Deciding when to do a master’s degree can be a challenging and personal choice, as it depends on various factors such as your goals, interests, finances, work and family commitments and the challenges of life in general.
A master’s degree is an advanced academic qualification that can help your career growth and increase your knowledge. It is a difficult decision, especially if you have been away from a school learning environment for a long time.
Do you do it right after getting your bachelor’s degree, or do you do it after working for a few years?
Option 1: Doing it Right After Your Bachelor’s Degree
Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash
Continuing your education right after completing your bachelor’s degree, without taking a break or working in between, can have some advantages, such as:
Maintaining academic momentum and motivation and avoiding losing touch with your subject or skills.
Increase your chances of getting a better job or salary sooner, as you will have a higher level of qualification and specialisation than most of your peers.
However, there are also some drawbacks to this option, such as:
Not having enough work experience or practical knowledge to apply what is learnt from experience to the master’s degree.
Not knowing if what you are studying will be valid or even something you want to do for the rest of your professional life.
Competition from those with a master’s degree and work experience, especially in fields where experience is valued more than education.
Option 2: Doing it After Working for a Few Years
Photo by kate.sade on Unsplash
Working for a few years after completing your bachelor’s degree and then going back to school for a master’s degree can have benefits, such as:
Gain practical knowledge that can help apply what is learned practically to the master’s degree.
Having time to determine your interests and where you want to take your professional career. You can have a clearer idea of your career goals and interests and a stronger motivation to pursue further education.
Having time to plan your finances by saving money for your education, getting better terms on your education loans or getting your company to sponsor your education.
Some of the challenges to this option could be:
Losing academic momentum and motivation.
The longer you take to start your master’s degree, the more commitments you might have that can be stressful and demanding.
Might have to sacrifice career opportunities or growth.
Option 3: Doing it Later in Your Career
Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash
Deciding to do a master’s degree after working for many years or reaching a senior or managerial position can have some advantages, such as:
Leveraging your extensive work experience and practical knowledge to enrich your master’s degree learning and outcomes.
Updating your skills and knowledge to stay relevant and competitive in the changing job market.
You can pursue your personal or professional interests and fulfil your lifelong learning aspirations.
However, there are also some disadvantages to this option, such as:
Additional financial commitments that can have an impact on your lifestyle.
Most people who chose this option will continue to work and will learn in parallel to their job commitments. If you cannot balance your personal and professional commitments, learning can be an added challenge to your time management.
The challenge of returning to school after a long time and figuring out how to learn effectively all over again.
So, when is the Right Time?
There is no definitive answer to this question. It depends on the individual’s situation and preferences. However, here are some tips that may help you make a decision:
Assess your current and future goals, interests, and needs and how a master’s degree can help you achieve them.
Understand the requirements, costs, benefits, and challenges of doing the master’s degree at this point.
Seek advice from your mentors, peers, professors, or family.
Adapt to changing circumstances and be open to opportunities.
If you have been thinking about doing a master’s degree and are ready to challenge yourself, look at our list of programmes and see if we have anything you are interested in doing.
You can also Chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on the programme that is right for you, the application process, and details on discounts we might be offering at this time.
Recently, a friend of mine informed me that his son’s school had mandated two yoga sessions a day as they believe it will help keep the body and mind active, which will help the students in their learning. This got me thinking – does yoga help you study better?
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Now I know there are numerous benefits of practising yoga – several studies claim to have proven this. For the heck of it and, hopefully, for the benefit of our students and readers, I decided to research how yoga can benefit students in learning.
What is yoga?
For those unaware of what yoga is, according to Yogapedia, yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India around 400 C.E. The practice aims to create a union between body, mind and spirit. Modern yoga is most commonly associated with the physical practice of asana, a series of postures often weaved together in styles such as Vinyasa Flow or Ashtanga. Asana practice is generally intended to build strength and stamina, to improve flexibility, coordination and balance, and to relax the body.
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The following are five benefits students can get from practising yoga to help them study better.
Stress buster. Stress is an unavoidable part of life. Not finding a balance between work, family, and school can contribute to stress. Research shows that yoga is one way that many students better balance the stresses of being so busy.
Networking. Yoga is usually a group activity. If you have a few of your fellow students or even some of the college faculty living close by, you could make it a group activity and leverage it to develop friendships and your professional network. For those of you studying online, post the COVID lockdown, several reputed yoga instructors conduct classes online and even apps that can help manage the activity. So it is possible to build relationships online.
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Concentration. While initially, yoga can be difficult on the body, like any activity, once your muscles get used to the movement, it can be quite meditative. Focusing on breathing and slow movements can help clear the mind and give it a break from otherwise stressful daily activities. Students with a clear, focused mind can concentrate better during classes, reading and long study hours.
Posture. Yoga was developed in ancient India by gurus who spent long hours meditating and sitting still in a single place (usually on a hard surface on the ground). If any of you have meditated for any period, you will know how difficult it can be – you can get easily distracted, your body will start hurting in unexpected places, and previously unknown muscles will start to cramp. Yoga was a way for these gurus to combat this and help them meditate for longer periods. As a result, yoga will not only help you improve your core strength and endurance, but it will also help you improve your posture and enable you to sit and focus on your work/studies for a long time.
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Family. With our busy lives and schedules, spending time with family can be difficult. Unfortunately, family time is usually the most compromised of all the activities in our lives. We have work deadlines, deadlines to submit assignments for school, and even time put aside to be stuck in traffic. If we fall behind on any of our deadlines, the only time we can make up without consequences is our family time. This is a mistake. Family time is the most important time we have, for it is for family that we do what we do. Yoga is an activity that people of all ages can participate in, so why not make yoga part of your family time?
If you are a student and finding it difficult to cope with the stress that comes with it, I hope you give yoga a try. Maybe it will help you become a better student and help you attain a better work-life balance.
If you are looking to start studying again and are looking to join a 100% online master’s degree programme, then consider joining our globally recognised master’s degree programmes. Look at our list of programmes and see if we have anything you are interested in doing.
You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on the programme that is right for you, the application process, and details on discounts we might offer.
Continuing with our popular blog series that answers some of the questions we at Robert Kennedy College (RKC) get asked frequently by students looking to join one of our online programmes, we asked some of our past and current students to share their thoughts and opinions, to give their feedback on how they handled the challenges of online learning. Hopefully, this will help you to make an informed decision.
Let’s learn from those who came before and see if what worked for them will help you become a better student!
An Introduction
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Who are you, really?
My name is Naomi Osei-Asemani. Professionally I work as an educationist. I am a CEO of an international school in Ghana, West Africa (Peculiar International School). I have 140 staff working under me. Personally, I love kids and anything that has to do with them, especially their upbringing and education. My school has 1,400 students ranging from ages 1-19. I am very passionate about this job; thus, I sacrifice all my life and finances for it. I also love taking care of the youth and directing them, so they don’t derail from their missions in life. I, therefore, have about five (5) students I am taking care of/sponsoring at various universities in my country Ghana. I have also given scholarships to more than twenty (20) children to attend school (basic school), some of whom I feed as well. I also like taking care of old people, and in that area, I have four elderly people (two are 85 years old) I feed and ensure their safety.
Getting back into education
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Your story of getting back to do a Master’s degree
What was the driving force behind your enrolling for an online degree? Who inspired you? What motivated you?
In the first place, it has been my desire for a long time to become a PhD holder one day in my life. Secondly, the industry I am in is challenging; the mode of delivering education worldwide keeps changing, and therefore, I needed and still need to upgrade myself to meet global challenges. Finally, my school runs the Cambridge IGCSE and A Level, and there is, therefore, the need to recruit staff with high qualifications and those qualified to deliver the curriculum. I, therefore, need to highly educate myself so that I don’t fall short of the knowledge and skill required to direct the affairs of the staff. Self-motivation is a global challenge that comes with human resources.
What were the thoughts/situations/people/challenges holding you back from starting (if any)? How did you overcome them?
Family issues. How will I manage schooling with my tasking job? HOW DID I OVERCOME IT? I resorted to doing all my studies at night when all the family members and my staff had retired to their beds. I did this continuously for two years.
What surprised you the most when you started your studies?
I realized that I could work and attain a master’s degree using only the night to study. I thought I could do that because I worked so hard during the day and cared for my family after work. But I could pull through even though it was a bit tough.
Do you feel there are unique challenges women face when deciding to get back into education?
Yes, women face issues with their husbands, childcare and the fact that society generally doesn’t expect higher education from women. My friends think a bachelor’s degree should be enough since I own a business. To the society around me: “what else are you looking for in life”? Also, challenges with workplace issues, especially when women are working for other employers. The challenges are lack of funds to sponsor oneself to school, tight work schedules, and traffic to get back home.
Getting the degree
Graduation @YorkStJohn in the Quadrangle
The work to get the degree – what did you learn, how did you balance, what would you do differently
I needed to learn more about leadership because I needed to become a better leader than I was.
I was attracted to the innovation part because of the changing trends in education delivery and changes in technology.
Climate change is happening all around us.
I thought this course would help me acquire the requisite knowledge to combat these issues.
What is the single most important thing you learned during the programme?
One most important thing I learnt is that, culture is like an iceberg; what we see happening in the organization is just the tip of the iceberg. The bigger part of organizational culture is very much embedded in the attitudes and behaviours of people, and changing the culture is not as easy as we think.
Michael Watkins sees Culture as a form of protection that has evolved from situational pressures. With this, we know that culture evolves, so as the people grow in the organization, the culture also grows with them. I have therefore been deliberate with the kind of culture my organization is building because I have become aware of how difficult it is to change the culture we build.
How did you balance work and studies?
I work during the day and study during the night.
Any particular challenges to being a woman and studying online, or do you think all students face the same ones?
The challenge of having to balance my responsibilities as a wife, a mother, a career woman, a CEO and a philanthropist (well, I think some other women also go through the same). Also, I did not have any physical classmates to even talk to when I faced any challenge: this aspect was very challenging.
Life post degree
What changed, if anything?
What’s new in your life since graduating / starting your studies? Any visible impact already?
Having finished my studies, I have acquired new knowledge, skills and abilities to change what is not working in my workplace. To bring new innovations and deliberately introduce organizational activities that I know can become deeply embedded in our culture.
Anything you are doing differently now because of the things you learned?
I have introduced online studies for my students and parents, which has helped during the Covid-19 crisis. I have also been able to open another school which is totally different from the schools operating in the area, and even from the current one I am operating, it is an innovation. This school will open in three months’ time. It is a combination of the Montessori and Froebel systems of education. The packaging and delivery methods are different. I am also rolling out a new system where parents can call teachers to come to their homes to help their children.
Do you feel that getting a Master’s degree or doing other online programmes can reduce gender discrimination in the workplace?
Of course, yes. Having a Master’s degree has made me bolder and more knowledgeable. My appetite for research has also increased.
Advice for other women
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Or other students, really.
Imagine you could send a message back in time to your pre-degree self: what would it be?
Eiiii!! Naomi, everything is possible. Don’t think of your tight schedule in your office, the needs of your staff or the number of students under you. Don’t even think your husband or your three children would be hindrances. Remember, Naomi, that with God on your side and with determination and hard work, you can make it. Also, know that you can do everything through Christ who strengthens you, so go all out and venture into any area in life you want to.
Imagine you could send an object back in time to your pre-degree self: what would it be?
A picture to motivate me.
Closing thoughts
Anything else you would like to add that could help with the goal of increasing women’s participation/access to a Master’s degree?
I want all women to know that there is nothing impossible if you are determined to do it. In the face of all the challenges we see, we can still do whatever we want to do, be whatever we want to be and get wherever we want to get. Step out to take your Master’s degree, do the RKC online degree from your home, and remember to work more during the night when everyone is asleep. Listen, the sky is no longer the limit; the moon has now won the challenge. So aspire to be better. God bless you.
If you have been thinking about getting your master’s degree, and proving to yourself and others that you CAN do it, now would be a good time to take the plunge. Have a look at our list of programmes and see if we have anything that could help.
I hope this blog has answered some of your questions, and please watch this place for more similar blogs. You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on all the programmes we offer, the application process, and the discounts we might offer.
Education serves as the foundation block of human society. It is a dynamic process, and education can be received from a variety of institutions all over the world. Education has seen numerous changes through the centuries and is an ever-evolving field constantly facing new challenges. Educational institutions aim at providing structured learning to develop knowledge and skills along with the holistic balance for overall growth, enabling the individual to lead a successful life. Various institutions operate to provide age-appropriate education to kids and adults.
Who is an education leader?
A leader in education is one that other educators look up to for guidance, direction, and example. An educational leader serves as a guide in an organizational setting. They operate either as sole leaders or as a team of education administrators. An education leader plays a pivotal role in determining the reputation and climate of the school. Learning communities function and thrive under the direction and vision of their leader.
What common traits make a successful (and influential) leader?
Unlike management leaders, the challenges that education leaders face are unique and diverse. There is no other industry with such constant learning as the education industry.
“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”
Education leader creates opportunities, supports processes and empowers educators. Here are some of the typical traits found in an inspirational, educational leader:
An education leader is a lifelong learner
An innovator, has vision and is a planner
Expert in utilizing data and resources
Leads by example
They create collaborative, inclusive learning environments
High emotional quotient and critical decision maker
Has a positive and can-do attitude
Excellent communicator and problem solver
Empowers educators and promotes the development of leadership skills
Pivotal in community building and transpiring the values, philosophy, and ethos of the educational institution through the community
The list above is not exhaustive. 21st-century leaders operate in complex environments and are expected to be active facilitators of change.
“Change is an opportunity to do something amazing”
Education leaders must possess an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the communities’ learning requirements. In a heavily media-saturated society, the dynamism and rapidly changing education requirements are unpredictable. Still, education leaders are responsible for preparing learners for the future. Effective leaders tend to develop learning strategies focusing on the future while analyzing current education trends.
What leadership models are valid in education?
While various leadership models are adapted from the business world to the educational, theories and models regarding the role and function of education leaders have been reformed and remodelled to echo the change over time.
Here are a few of the leadership models applicable to the education sector:
Transactional leadership
Transactional leadership centres around rewards and punishments and these are made very clear from the beginning with straightforward job descriptions and expectations. The leader allocates work, and the subordinate is solely responsible for it.
Transformational leadership
This form of leadership allows dreams to take shape. A transformational leader develops a vision and implements it while taking care of their employees and giving them ample opportunity to succeed.
Servant Leadership
The servant leader puts the interest and needs of others first. The leader would share power, delegate, improve, and work for the benefit of the less privileged.
Laissez-faire Leadership
This leader’s involvement in decision-making is minimal because they allow people to make their own decisions. For this leadership style to be successful, the employees must have integrity and be self-driven.
You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on the programme that is right for you, the application process, and details on discounts we might be offering at this time.
Deciding whether to do a master’s degree is a tough decision, and in some cases, it might even be an inevitable decision.
It is a tough decision if you have been out of the school environment for a few years – getting back to school can be challenging. You might have a family of your own, and from experience, I know it is a significant financial and time commitment. Then there are the pressures and deadlines you have to meet at your job, and I am sure there are many other personal obstacles unique to the individual. And the decision becomes inevitable as it is one of the options available to help you continue to grow – as a person and in your career.
Photo by Joan Kwamboka on Unsplash.
So, when is the right time to do a master’s degree programme? I can’t answer that for you, but the following are six points to consider that might help you make an informed decision.
1. Passion for the subject
With so many distractions and commitments vying for your attention, if you choose to do a programme that you have little interest in studying, chances are, it will be pushed right to the bottom of the list of your priorities. You will end up taking very little away from the programme and might end up performing poorly in your evaluations and even failing the course.
Photo by Randalyn Hill on Unsplash.
I suggest you choose a subject you are passionate about, something you want to learn. Your interest will naturally result in you putting in the effort to learn and will result in better overall performance in your evaluations.
2. Relevance of the subject
For most working professionals, time is precious. So, there has to be a reason for every extra calicular thing you plan on doing. If you intend to do a master’s degree and are not passionate about the subject, then the next best option (or even the primary option) is choosing a programme that will benefit you professionally. Something that adds knowledge to what you are already doing professionally or, at the very least, helps your growth in your career.
3. Are you a self-starter?
Unlike an on-campus programme where you are physically present in class on a daily basis, guided every step of the way by a professor and closely interact with other students. In an online programme, you are in the driver’s seat; the onus is up to you to complete assignments on time, put time aside to study regularly, and take the initiative to do all you can to complete the programme successfully.
But this does not mean you will not have any support. At least in the case of Robert Kennedy College, with our online campus and library, online forums, live classroom sessions, student care and last but not least, the online residency, you will have lots of support in completing the programme!
4. Accreditation and Recognition
If you are going to do an online master’s degree, then make sure the degree you earn has value. Find out:
Which university will award the degree?
What is the reputation of the university?
How is the university accredited?
These are just three questions to help you get started. Think of more relevant questions, and don’t be afraid to ask.
Want to know more about the universities we have an exclusive partnership with? Click here to learn more!
5. Is it all a façade?
You have to know what you are signing up for? Is the college just going to give you some online study material and then wash their hands off you? Ask:
Who are going to be your teachers?
Is there trial access you can have to get a feel of how the programme is run?
Can you talk with current students or alumni to get feedback?
How are the evaluations done?
What are the modules involved in the programme?
Again, these are just a few questions to help you get started.
At Robert Kennedy College, you can Chat Live on WhatsApp with our Education Advisors and ask all your questions, ask them about our programmes and our key faculty members, open a trial account to access our OnlineCampus or request to connect with our alumni.
6. Fees
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash.
Finally, the fees – is the programme something that you can financially handle? What are the payment terms? Does the company you are employed with have a sponsorship programme?
These points are just six simple tips to help you ask the right questions before joining an online master’s degree programme. Please share any other questions you deemed necessary to help you make an informed decision.
If you are ready to apply for one of our programmes, click here.
Continuing with our series of blogs that answer some of the questions we at Robert Kennedy College (RKC) get asked frequently by students looking to join one of our online programmes. We asked some of our past and current students to share their thoughts and opinions, to give their feedback on how they handled the challenges of online learning. Hopefully, this will help you to make an informed decision.
Let’s learn from those who came before and see if what worked for them will help you become a better student!
Be disciplined and prepared to devote time and energy to the course.
Tahera Sultana
An Introduction
Photo by Vladislav Klapin on Unsplash.
Who are you?
Hi, my name is Tahera Sultana (it means pure). I am female, married with no children. I am also a Compliance Officer and have worked for different financial institutions for more than 20 years.
Which programme did you choose and why?
I am studying the Master of Laws (LLM) programme. I have been working in the compliance field for over twenty years, and I find more of my colleagues and subordinates are law graduates. I thought to myself, if I pursue a law degree, I could enhance my knowledge grow beyond being a Compliance Officer.
The Study Plan
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash.
How did you plan to study each module, and what was the reality? For example, how many hours did/do you have to put in each day/or in a week?
I am a full-time employee and a part-time student. Before starting a module, I will understand the module requirement that I am about to enrol. Each week, I print out all presentation material and listen to the recorded lecture; I make my notes and review the lecture a few times until I can digest the topic. I spent approximately one hour per week on lectures and 2-3 hours reading time for the required chapter in the module.
I spent most of the time working on my given assignment. The research process takes up to 10 hours. After reading the related material, I will start writing the paper. As I have done three modules so far in the programme, writing time takes up to 5-6 hours per 1,000 words. As a full-time employee, I work on my assignment in the evening and during the weekend. Assignment time is not an easy task for me, but a very fruitful experience. I enjoy writing on meaningful and interesting topics.
What part of the day did/do you find most suitable to study? (e.g. early mornings, lunch break, evenings, weekends?)
I had no choice in choosing my study time. For me, after work is the most suitable time to study. If I had a choice, I would have chosen early mornings to do my studies. For the most part, weekends are not good for me because I work from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm (normal office hours is 9 to 6, but in Hong Kong, we have unofficial long working hours). Over the weekend, I go hiking and spend time with my family. If I have to complete an assignment, I will work extra hours during the week to meet the deadline. I will also skip hiking and family time to achieve the goal.
How much time did you devote to each assignment?
Every 1000 words will take me approximately 5-6 hours of writing time. I devote approximately 20 to 22 hours to each assignment (excluding research & reading material).
Travelling and Communication
The challenges of learning while travelling. Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash.
How did travelling impact your ability to study?
I find it very hard to study if I have to travel. I may skip one weeks’ lecture and catch up in the coming weeks, i.e., after my business travel. If I have to submit an assignment during my travel, I carry all my research material onto the aircraft and work during the flight. I remember, it was late Jan 2020, I had to fly from Hong Kong to London; I worked 10 hours on the flight. Fortunately, I had three hours of sleep during that trip.
How were you able to interact with peers and/or professors given the time differences?
Interacting with peers and professors is no big deal in these modules. We have once or twice zoom / Blue Jean meetings in each module. I am not concerned about the time difference, as I am in Asia; 3:00 pm London/Swiss time is 9:00 pm Hong Kong time. That suits me, for I can join after office hours. However, when I am travelling, there will be a problem with the change in the time difference, and I might end up missing the meeting. At one time I remember I used my computer in the hotel during my business trip to interact with the whole class; I could not hear clearly what they were discussing due to hotel Wi-Fi.
A typical day as a master’s student
What does a typical day as an Online Masters’ student look like for you?
I find myself glad that there is an online course that I can take advantage of. I can still work as a full-time employee and study during my off-hours, although it is not an easy task when there is travelling involved. I take pride in my decision to gain a Master’s degree; I understand that hard work is needed, and I know this will help me progress and enhance to the next level.
Any advice?
Any advice you have for students to better plan their studies.
Be disciplined and prepared to devote time and energy to the course. Know that all classmates are your partners, and the professors are very experienced and are there to help you succeed. I am glad that I made a good choice to achieve my Master’s degree.
I hope this blog has answered some of your questions, and please watch this place for similar blogs. So, if you have been thinking about doing a master’s degree and now understand how to study better for an online programme, look at our programmes and see if anything interests you.
You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on the programme that is right for you, the application process, and for details on discounts we might be offering at this time.
There is no denying that the coronavirus has hugely impacted our lives. For the most part, the impact on our lives have been negative, and, in some cases, it has even been tragic. And it does not seem there is any end at sight.
Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash.
But not everything has been negative; there are a few silver linings. We have been forced to streamline and automate our processes and expedite our evolution to the cloud with increased online transactions. Even the way we learn has evolved.
Online learning has been around for several years now; we, Robert Kennedy College (RKC), have been around since 1998. While there are many benefits to online education, I recommend it to work/business professionals looking to earn a master’s degree/add subject knowledge, etc., while continuing to work. But we will soon have a whole generation of new workers who have only ever known online education or whose entire career has been mainly online.
For those of us who spend all day working in front of a computer and are simultaneously doing an online degree programme, e-learning fatigue is real. The sooner we identify the symptoms and counter them, the more successful we will be at achieving our goals.
Spending all day in front of the computer. Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash.
Here are five ways that might help you in combating e-learning fatigue:
1. Reward yourself.
Start by setting small achievable goals and when you complete a task, realise that you have, and acknowledge this fact! Stand up and dance like nobody’s watching! Have a couple of squares from that bar of chocolate. You will find that celebrating your success will lift a weight from your shoulders that you did not even know you carried, which will help you focus better and remain motivated.
2. Don’t get stuck in front of your screen.
I think this point is self-explanatory; as the saying goes, too much of anything is bad. Because of COVID-19, most of us already spend several hours in front of our computers, and now if you are doing an online programme, then it will be an additional few hours a day in front of the laptop. So, don’t forget to take regular breaks from the screen – go for a walk, play with the kids/pets, eat food with the family.
Not getting stuck in front of the screen is especially true for children. Most of the younger kids these days have gotten used to online classes, and they tend to spend more time on the screen watching something. Please encourage them to go out and play. It may be a good idea to go out and play with them; it will help both of you.
3. Try innovative learning methods.
This point is a continuation of the last point. When you take a break from your screen time, no one says you must stop studying. Let’s say you decide to go for a walk, or to the gym, or even for a drive – if you have an audio recording of your lesson, then take it with you and listen to it while you do these other activities. If you do not have an audio recording, then make a recording when you read the study material the first time around; you have your phone; how difficult is it to read aloud and press record?
I am sure there are a lot of other learning methods out there; this is just the one I have seen my nephew use. If you have used different methods, please share them with us in the comments below.
4. Power nap.
Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash.
The benefits of power naps have been known for ages; almost every civilisation in the world have followed some form of a power nap. I am not asking you to go to sleep; I am saying to take a nap for maybe thirty to forty-five minutes. According to an article in the Business Insider, “NASA’s research showed that naps really can fully restore cognitive function at the same rate as a full night’s sleep. The space agency found that pilots who slept in the cockpit for 26 minutes showed alertness improvements of up to 54% and job-performance improvements by 34%, compared to pilots who didn’t nap.”
5. Participate in class.
Human beings are social animals. One of the most significant benefits of doing an on-campus programme is the social interaction you can have with your peers, whether it is building long-lasting relationships, group studies, or just hanging out to relieve stress. Most online programmes have some form of live online classes, group chats or online forums, so please use these platforms to interact with your fellow students and the faculty actively. You might learn more and even make a few new friends.
In our programmes, we use online forums, live classroom sessions, and online week-long workshops (we call them residencies) to mitigate the impact of the missing face to face social interaction and keep everyone engaged. The residency is indeed one of the most appreciated parts of the programme, attesting to its value.
These are just five ways by which you could combat e-learning fatigue; I am sure there are many other methods to fighting e-learning fatigue out there that are more effective. Share which techniques worked best for you?
If you have been thinking about doing a master’s degree, and are ready to challenge yourself, look at our list of programmes and see if we have anything you are interested in doing.
You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on the programme that is right for you, the application process, and for details on discounts we might be offering at this time.
How much does one person have to study to get ahead in life?! You studied hard and completed your bachelor’s degree(unless either learning came easy to you or you spent your college days in a haze :)). Then, you realised that a bachelor’s degree just isn’t enough and did a master’s degree. And now I am here giving you reasons to do a second master’s degree!
When does the learning end?!
Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash.
The answer to this question is – NEVER. You may not need to do a second master’s degree, but you always need to keep learning or you will be left behind. One of my professors used to say – “learning is growing”. Thinking back, everything this professor said was for our benefit, and most of us were too naive to recognise it. Hindsight is twenty-twenty, and today, I look back and appreciate all the staff who put in the effort to impart knowledge to us.
I apologise for going off on a tangent, but I wanted all of us to think back and appreciate the teachers who gave a damn!
Back to the blog topic – When I first did my degrees, I barely knew what my interests were, let alone where life would take me. There are, of course, some of us here who have everything worked out, mapped and dated; that is surely not me, and I am guessing, not most people.
So, here are SIX reasons why you should consider getting a second master’s degree:
Get yourself that 2nd Master’s degree. Photo by MD Duran on Unsplash.
Aligning your qualifications with life
Let’s say you have a bachelor’s degree in computer science and a master’s in accounting but somehow ended up with a career in marketing. No idea how it happened, but it happened to you. So, now you have a successful career in marketing but don’t have a formal qualification to back you up. What impact will it have on your career, maybe nothing, or perhaps you will miss out on your next promotion? Besides, it is nice to understand the theories behind what you do every day. It might lead you to enlightenment and make you a marketing guru.
Adding value to what you are doing
So, you have been a nurse for more than 20 years. You did your BSc in general nursing, and then a master’s in critical care. You have worked hard and now you are a nursing manager. While you are still a nurse, your job description has changed. Now you are less a nurse and more a manager. Getting a master’s degree that aligns with your current job profile adds knowledge to what you are doing and adds value to your organisation and yourself.
Change is the only constant
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.
Business is so dynamic. The way we do things can change overnight and multiple times a year. Technology is constantly evolving. Marketing strategies are constantly changing. You need to stay current, or you will become obsolete. While it is beneficial and even required to do short courses to keep your knowledge updated, a master’s degree from a reputed college is still a MASTER’S DEGREE! Not only will a degree add knowledge, but it will also keep your qualifications updated.
Staying competitive
Every year hundreds of thousands of students graduate with a master’s degree. I am sure many of these bright-eyed and bushy-tailed youngsters have also joined your organisations. In addition, there is an increasing number of experienced and highly qualified professionals, constantly on the lookout for greener pastures. They are your competition, the people looking to cut the line in front of you. A new master’s degree will keep your knowledge up to date and your qualification current and relevant. And when it’s time for that new job or promotion, it will make all the difference.
Career change
What you are doing is not what you wanted to do, and you are not happy at all. No job satisfaction! A second master’s degree will make you a more desirable prospect to hire. Not only will it add a more current qualification to your resume, thereby adding value to your work experience, but it will also showcase your work ethos. It shows that you are dedicated to your career and are willing to work on developing it.
Networking Online. Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash.
It is said that your college friends are friends for life – Not relevant here, but the point I am making is the opportunity to network at university can seldom be matched anywhere else. You will have access to not only your coursemates but also to the alumni network of the college and the university. There is a loyalty that exists between the college/university alumni that are seldom found in professional circles.
So, which master’s programme is right for you? Not a question I can answer via a blog post, I’m afraid, but if you want to find out, you can get in touch with our team of admission advisers who can have a look at your profile and give you some advice.
Explore the number of specialised master’s degree programmes Robert Kennedy College offers through exclusive partnerships with top British universities. Or, if you have already made up your mind, click here to apply.
Continuing with our series of blogs that answer some of the questions we at Robert Kennedy College (RKC) get asked frequently by students looking to join one of our online programmes. We asked some of our past and current students to share their thoughts and opinions, to give their feedback on how they handled the challenges of online learning. Hopefully, this will help you to make an informed decision.
Let’s learn from those who came before and see if what worked for them will help you become a better student!
An Introduction
Who are you, really?
Friedrich Karl, born in 1963 German citizen and my whole life on an exciting journey through this amazing world
Which Uni are you studying with?
York St John University
Which programme did you choose and why?
MBA in Innovation Leadership and Consulting. This programme seems to fit best with my tasks in future.
The Study Plan
Plan your study. Photo by Olena Sergienko on Unsplash
How did you plan to study each module, and what was the reality? How many hours did/do you have to put in each day/or in a week?
Plan: See at the beginning what the module leader was recommending. The next step was to find out what had to be done exactly in order to pass the module. After this, I tried to get an overview of all units right at the beginning. This enabled me to structure the assignment at an early stage. Finally working together with my classmates and the module leader through the regular tasks given and parallelly working on the completion of the assignment. Reality: Pretty much that way, but depending on the workload of my business. Depending on my business: Roughly ten hours per week, sometimes on one day, sometimes split over the week.
What part of the day did/do you find most suitable to study? (e.g. early mornings, lunch break, evenings, weekends?)
How much time did you devote to each assignment?
It is part of the evaluation. Most of the time, as I mentioned above because as you see I focused my studies on the assignment right from the beginning.
Travelling and Communication
The challenges of learning while travelling. Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash
How did travelling impact your ability to study?
Good question for a commercial pilot Actually, it does not affect me at all because I am used to getting my work done in hotel rooms somewhere else.
How were you able to interact with peers and/or professors given the time differences?
Most of the time, the conversation is not a dialogue. So, write/get an email and answer it/wait for the answer.
A typical day as a master’s student
What does a typical day as an Online Masters’ student look like for you?
Stressful. I do have a demanding and time-consuming job, and it became tougher from module to module to self-motivate. You always have some pressure in mind. You do your job and think: Oh, I have to do something for my studies. You reach the hotel after a long flight and annoying ground handling, and you cannot go to some spa, because you have to work on your papers. You go to dinner and have a guilty conscience that you are not dealing with unit tasks. So, your whole life is circling around YSJU.
Any advice?
Any advice you have for students to better plan their studies.
Be aware of what is coming up. I think my planning was alright. But it is important that you keep your life as free as possible from any usual desires. Be ready to postpone bigger parts of your normal life during this period to a later date.
I hope this blog has answered some of your questions, and please watch this place for similar blogs. So, if you have been thinking about doing a master’s degree and now understand how to study better for an online programme, look at our programmes and see if anything interests you.
I recently celebrated a birthday, and, in my melancholy, I got a little philosophical and started to think about growing old, achieving, or failing to achieve milestones, etc. You get the picture. Then I started thinking about our students, and I can honestly say they inspired me to write this blog. A majority of our students are mature students, and they choose to challenge themselves by doing a master’s degree.
A master’s degree is a challenge by itself, and added to this are the additional challenges that most mature students face, and I just have one world for our students – RESPECT!
RKC Graduation 2018 @YorkStJohn
I want to start this blog with the preface that I know there are a lot of challenges mature students face when they get back to studying. And I am not saying that any of the other challenges mature students face are not worthy of being considered a “big” challenge; one person’s Everest might be another person’s molehill, by which I mean for each of the challenges we face are the biggest and the only ones that matter.
This blog is about the two most significant, most common challenges faced by mature students, in my opinion, based on what I have seen, heard, and researched. They are –
I consider two other challenges equally important; I find that they are deeply integrated into the above two “big” challenges, so I am putting them in a subcategory. They are – time and finances.
Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash
There are several reasons what one might decide to a master’s degree late in life. One of the worries most people would naturally have when they choose to get back to studies after a break is how they will manage work and study at the same time? The fact of the matter is it is not going to be easy! Most of us are set in our ways and have a routine that we are used to, and as human beings, we do not like change.
But you decided to do a master’s degree for a reason. Either you are not happy with the job that you are doing and want to change to a career that gives you fulfilment, or you are among the lucky few that have found a career that gives you job satisfaction and are looking for a leg up either in terms of academic knowledge or padding your resume to provide you with an edge in your next appraisal cycle.
So, keep this in mind the next time you feel down and stressed. Yes, it will be hard, and you will have to make changes to your schedule to work in a daily study time. You will have the challenges of completing assignments on time and doing research. But you will learn from everything you do, and things will improve.
Family time. Photo by Natalya Zaritskaya on Unsplash
Family is another aspect of your life that will be impacted by your decision of going back to school. And for those of you who are single, with minimum family responsibilities, family for you here means your social life (friends). You will have to make sacrifices; you are working towards earning your master’s degree! Keep in mind, a little hardship and sacrifice can result in great rewards in the future.
Work with your family, explain why you have decided to get back to studying and how you plan to change your schedule. Don’t sugarcoat it, tell them it will be hard, and your time will not be your own, but it will be only for a short time and will be worth it in the long run. It might surprise you how supportive your family can be, and you will require their strength and support when you get stressed.
The other challenges
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash
Time to tighten your belt and cut down on frivolous expenses. Doing a master’s degree can be an expensive prospect, especially if it is from an accredited, globally recognised university. Noting is free, and anything worth getting will cost. You get what you paid for! Budgeting for the additional expense of a master’s degree will have an impact on your lifestyle and family. It also brings into focus the importance of having and keeping your job. But if you plan and start budgeting early, it can be done comfortably.
Check with the college about the payment terms. You might find the down payment to start the programme reasonable with multiple easy monthly instalment plans options. Check and see what works best within your budget. And don’t forget, a little hardship now can lead to greater rewards in the future.
Time management is the key. Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash
Time is the one thing that waits for no one. There are multiple challenges when it comes to managing time. Can time be managed? First, you must decide if this is the right time to go back to school. Can you wait any further? Are you losing out if you delay? How are you going to manage your work, family, and study at the same time?
The answer is to plan and schedule everything. People who use a calendar know how useful it can be to increase efficiency. The organiser/calendar is a tool that can be far more useful than to remind you of your next meeting. Create a calendar that contains every minutia of your daily activities for the week/month/quarter (however long you can go), from household chores to study/work deadlines. Then populate the calendar with your family’s schedule; this will give you a good idea of your schedule, inform you when to expect distractions from your family, and help you plan for it.