They operate either as sole leaders or as a team of education administrators. An education leader plays a pivotal role in determining the reputation and climate of the school. Learning communities function and thrive under the direction and vision of their leader.

What common traits make a successful (and influential) leader?

Unlike management leaders, the challenges that education leaders face are unique and diverse. There is no other industry with such constant learning as the education industry.

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”

Education leader creates opportunities, supports processes and empowers educators. Here are some of the typical traits found in an inspirational, educational leader:

  1. An education leader is a lifelong learner
  2. An innovator, has vision and is a planner
  3. Expert in utilizing data and resources
  4. Leads by example
  5. They create collaborative, inclusive learning environments
  6. High emotional quotient and critical decision maker
  7. Has a positive and can-do attitude
  8. Excellent communicator and problem solver
  9. Empowers educators and promotes the development of leadership skills 
  10. Pivotal in community building and transpiring the values, philosophy, and ethos of the educational institution through the community

The list above is not exhaustive. 21st-century leaders operate in complex environments and are expected to be active facilitators of change.

“Change is an opportunity to do something amazing”

Education leaders must possess an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the communities’ learning requirements. In a heavily media-saturated society, the dynamism and rapidly changing education requirements are unpredictable. Still, education leaders are responsible for preparing learners for the future. Effective leaders tend to develop learning strategies focusing on the future while analyzing current education trends.

What leadership models are valid in education?

While various leadership models are adapted from the business world to the educational, theories and models regarding the role and function of education leaders have been reformed and remodelled to echo the change over time.

Here are a few of the leadership models applicable to the education sector:

Transactional leadership

Transactional leadership centres around rewards and punishments and these are made very clear from the beginning with straightforward job descriptions and expectations. The leader allocates work, and the subordinate is solely responsible for it.

Transformational leadership

This form of leadership allows dreams to take shape. A transformational leader develops a vision and implements it while taking care of their employees and giving them ample opportunity to succeed.

Servant Leadership

The servant leader puts the interest and needs of others first. The leader would share power, delegate, improve, and work for the benefit of the less privileged.

Laissez-faire Leadership

This leader’s involvement in decision-making is minimal because they allow people to make their own decisions. For this leadership style to be successful, the employees must have integrity and be self-driven.

Take a look at our list of 100% online master’s degree programmes and see if we have anything you are interested in doing.

You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on the programme that is right for you, the application process, and details on discounts we might be offering at this time.

Robert Kennedy College and York St John University Graduation – Class of 2022

Tuesday, November 15th, 2022 – a rather unremarkable date, unless you have been invited to the York Minster in York to be cheered on by family, friends, and tutors, for achieving your Master’s degree. And boy, was this a remarkable day for those who could make it to York!

The third week of November is a great time of the year in York. We get to meet (or meet again) our students on a day of celebration of their efforts in a truly awe-inspiring venue – one of the largest Gothic cathedrals in Europe.

Weather is generally bad in November though – and Tuesday was no exception, with quite heavy rain in the morning, yet nothing could wipe the smiles off the faces of the hundreds of students getting gowned up and ready to walk into the Minster. RKC’s own were present in big numbers – more than one hundred graduates were in York, and so were we. We caught up with some of them and will be sharing their thoughts on the experience in a short series of posts in the near future, so stay tuned.

In the meanwhile, take in these smiles!

If you have had a dream of attending your own graduation ceremony and are looking to do a master’s degree, then have a look at our list of programmes and see if we have anything you are interested in doing.

You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on the programme that is right for you, the application process, and details on discounts we might offer.

6 questions to ask before deciding to do an online Master’s Degree programme

Deciding whether to do a master’s degree is a tough decision, and in some cases, it might even be an inevitable decision.

It is a tough decision if you have been out of the school environment for a few years – getting back to school can be challenging. You might have a family of your own, and from experience, I know it is a significant financial and time commitment. Then there are the pressures and deadlines you have to meet at your job, and I am sure there are many other personal obstacles unique to the individual. And the decision becomes inevitable as it is one of the options available to help you continue to grow – as a person and in your career.

Photo by Joan Kwamboka on Unsplash.

So, when is the right time to do a master’s degree programme? I can’t answer that for you, but the following are six points to consider that might help you make an informed decision.

1. Passion for the subject

With so many distractions and commitments vying for your attention, if you choose to do a programme that you have little interest in studying, chances are, it will be pushed right to the bottom of the list of your priorities. You will end up taking very little away from the programme and might end up performing poorly in your evaluations and even failing the course.

Photo by Randalyn Hill on Unsplash.

I suggest you choose a subject you are passionate about, something you want to learn. Your interest will naturally result in you putting in the effort to learn and will result in better overall performance in your evaluations.

2. Relevance of the subject

For most working professionals, time is precious. So, there has to be a reason for every extra calicular thing you plan on doing. If you intend to do a master’s degree and are not passionate about the subject, then the next best option (or even the primary option) is choosing a programme that will benefit you professionally. Something that adds knowledge to what you are already doing professionally or, at the very least, helps your growth in your career.

3. Are you a self-starter?

Unlike an on-campus programme where you are physically present in class on a daily basis, guided every step of the way by a professor and closely interact with other students. In an online programme, you are in the driver’s seat; the onus is up to you to complete assignments on time, put time aside to study regularly, and take the initiative to do all you can to complete the programme successfully.  

But this does not mean you will not have any support. At least in the case of Robert Kennedy College, with our online campus and library, online forums, live classroom sessions, student care and last but not least, the online residency, you will have lots of support in completing the programme!

4. Accreditation and Recognition

If you are going to do an online master’s degree, then make sure the degree you earn has value. Find out:

  • Which university will award the degree?
  • What is the reputation of the university?
  • How is the university accredited?

These are just three questions to help you get started. Think of more relevant questions, and don’t be afraid to ask.

Want to know more about the universities we have an exclusive partnership with? Click here to learn more!

5. Is it all a façade?

You have to know what you are signing up for? Is the college just going to give you some online study material and then wash their hands off you? Ask:

  • Who are going to be your teachers?
  • Is there trial access you can have to get a feel of how the programme is run?
  • Can you talk with current students or alumni to get feedback?
  • How are the evaluations done?
  • What are the modules involved in the programme?

Again, these are just a few questions to help you get started.

At Robert Kennedy College, you can Chat Live on WhatsApp with our Education Advisors and ask all your questions, ask them about our programmes and our key faculty members, open a trial account to access our OnlineCampus or request to connect with our alumni.

6. Fees

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash.

Finally, the fees – is the programme something that you can financially handle? What are the payment terms? Does the company you are employed with have a sponsorship programme?

These points are just six simple tips to help you ask the right questions before joining an online master’s degree programme. Please share any other questions you deemed necessary to help you make an informed decision.

If you are ready to apply for one of our programmes, click here.

5 ways of marketing effectively during Christmas

On behalf of the staff and students at Robert Kennedy College, I would like to wish you, our readers, and your families a very Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone! Photo by Mitya Ivanov on Unsplash.

Christmas is a time of happiness, hope, and celebration. A time when families come together and broken friendships are mended. A time of holiday and exchanging gifts. A time for children and Santa Claus. It has always been such and hopefully will always be such.

In short, it is a dream come true for every marketing executive. 

Almost every aspect of Christmas can be made into a marketing campaign. Understanding the emotions associated with Christmas and determining how to best capitalise on these emotions will result in the success or failure of the marketing campaign.  

Whether or not companies choose to take advantage of the “Christmas Spirit”, people will still need to buy gifts, travel to be together with family or go on holiday. And, the choices that customers have today are many, and all compete for the same portion of the pie. So, why not position your company to take advantage of the opportunity Christmas offers.

The following are just five points to consider when planning your Christmas campaign!

1. The holiday emotion

This is the time of year when most people are happy and relaxed. There are lights and decorations everywhere, and everything looks beautiful; it just makes one feel so buoyant. I am sure it will come as no surprise, but happy customers tend to spend more. Companies and brands should take advantage of this and position themselves to be more associated with these emotions of happiness and sharing. Receiving presents makes everyone happy, but Christmas is not just about receiving gifts; it is also about giving gifts. This is a message that must be driven to the customer.

2.   Social Media

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash.

It is that time of the year when everyone is enthusiastically active on social media. From food to pictures of them in holiday attire. From holiday pictures to images of snowmen to umbrella drinks on the beach. Or, even just wishing each other a merry and prosperous time. This time of year is one of the peaks that social media experiences, so make sure your social media strategy is in place to take advantage of this period.

3.   Make it all about the holidays

Build-up anticipation for the Christmas season. Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.

The good thing about the Christmas and New Year’s holidays is that they come towards the end of the month. So, there is a whole month to build up excitement and anticipation, to make us desire that cherry on top of the cake. This build-up adds to the positive energy of Christmas, encouraging customers to spend more and tempting them with sales and new product launches. If a marketing campaign can build up positive holiday energy around its brand, customers will begin to associate the brand with the season, and when it comes time to spend, that is where the money will go.  

4.   It’s all about the presentation

Everyone likes getting gifts. Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash.

Christmas is a season of giving and receiving. In short, it is a season of gifts; whether it is for someone else or for yourself, it is always lovely to receive a gift. So, present your product like a gift, even change your packaging to make it look more gift-like. If your product can be personalised, encourage your customer to personalise it, let them build an emotional connection with the product.

5.   Set deadlines

All good things must come to an end, and the Christmas season must also end. Similarly, the Christmas marketing campaign must indicate a clear end to the promotion and sale period and build anticipation around it. A customer must get the impression and be convinced that they will miss out on something if they miss this promotion and might have to wait an entire year to get something similar.

Explore several specialised master’s degree programmes in Marketing, Social Media and International Business that Robert Kennedy College offers through exclusive partnerships with top British universities. You could also get in touch with our team of admission advisers on WhatsApp, who can have a look at your profile and give you some advice.

If you have already made up your mind, click here to apply.

6 tips to help you study better at home

It is so easy to get distracted when studying or working from home. There are so many things to distract you – from your better half asking (some might say nagging) you not to eat unnecessarily to children wanting to play, from your neighbours knocking on your door asking for some sugar (again) to someone unexpected ringing the doorbell.

Studying from home. Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Now that you have decided to do an online master’s degree programme, you must be prepared for the challenges that studying at home entails. Most people don’t take these challenges seriously, and by the time they realise they have fallen behind in their programme, it may be too late to recover. So, tackle these challenges from the start.

In addition to all the “normal” challenges of studying at home, COVID-19 has forced some of us to isolate and work from home and forced children to stay home all day too.

How do you stay on top of your schoolwork? What can you do to help yourself study better at home?

Here are 6 tips to help you get started:

1. Location, Location, Location

Have a dedicated area at home for your study. Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

The first thing you need to do is have an area at home dedicated to your study. Make the space comfortable; add a few personal items to this area that give you ownership. And finally, make sure all the study materials you require are with you in the study, so you have no excuses to get distracted. Remember, when you work in silence, success does all the talking! Set up the study in a place where the external distractions will be minimal.

2. Organise like a pro

Use organisers to increase efficiency. Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

People who use a calendar know how useful it can be to increase efficiency. The organiser/calendar is a tool that can be far more useful than to remind you of your next meeting. Create a calendar that contains every minutia of your daily activities for the week/month/quarter (however long you can go), from household chores to study/work deadlines. Then populate the calendar with the schedule of your family. This will give you a good idea of your schedule, inform you when to expect distractions from your family, and help you plan for it.

3. Chewing Gum

Photo by Pete Alexopoulos on Unsplash

According to an article published by the National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI), chewing gum can enhance attention and promote well-being and work performance. The impact of chewing gum is said to be more than that of coffee, the catch being that the effects of chewing gum will last for only about thirty minutes. So, make sure you use the thirty minutes of heightened focus wisely and stock up on sugarless, flavourless gum.

4. Cutting the noise and setting boundaries

Having your family and friends around can get a little noisy. Getting your family, especially kids and pets, to understand that you are studying and not just sitting back and relaxing while reading your favourite LITRPG novel (Gnomes Rule!) might be difficult and, at times, heart-breaking (I know it is hard to say no to kids). But once they understand your schedule and that you are not to be disturbed when you are at your study, they will learn to give you your space.

Another way to reduce the noise is music. Put on an over-the-ear headset and, in low volume, listen to some classical music. It will also have the added advantage of keeping you calm.

5. Engage all your senses

Photo by Solstice Hannan on Unsplash

You are already listening to online lectures and reading articles, so why not make notes and ask questions? One of the best ways to learn is by being engaged in your studies, so try to increase the number of ways you can be involved with what you are studying.

Another good way to learn and retain more information is to teach, so once you have a handle on a subject, start by pretending to teach it to someone. Prepare for questions you might get asked by students, maybe join a study group with your fellow students and have a go at teaching them.

If you are not the teaching kind, then doodle. According to an article by Harvard Health Publishing, during an experiment on memory and retention, it was found that people who doodled were better at paying attention to the message and recalling the details. They recalled 29% more information!

6. Celebrate the accomplishments

Celebrate your success with a couple of squares from that bar of chocolate. Photo by Keriliwi on Unsplash

When you have successfully completed a task, realise that you have, and acknowledge this fact! Stand up and dance like nobody’s watching! Have a couple of squares from that bar of chocolate. You will find that celebrating your success will lift a weight from your shoulders that you did not even know you carried, which will help you focus better and remain motivated.

If you have been thinking about doing a master’s degree, and are ready to challenge yourself, look at our list of programmes and see if we have anything you are interested in earning your master’s degree.

You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on the programme that is right for you, the application process, and for information on discounts we might be offering at this time.

Should you consider a career in International Business? Here are 3 reasons why you should!

I dislike starting a blog using a cliché, let alone one the is well worn. The world today is really small. One could even call it a “global village”. There are several reasons for this: cheap, quick travel across the world to clear, instantaneous, and secure audio and video communication and conferencing. Decisions can be made from across the world, data and finances can be transferred securely and instantaneously to execute decisions, and human resources, if required, can be flown in overnight.

Small world/global village. Photo credit: Bill Oxford on Unsplash

As the result of all this globalisation and economic barriers disappearing, businesses, even small businesses, have become multinational.

Having said that, there are still several barriers businesses must overcome to be genuinely international or multinational such as language, culture, local labour laws, politics, economy, and geographical distances, to just name a few. A business will have to overcome at least as many difficulties as there are countries to truly operate internationally.

There are several ways companies overcome these challenges, from recruiting locally to creating or recruiting specialists in international business who are familiar with the local laws, culture, etc., and who can learn and adapt quickly. These specialists will not only be familiar with the working of the company but will also be familiar with the expectations of the company from their local subsidiaries, partners, and vendors. 

These international business specialists will have to work closely with their local agents communicating the company’s policy and expectations. They will, in all probability, have to travel to the new country of operation as a representative of the company and spend a substantial period in-country to ensure the processes are set up correctly. 

More prominent companies will also set up an international office with the primary purpose to troubleshoot any issues that might arise from operations in any country. 

Here are 3 reasons why YOU should consider a career in International Business

Salary and Demand

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

As per the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), in the U.S., only about two thousand students graduate with a master’s degree in International Business every year. To give you an estimate of the earning potential of a career in international business, according to data published by PayScale Inc., in the United States, the approximate early career pay for someone with a bachelor’s degree in International Business is about USD 52’000. I can infer from this that there is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor for a career in international business as the number of graduates is still very low. The salary offered is competitive, and depending on the company and job profile, there is the potential to earn more from the get-go itself. 

Job Satisfaction 

Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

Mark Twain

Job satisfaction is very subjective. You might hate to do the work that I love, and vice-versa. So, before you take up a job in international business, ask around, find out what the job entails, how much travel is involved, what kind of job security is being offered? According to a survey by PayScale Inc., about 40% say that a career in international business has “meaning”, here “meaning” means they feel their work makes the world a better place. Whereas about 70% say, they are satisfied with their work. So, the potential of having a satisfying career is relatively high, and maybe even a meaningful career. 


International business is a people-oriented job. It is dependent on people-to-people interactions, decisions, and analysis made by managers, understanding the cultural nuances of (a) people. As a result, international business cannot be automated. Even if the process you are involved in does get automated, something new will get created just above your current profile in the value chain. So, a career in business in general and in international business in particular will, in general, be future-proof, and unless something goes drastically wrong at your company, you need not worry about losing your job.

If you are ready for great career opportunities, professional growth, traveling and exploring new cultures, then a career in international business might be for you. Robert Kennedy College offers several programmes in International Business. Chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information.

Attribution, to avoid retribution: referencing and citations for academic writing

In my previous blog, I wrote a step-by-step guide on how to write an effective abstract for academic papers. Continuing further in the same direction, this week I would like to discuss referencing and citations. As I mentioned earlier, writing an abstract is not rocket science, and neither are referencing and citating.  

Now, referencing is an important academic practice. But it becomes even more important when you are studying at University level. It is thus imperative to understand the correct way to reference and cite your sources in your master’s degree assignments, academic papers, or dissertation. This blog is your one-stop shop about what, how and where, style guides, and examples of referencing and citations.  


Let’s begin! 

So, first things first, what is the difference between referencing and citations? 

While undertaking your masters’ studies, you will constantly hear from your professors to reference your work and cite the sources of your research and ideas.  


As the name suggests, referencing refers to the source of work that you used in your paper. The readers should be able to find and read for themselves the original source of information that one has read or considered in their academic piece.  


Citations, on the other hand, are brief mentions of the author or the external source used in writing the paper. A citation is, in other words, an abbreviated reference. While both inform the reader of the sources of information used, there is a fine difference between a reference and a citation.  Here are some key differences between references and citations: 


A reference is a complete record of the source that has been sought or cited in the paper.  

A citation is disclosing the source within the main body and thus is also referred to as an ‘in-text’ citation. It provides just basic information such as the authors’ names, year of publication, and perhaps the page number if a sizeable quote is provided.  


References are listed at the end of the document, on a page having its own title (“List of references”, “References”, “Works cited”). 

Citations are presented within the body of the document where we speak of the ideas or results of the source we are citing..  


References provide the reader with information such as the authors’ names, the publication date, the title (of the book or article), page numbers, publisher and place of publishing, etc. 

A citation provides less information, such as the last names of the authors and the publication year, such that it does not disrupt the reading flow. 

Both references and citations give credit to the authors whose ideas have been discussed in your work, in addition to supporting or criticizing an argument. This is additionally critical to avoid plagiarism in academic writing (topic for another blog!). 


Different styles of referencing and citating 

Different academic disciplines prefer specific referencing styles. In business programmes (such as the MBAs, MSc’s), you will often be asked to use Harvard or APA styles, whereas in Law programmes (LLM, LLB) you will most often be asked to use Oxford or OSCOLA. You should always check the programme handbooks and assignment briefs, and in doubt, with your instructor what referencing style they expect for the assignment or academic paper you are writing.   

The references should be regrouped on a new page at the end of the paper. This list gives the complete information to identify and locate all sources used in the paper. There should be a corresponding entry in the list of references for all in-text citations that were used. References typically follow an alphabetical order of authors’ last names but under certain styles the order of appearance will rather be used. 

Among the different styles used by different disciplines, here are the 6 most frequently used styles in writing academic papers, each with a very specific purpose they fulfil: 

  1. APA (6th or 7th Edition) 
  1. Harvard 
  1. Oxford (OSCOLA) 
  1. Chicago 
  1. Vancouver  
  1. MHRA  

The style guides specify the kind of information and how it should be displayed for different types of sources (books, articles, websites, images, ebooks, etc.) – ensuring consistency across not only your work, but across the entire field of study that uses that style. 

At first look, these may all seem complicated, and daunting, but there are tools that can help you manage your sources, references, and citations. 

Graphical user interface, application, Word

Description automatically generated

For example, Word has a tool called “Citations & Bibliography” which allows you to enter your sources in a database (“Manage Sources”), to insert in-text citations that are automatically updated if needed (“Insert citation”), and to generate your list of references (“Bibliography”) according to the specific style you need (“Style”). 

External tools also exist, such as Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote, or CiteThemRight – which have pretty much the same functionalities – managing your references with one of these tools will save you a gigantic among of time and effort, so by all means, pick the one that works best for you and run with it. 


I promised you some examples, so here goes: 

Harvard / APA styles 

In-text citation 

Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2019), or Saunders et al. (2019), when the author’s names are part of the sentence, or (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2019) or (Saunders et al., 2019) when they are not. 

Reference list entry 

Saunders, M. N. K., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2019) Research methods for business students. Eighth Edition. New York: Pearson. 

Oxford style (OSCOLA) 

In-text citation 

OSCOLA uses numeric references, with the full reference given in a correspondingly numbered footnote. So, in your text, you would simply put a superscript number by inserting a footnote1 and then the footnote would contain the reference as: 

Mark NK Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill, Research Methods for Business Students (Eighth Edition, Pearson 2019). 

Reference list entry 

Saunders MNK, Lewis P and Thornhill A, Research Methods for Business Students (Eighth Edition, Pearson 2019) 

Note the difference between the footnote reference and reference list entry – in the footnote, you give the author names in “firstname, lastname” format, whereas in the reference list you give it in “lastname, f.” format. 

If this looks complicated, it is! 😊 Which is why I reiterate my advice to use a reference management tool – whichever one works for you. 

Hope this prepares you well for writing your academic paper or assignments.  If you are stuck or have any questions, our highly qualified, world class faculty will guide you through using the correct methods and techniques for referencing and citations.