Navigating Global Supply Chains in a Post-Pandemic World

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in global supply chains that had long been ignored. As the world grappled with disruptions to manufacturing, transportation, and logistics, it became evident that rethinking and adapting supply chain strategies was imperative. In this blog, we’ll explore the evolution of global supply chains in a post-pandemic world and the key trends shaping their future.

Covid-19 exposed vulnerabilities of global supply chain
  1. Resilience Over Efficiency

One of the most significant shifts in post-pandemic supply chains is the emphasis on resilience over efficiency. Traditionally, many supply chains prioritized cost-cutting and just-in-time production. The pandemic demonstrated that a single disruption could cascade through the entire system, leading to severe consequences.

Companies are now reevaluating their sourcing strategies, adopting a more diversified approach. They’re considering dual-sourcing, nearshoring, and onshoring to mitigate risks. While efficiency remains important, it’s no longer the sole focus. Supply chain managers are building in redundancies, maintaining safety stock, and investing in risk management tools to be better prepared for future disruptions.

Companies are re-evaluating their sourcing strategies
  1. Digital Transformation

The pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital technologies across industries, including supply chain management. Digital transformation has become a critical enabler of agility and visibility in global supply chains.

Supply chains are using more tech and AI tools post pandemic
  • IoT and Sensors: The use of sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices provides real-time data on inventory, temperature, humidity, and more, ensuring the quality and condition of goods in transit.
  • Blockchain: Blockchain technology is being used to enhance transparency and traceability, reducing the risk of counterfeit goods and improving trust among supply chain partners.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: AI and machine learning algorithms are employed for demand forecasting, route optimization, and predictive maintenance, improving operational efficiency.
  • Cloud-Based Platforms: Cloud-based supply chain platforms enable real-time collaboration among partners, providing a shared source of truth and enhancing visibility.
  1. Sustainable Supply Chains

The pandemic brought attention to environmental and social sustainability in supply chain practices. Consumers, stakeholders, and governments are increasingly concerned about the carbon footprint, ethical labor practices, and the social impact of global supply chains.

Companies are making commitments to reduce their carbon emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and promote sustainable sourcing. Sustainable supply chain practices not only reduce environmental impact but also contribute to building brand reputation and resilience.

  1. Reshoring and Nearshoring

In response to the fragility exposed during the pandemic, companies are reconsidering their outsourcing strategies. Reshoring and nearshoring, the practice of bringing production closer to the end market, are gaining popularity.

These strategies reduce transportation lead times, minimize disruptions, and enhance supply chain control. While it may result in slightly higher production costs, the benefits of reduced risks and enhanced customer service often outweigh the added expenses.

  1. Enhanced Risk Management

The pandemic reminded businesses of the importance of risk management in supply chain operations. Companies are now investing in more robust risk assessment and mitigation strategies. This includes diversifying supplier networks, maintaining adequate safety stock, and developing contingency plans for different types of disruptions.

  1. Collaborative Supply Chains

Collaboration has taken on a new level of importance in supply chain management. As businesses grapple with increased complexity and uncertainty, collaboration with suppliers, customers, and even competitors has become crucial. By sharing information and resources, companies can collectively respond to challenges more effectively.

For instance, companies may collaborate on demand forecasting, sharing data that helps to align supply with actual demand. Partnerships can also be formed to address common challenges like transportation bottlenecks, ensuring that goods continue to flow smoothly. This collaborative approach not only enhances resilience but also helps reduce costs and increase efficiency.

  1. E-commerce and Last-Mile Logistics

The surge in e-commerce during the pandemic is here to stay. Online retail and direct-to-consumer sales have become integral parts of supply chains. This shift has had a significant impact on last-mile logistics—the final leg of a product’s journey to the consumer.

Companies are investing in advanced last-mile delivery solutions such as autonomous vehicles and drones, as well as micro-fulfillment centers strategically located in urban areas. The goal is to speed up deliveries, reduce costs, and meet customer expectations for fast, reliable service. This evolution in last-mile logistics is not only about convenience but also about sustainability, as reducing the environmental impact of deliveries becomes a priority.

  1. Talent and Workforce Adaptation

The supply chain workforce is undergoing a transformation as well. The pandemic highlighted the need for skilled professionals who can navigate the complexities of global supply chain management. There’s a growing demand for supply chain experts who understand digital technologies, sustainability practices, and risk management.

Companies are investing in training and development programs to upskill their existing workforce and attract new talent. Additionally, remote work and digital collaboration tools have made it possible for supply chain professionals to work more flexibly and efficiently, broadening the talent pool and increasing adaptability.

  1. Regulatory and Trade Considerations

Global supply chains are closely tied to international trade, and regulatory changes can have a significant impact. In a post-pandemic world, governments are reevaluating their trade policies, export controls, and safety regulations. This can result in shifts in trade routes, new tariffs, and changes in import/export requirements.

Companies must stay agile and closely monitor these regulatory changes to adjust their supply chain strategies accordingly. For example, the trade tensions between the United States and China have led many companies to diversify their sourcing to reduce dependence on a single market.

  1. Continuous Monitoring and Scenario Planning

Continuous monitoring of supply chain performance and scenario planning have become best practices for post-pandemic supply chain management. Businesses are investing in advanced analytics and monitoring tools to gain real-time visibility into their supply chain operations. This enables them to identify potential disruptions early and respond proactively.

Scenario planning involves considering multiple “what-if” scenarios, such as natural disasters, labor strikes, or geopolitical conflicts, and developing strategies to mitigate their impact. These exercises help companies stay prepared for unforeseen events and ensure business continuity.

The COVID-19 pandemic was a wake-up call for global supply chains. It prompted a fundamental shift in the way businesses approach supply chain management. Resilience, digital transformation, sustainability, reshoring, and enhanced risk management have become the focal points of post-pandemic supply chain strategies. As companies adapt and evolve, they are better positioned to withstand future disruptions while delivering value to their customers. The global supply chain landscape is evolving, and those who adapt will thrive in this new era.

In conclusion, global supply chains are evolving rapidly in response to the lessons learned during the pandemic. Resilience, digitalization, sustainability, collaboration, and adaptability are the key driving forces shaping the future of supply chain management. By embracing these trends and staying attuned to emerging challenges and opportunities, businesses can build more agile, efficient, and sustainable supply chains that are better prepared for whatever the future may hold.

Unlocking corporate success: Understanding the employee value proposition

In today’s competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent has become more challenging. Companies increasingly realise the importance of developing a strong Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to differentiate themselves and create an engaging and fulfilling work environment. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of the Employee Value Proposition, explore its significance, and discuss how it can contribute to organisational success.

Defining Employee Value Proposition

The Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is the unique set of offerings and benefits an organisation provides its employees in exchange for their skills, capabilities, and commitment. It represents the value employees receive beyond their salaries, such as career development opportunities, work-life balance, company culture, rewards and recognition, and the overall employee experience.

In a highly competitive job market, a compelling EVP can be a powerful tool for attracting and recruiting high-quality candidates. Photo credit:

Importance of EVP

A strong Employee Value Proposition (EVP) can have several positive effects for both employees and the organisation as a whole

  1. Attracting Top Talent: In a highly competitive job market, a compelling EVP can be a powerful tool for attracting and recruiting high-quality candidates. It communicates to potential employees why they should choose your organisation over others, emphasising its unique advantages and opportunities.
  2. Increase Employee Engagement: An effective EVP can significantly enhance employee engagement. Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and dedicated to achieving the organisation’s goals. When employees feel their needs and aspirations are met, they are more likely to be committed, motivated, and enthusiastic about their work.
  3. Improve Retention Rates: A robust EVP can increase employee retention rates. A positive EVP can create a sense of loyalty and commitment among employees, reducing turnover and the costs associated with recruitment and onboarding. Employees who feel valued and fulfilled in their roles are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere.
  4. Enhance Employer Brand: A strong EVP builds a positive employer brand. It establishes a reputation as an organisation that values its employees, invests in their development, and provides a supportive and fulfilling work environment. A positive employer brand attracts top talent, enhances the organisation’s image, and can lead to increased customer loyalty and positive brand perception.
  5. Boost Productivity and Performance: Employees who feel valued and supported are likelier to go the extra mile and perform at their best. A strong EVP creates a sense of purpose and satisfaction in their work, leading to increased productivity and higher-quality output. Engaged and motivated employees are also more likely to seek opportunities for growth and improvement, driving overall performance levels within the organisation.
  6. Support Organisational Goals: An EVP aligned with the organisation’s mission, values, and strategic objectives can drive employee behaviours that support those goals. When employees feel a strong connection between their work and the organisation’s purpose, they are more likely to work towards achieving its vision and contributing to its success.
  7. Foster Innovation and Creativity: A positive EVP encourages an environment that fosters innovation and creativity. Employees who feel supported and empowered are likelier to contribute new ideas, take calculated risks, and challenge the status quo. A strong EVP creates a culture that values and rewards innovation, leading to increased competitiveness and adaptability in the marketplace.
  8. Enhance Employee Well-being and Satisfaction: A robust EVP addresses the holistic well-being of employees, including their physical, mental, and emotional health. Organisations can enhance employee satisfaction and overall well-being by offering benefits, resources, and support programs that promote work-life balance, employee wellness, and a positive work environment.
  9. Competitive Advantage: A well-crafted EVP can give your organisation a competitive edge by differentiating it from competitors. It helps create a distinct employer brand and establishes your organisation as an employer of choice.
A strong EVP creates a sense of purpose and satisfaction in their work, leading to increased productivity and higher-quality output. Photo credit:

Components of a Strong EVP

To enhance the Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and provide a compelling offering to employees, organisations can consider implementing the following elements:

  1. Competitive Compensation: Offer fair and competitive salaries that align with industry standards and reflect the value employees bring to the organisation. Additionally, consider performance-based bonuses, profit-sharing, or stock options to incentivise and reward outstanding contributions.
  2. Comprehensive Benefits: Provide a comprehensive benefits package that includes health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks like wellness programs, gym memberships, or flexible spending accounts. Tailor the benefits to meet the diverse needs of your employees.
  3. Career Development Opportunities: Invest in employee growth and development by offering training programs, mentorship opportunities, and career advancement paths. Provide resources for continuous learning, certifications, and skill-building to empower employees to reach their full potential.
  4. Work-Life Balance: Promote work-life balance by offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options, flexible schedules, or compressed workweeks. Encourage employees to take vacation time and provide policies that support parental leave, caregiving support, and personal time off.
  5. Positive Company Culture: Foster a positive and inclusive company culture that values diversity, collaboration, and respect. Create opportunities for social engagement, team-building activities, and employee resource groups. Encourage open communication and transparency throughout the organisation.
  6. Recognition and Rewards: Implement a robust recognition program that acknowledges and rewards outstanding employee performance and achievements. Celebrate milestones and successes publicly to boost morale and motivation. Provide regular feedback and constructive evaluations to help employees grow and improve.
  7. Meaningful Work: Ensure employees find their work meaningful and aligned with their passions and skills. Offer autonomy and empower employees to take ownership of their work. Provide opportunities for employees to work on challenging projects, contribute to the company’s mission, and make a real impact.
  8. Supportive Leadership: Develop strong leadership that is accessible, supportive, and encourages employee growth and development. Create opportunities for regular check-ins, mentorship, and feedback sessions to foster a positive relationship between managers and employees.
  9. Work Environment and Facilities: Provide a comfortable and well-equipped work environment that supports productivity and well-being. Consider providing amenities like on-site cafeterias, fitness centers, or relaxation areas. Offer modern office spaces, ergonomic furniture, and state-of-the-art technology.
  10. Employee Engagement Programs: Develop employee engagement initiatives, such as employee recognition programs, team-building events, volunteering opportunities, or employee resource groups. Encourage cross-functional collaboration and create a sense of community within the organisation.
Provide regular feedback and constructive evaluations to help employees grow and improve. Photo credit:

Building an Effective EVP

  1. Understand Your Target Audience: Conduct research to understand your target talent pool’s needs, expectations, and aspirations. Tailor your EVP to address their specific desires and motivations.
  2. Assess and Align Internal Practices: Evaluate your current practices, policies, and company culture to identify improvement areas. Ensure your EVP aligns with your organisation’s mission, values, and strategic goals.
  3. Communicate Consistently: Develop clear and compelling messaging to communicate your EVP to current and potential employees. Leverage multiple channels, such as your company website, social media, and recruitment campaigns, to consistently promote and reinforce your EVP.
  4. Measure and Evolve: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your EVP through surveys, feedback mechanisms, and employee retention metrics. Adapt and refine your EVP based on the feedback to ensure its continued relevance and impact.
An effective Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is a powerful tool to help organisations create a compelling employer brand. Photo credit:

In today’s talent-driven landscape, organisations must go beyond offering competitive salaries to attract and retain top talent. An effective Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is a powerful tool to help organisations create a compelling employer brand and enhance employee satisfaction and engagement. It is essential to tailor the EVP to meet your employees’ specific needs and aspirations. Regularly seek feedback, conduct surveys, and engage in open dialogue to understand what matters most to them and continuously refine your offerings. By providing a compelling EVP, organisations can attract and retain top talent, enhance employee satisfaction, and drive overall success.

6 questions to ask before deciding to do an online Master’s Degree programme

Deciding whether to do a master’s degree is a tough decision, and in some cases, it might even be an inevitable decision.

It is a tough decision if you have been out of the school environment for a few years – getting back to school can be challenging. You might have a family of your own, and from experience, I know it is a significant financial and time commitment. Then there are the pressures and deadlines you have to meet at your job, and I am sure there are many other personal obstacles unique to the individual. And the decision becomes inevitable as it is one of the options available to help you continue to grow – as a person and in your career.

Photo by Joan Kwamboka on Unsplash.

So, when is the right time to do a master’s degree programme? I can’t answer that for you, but the following are six points to consider that might help you make an informed decision.

1. Passion for the subject

With so many distractions and commitments vying for your attention, if you choose to do a programme that you have little interest in studying, chances are, it will be pushed right to the bottom of the list of your priorities. You will end up taking very little away from the programme and might end up performing poorly in your evaluations and even failing the course.

Photo by Randalyn Hill on Unsplash.

I suggest you choose a subject you are passionate about, something you want to learn. Your interest will naturally result in you putting in the effort to learn and will result in better overall performance in your evaluations.

2. Relevance of the subject

For most working professionals, time is precious. So, there has to be a reason for every extra calicular thing you plan on doing. If you intend to do a master’s degree and are not passionate about the subject, then the next best option (or even the primary option) is choosing a programme that will benefit you professionally. Something that adds knowledge to what you are already doing professionally or, at the very least, helps your growth in your career.

3. Are you a self-starter?

Unlike an on-campus programme where you are physically present in class on a daily basis, guided every step of the way by a professor and closely interact with other students. In an online programme, you are in the driver’s seat; the onus is up to you to complete assignments on time, put time aside to study regularly, and take the initiative to do all you can to complete the programme successfully.  

But this does not mean you will not have any support. At least in the case of Robert Kennedy College, with our online campus and library, online forums, live classroom sessions, student care and last but not least, the online residency, you will have lots of support in completing the programme!

4. Accreditation and Recognition

If you are going to do an online master’s degree, then make sure the degree you earn has value. Find out:

  • Which university will award the degree?
  • What is the reputation of the university?
  • How is the university accredited?

These are just three questions to help you get started. Think of more relevant questions, and don’t be afraid to ask.

Want to know more about the universities we have an exclusive partnership with? Click here to learn more!

5. Is it all a façade?

You have to know what you are signing up for? Is the college just going to give you some online study material and then wash their hands off you? Ask:

  • Who are going to be your teachers?
  • Is there trial access you can have to get a feel of how the programme is run?
  • Can you talk with current students or alumni to get feedback?
  • How are the evaluations done?
  • What are the modules involved in the programme?

Again, these are just a few questions to help you get started.

At Robert Kennedy College, you can Chat Live on WhatsApp with our Education Advisors and ask all your questions, ask them about our programmes and our key faculty members, open a trial account to access our OnlineCampus or request to connect with our alumni.

6. Fees

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash.

Finally, the fees – is the programme something that you can financially handle? What are the payment terms? Does the company you are employed with have a sponsorship programme?

These points are just six simple tips to help you ask the right questions before joining an online master’s degree programme. Please share any other questions you deemed necessary to help you make an informed decision.

If you are ready to apply for one of our programmes, click here.

Congratulations to New UoC Graduates!

It has been an exciting week in Cumbria! Last week, the 3-day Graduation ceremony at Cumbria saw over 2000 students graduating from a wide variety of courses. It’s been an incredible week for all at the University of Cumbria. Each and every graduate would go on to achieve amazing things in their lives and careers.



Proud Moment!

The long awaited Walk..





Proud family and friends gathered around to cheer the recent graduates, brimming with joy and pride! Their long and enduring hours of tirelessly studying towards their goals, ultimately manifesting into the reality of the degrees and diplomas in their hand! There were bouquets of flowers that some carried into the arena. But mostly, there was an arena full of pride that emulated from grandparents, parents, siblings and cousins as diplomas were handed out.


Truly Diverse and an amazing Social Network of Graduates from all over the World



We’ve been so happy to see our students graduate. However, they all started with the same step – applying to university.

Are you willing to take the ‘Risk’?

Every business faces risk. These risks present potential threat to the success of the business. Risk is defined as a probability or threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and that may be avoided through preemptive action. 

What I found interesting, is the next part of the definition of Risk here: Risk is not an uncertainty (where neither the probability nor the mode of occurrence is known), a peril (cause of loss), or a hazard (something that makes the occurrence of a peril more likely or more severe).

So Risk is not an uncertainty and it can be avoided with preemptive action. This is where Risk Management in business comes into play!

What is Risk Management?
risk man·age·ment
(in business) the forecasting and evaluation of financial risks together with the identification of procedures to avoid or minimize their impact.


Risk management is a proactive process for resolving problems before they occur. It focuses on identifying what could go wrong, evaluating which risks should be dealt with and implementing strategies to deal with those risks. Businesses that have identified the risks will be better prepared and have a more cost-effective way of dealing with them. Risk management is the practice of using processes, methods and tools for managing these risks.


A risk management process is pretty simple and involves following steps:

  • Identification of the risks (there are several kinds of risks: strategic, compliance, financial and operational) surrounding the business  activities
  • assessing the likelihood of an event occurring
  • planning the framework to respond to these events
  • implementation of the plan of action as necessary
  • monitoring the effectiveness of your risk management approaches and controls


There is another interesting aspect of Risk Management : Apart from assessing the effect of the negative; It’s also about managing the positive outcome of risk: opportunity. More and more businesses are now focusing on harnessing the ‘opportunity’ for their strategic success.

Our Online MBA Risk Management caters to the demand of specialised risk managers in the global business arena. It explores the range of concepts and functions of risk management and associated practices within the business sector. Download the catalogue to learn more about the programme and the enrolment process


Future of Healthcare professionals


Demand for healthcare services has unobtrusively risen over a period of time now and this growth will continue into the future. The demand for services translates into ever-increasing demand for healthcare workers – including nurses, physicians, allied health professionals, technologists and coders, leaders, and support personnel. Like any other industry, it’s an upward trend in the long term, for the healthcare sector employment. However, the healthcare industry does not seem to be prepared enough to cater to this increasing workforce demand. Increasing demand has been accompanied by a growing number of unfilled jobs, a serious challenge that can be perceived in the federal labor data and on the digital job boards of hospitals and health systems, where hundreds and even thousands of open jobs are posted. Both growth trends and growth challenges will continue into 2018 and beyond.


The amount of money that is projected to be spent on healthcare in the future, is cogent indicator of rising demand for healthcare services and healthcare workers. More than doubling from 2010 to 2025, when it reaches beyond $55 trillion, expenditures include payments for all healthcare costs, including pharmaceuticals, equipment and technology. However, labor constitutes the single greatest cost for most healthcare organisations.

This growing trend, has translated into a flurry of jobs openings in the healthcare sector. Even in 2017, despite the continued debate over the future of healthcare policy, the healthcare industry has added an average of 24,000 jobs each month. That’s vigorous growth in any industry. Employment growth is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. While healthcare job growth will ebb and flow in the future, the trajectory of growth has been consistently upward.


While job openings have ascended steadily over the years, the job hires remained relatively static. Traditionally openings have outpaced job hires in healthcare and the gap between openings and hires has been widening rapidly since 2014. This swelling gap – which represents a cumulative number of unfilled jobs – shows the challenges that healthcare providers face in finding enough practitioners and support personnel to fill today’s job openings. Other data reveals that the problem of high demand for healthcare workers, and low supply of those workers, may continue well into the future. The statistics on the projected future job openings  provides the healthcare providers the crucial insight on the demand for healthcare services and healthcare professionals. These are the jobs that healthcare providers will need to fill in the future.

At Robert Kennedy College, we offer Online MBA International Healthcare Management Programme, in exclusive partnership with University of Cumbria, UK. Recognise the workforce shortage in the healthcare sector and be there where there are abundant jobs. The MBA IHM could prove be the key to your success and better future. Click here to receive the course catalogue and get a chance for free trial offers.

Education: An investment in your future

Regardless of what you may think about an education – a right, a privilege or just something you have to get through – you can’t dispute the importance of a good one and you should always consider it an investment in your future.

According to a 2013 Nielsen survey, polling more than 29,000 internet respondents in 58 countries to measure consumer sentiment on the availability of educational opportunities at all levels of study and the resulting opportunity for job and salary advancement, more than three-quarters (78%) of global online respondents agreed that receiving a higher education, such as college, is important. Likewise, three-fourths also believed that better employment (75%) and higher income (72%) are accessible because of educational opportunities.

Whether you start your own business or work for someone else, an investment in education will provide you with the necessary tools and skills to grow and become a success in your chosen field.

  1. Foundation: An education gives you the foundation on which you can build a successful career, giving you the ability and knowledge required to make informed decisions.
  2. Leg-up: Whether it’s at the start or late in your career, an education will always add value to your professional profile providing you with a leg-up for your career progression.
  3. Security: In today’s high-pressure business environment, you might get downsized or your business might lose out to the competition. Education gives you the ability and the resources to change and even start over if ever you need to. In short, a good education is a safety net for life.
  4. Networking: When you become part of an educational programme such as one of Robert Kennedy College’s online Master’s degrees, you join a number of like-minded individuals from around the world. You share common experiences and cope with similar challenges during the course of the programme, creating a camaraderie that lasts well beyond the duration of the course, often resulting in a mutually beneficial personal professional network.


According to Susan Whiting, vice chair at Nielsen – “Investing in education is critical to fostering growth and innovation for generations to come. The head-spinning pace of technological change is creating new opportunities—and presenting new challenges. Improving our children’s education is the surest way to ensure a brighter future.”

The road to better jobs, more money and improved lifestyles is paved with an investment in education!

For more information on the one year online Master’s degree programmes offered by Robert Kennedy College, download our programme catalogue.

Value of an International degree

If you’re looking to pursue a Master’s degree and contemplating that an online course at an international university could be the right choice for you, then I’m sure you’re in the same shoes as our student ambassadors were before they started their Master’s programme with Robert Kennedy College. Have a look what they have to say after having completed their degrees:


“The quality of education is world class. The rewards of the programme both professionally and personally are amazing! The MBA programme was special because of the knowledge, values and experiences the international students brought with them which enriched the high level of academic training brought on by our professors. My advice would be to participate often in the class forums, ask questions and help others when they need assistance.”

Lew Figol, Chief Member Services Officer, Your Neighbourhood Credit Union


“When I enrolled with RKC my one aim was to achieve the Masters level Degree; however, I underestimated the value of the learning experience, which has been hugely rewarding and personally fulfilling. Further, as a result of the degree I have clearly improved the quality and quantity of my work output which has opened up new and exciting career opportunities. To be clear, obtaining your Masters is a lot of work but the rewards are well worth the effort.”
Christopher Gardner, Senior Project delivery manager, Metro Bank, MSc Financial Services Management

You are thinking of studying online but want to be sure that the degree you earn will be worth your effort.  Well, studying from a university in the UK offers you a world-class education, an internationally respected qualification, and outstanding career prospects.

Apart from the high quality and flexibility of an online programme at Robert Kennedy College, you will gain many benefits from the international exposure you will experience at an on-campus residency for a week where you will interact with people of other nationalities and cultures in an intensive learning environment.


The photo represents a truly international class at the Online MSc Programme

For employers, candidates with international experience offer a more rounded set of abilities. Even if such skills may be regarded by potential employers as ‘nice-to- have’ rather than essential, they can make all the difference between two otherwise similar candidates.

In short, it is imperative in today’s competitive business world to have an international degree proving to employers that you have necessary skills they demand. Apply now to gain an internationally recognised degree that can transform you and your career.

Check out all the programme information here:



Make the Most of Your RKC Experience

Graduate school programs such as an MBA can provide the advanced skills required to take a career to the next level. They not only offer academic knowledge but also peer interaction to test ideas, hone abilities and gain insights into one another’s strengths. Building and nourishing a strong academic network can form a valuable circle of influence to provide a pool of knowledge and sounding boards for challenging career moments. Academic networking can build upon the theoretical benefits of a graduate degree when applied within practical professional arenas for a lifetime of learning.

Robert Kennedy College (RKC) in Zürich, Switzerland, hosts and manages the online portion of master’s level programs. A notable advantage of the RKC combined online and residency program is the global network of professionals from several universities interacting in the online forums and Campus Café. With over 5,000 students from 130 different countries, the opportunity to build an international professional network is exceptional. These interactions are not only virtual; students also meet face-to-face while attending their residencies.

The Masters level programs bring mid- to senior- level professionals with wide ranging experience and geographical locations together. Within a traditional university, students are all living and working in the city or region. However, at RKC, students live and work in their home country, bringing their local perspectives into each discussion and lesson. Students learn how to effectively collaborate and achieve results within remote working groups. In an ever more international world, developing this flexibility is a unique skill.

Robert Kennedy College students and alumni are able to network with thousands of others opening access and creating career opportunities that otherwise may have been missed.

One example of such post academic business collaboration is Mircea Baldean, MBA, alumni from the University of Wales/Robert Kennedy College program and Carol Aebi, MBA, alumni from the University of Cumbria/Robert Kennedy College program. Carol and Mircea interacted through the RKC online forum then stayed connected after graduation. When Mircea was developing a new business idea, he tapped into his university network for validation and concept development, engaging Carol for her start-up strategic expertise. The two also partner with Gabriel, a Silicon Valley-based geospatial technologist, and their business MeetVibe, Inc. was founded. From Zurich to Toronto to San Francisco, the team works remotely but in a very cohesive and collaborative manner, a valuable skill developed through the RKC program.

RKC Alumni and MeetVibe founders – Mircea Baldean and Carol Aebi, joined by co-founder Gabriel Paun (left) at Web Summit 2017

Their app is the next evolution of social technology, creatively layering IoT interactions with market-validated social technologies into a unified platform. Last year they released the MeetVibe beta for iOS. Students from across programs joined in. Influences such as Asad Imam, Mohamud A. Verjee, Slobodan Bogovac, Joyce Njeri, and Jeremy Hewitt all provided guidance and spread the word. With a network of support, in January 2017 the beta for Android was released.

MeetVibe launched their business offer in July 2017 at the largest tech conference in Asia, and participated in the Web Summit, the biggest tech conference in the world held in Lisbon in November 2017.

Are you maximizing your professional networking opportunities and tapping into this talent pool?

It is not enough to simply collect a list of names or link social media profiles. Meaningful relationships extend beyond the online environment and are built with time and attention. Carol and Mircea’s MeetVibe app can help. Sign up today and share calendar availability and social media profiles with fellow students and alumni. Schedule a virtual meeting, call or get-together to develop valuable relationships.

Make the most of your RKC experience – build a global professional network to support your success!