Can’t Choose a Specialization for Your Master’s Degree? Five Ways to Overcome This Dilemma.

Choosing a specialization for your Master’s degree is a significant decision that can shape your future career and personal development. However, with numerous options available, this choice can often feel overwhelming. If you find yourself stuck in this dilemma, here are five practical ways to help you make an informed decision:

1. Self-Assessment: Understanding Your Interests and Strengths

Before diving into specific specializations, take the time to reflect on your interests and strengths. This self-assessment can provide valuable insights into which areas might be the best fit for you.

List subjects or activities that genuinely excite you. Photo Credit:
  • Interest Inventory: List subjects or activities that genuinely excite you. Consider what topics you enjoy reading about, discussing, or engaging with in your free time.
  • Strengths Analysis: Identify your core strengths. Are you more analytical or creative? Do you excel in research or hands-on projects? Understanding your natural talents can guide you towards a specialization that aligns with your abilities.
  • Values Clarification: Reflect on your personal values and what you want from your career. Do you prioritize job stability, innovation, social impact, or high earning potential?

2. Research: Exploring Potential Specializations

Once you have a clearer understanding of your interests and strengths, the next step is to research potential specializations. This research will provide you with a better idea of what each specialization entails and how it aligns with your goals.

Reach out to alumni or read their success stories.
  • Program Descriptions: Look at the curriculum and course descriptions of different specializations. Pay attention to the subjects covered, the skills you will develop, and the type of projects you might work on.
  • Career Outcomes: Investigate the career paths associated with each specialization. Look at job titles, industries, and potential employers. Consider the demand for professionals in that field and the long-term career prospects.
  • Alumni Success Stories: Reach out to alumni or read about their experiences. Their career trajectories can offer insights into the real-world applications of the specialization.

3. Networking: Connecting with Professionals and Peers

Networking is an invaluable tool when trying to make a decision about your Master’s specialization. Talking to professionals and peers can provide first-hand information and advice.

Participate in industry events, seminars and conferences. Photo credit:
  • Informational Interviews: Schedule interviews with professionals working in fields you are interested in. Ask them about their educational background, how they chose their specialization, and what their day-to-day work entails.
  • Attend Industry Events: Participate in conferences, seminars, and workshops related to potential specializations. These events can offer a wealth of information and networking opportunities.
  • Join Online Communities: Engage with online forums and social media groups related to your areas of interest. These communities can provide support, advice, and insider knowledge.
Engage in online forums. Photo credit:

4. Practical Experience: Gaining Hands-On Knowledge

Sometimes, the best way to understand whether a specialization is right for you is to gain practical experience in that field.

  • Internships and Part-Time Jobs: Seek internships or part-time positions related to your potential specializations. These experiences can give you a taste of the work environment and help you assess your fit.
  • Volunteering: Volunteering for projects or organizations in your areas of interest can provide similar insights and also enhance your resume.
  • Shadowing Professionals: Arrange to shadow professionals in your desired fields. This can give you a realistic view of what a career in that specialization looks like.
Volunteer in area of your interest. Photo credit:

5. Academic Guidance: Consulting with Advisors and Faculty

Leverage the knowledge and experience of academic advisors and faculty members. Their insights can be crucial in helping you make an informed decision.

Leverage the knowledge and experience of academic advisors and faculty members. Their insights can be crucial in helping you make an informed decision. Photo Credit:
  • Advisors: Schedule meetings with academic advisors to discuss your interests and goals. They can provide guidance on which specializations align with your aspirations and help you understand the requirements and opportunities within each program.
  • Faculty: Talk to faculty members who teach in potential specializations. They can offer detailed information about the curriculum, research opportunities, and career prospects.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Attend workshops and seminars hosted by your institution. These events often cover different specializations and can help clarify your options.

Choosing a specialization for your Master’s degree is a pivotal decision that requires careful consideration and planning. By conducting a thorough self-assessment, researching your options, networking with professionals, gaining practical experience, and seeking academic guidance, you can overcome the dilemma and make an informed choice that aligns with your personal and professional goals. Remember, the journey to finding the right specialization is a process, and it’s okay to take your time to ensure you make the best decision for your future.

Unveiling the Tapestry of 2023: Top 10 Highlights That Defined the Year

As we bid farewell to 2023, it’s time to reflect on the myriad events and milestones that shaped the course of the year. From technological breakthroughs to cultural shifts, 2023 was a rollercoaster of innovation and transformation. In this blog, we’ll unveil the top 10 highlights that stood out and left an indelible mark on the fabric of 2023.

1. Quantum Computing Breakthroughs

In 2023, quantum computing made unprecedented progress, reaching the milestone of quantum supremacy. This achievement has far-reaching implications, promising solutions to intricate problems at speeds unimaginable with traditional computers, particularly in fields like cryptography, drug discovery, and climate modeling.

2. AI’s Influence in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence continued its penetration into the healthcare sector, reshaping diagnostics, treatment strategies, and patient care. AI-driven tools showcased remarkable accuracy in early disease detection, personalized treatment plans, and overall healthcare enhancement.

3. Global Climate Accords

As climate change concerns reached a critical juncture, nations around the world came together in 2023 to forge ambitious global climate accords. Commitments to reduce carbon emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and protect biodiversity marked a collective effort to address the urgent challenges posed by climate change.

4. Space Tourism Takes Off

The space race evolved into a new era in 2023, with commercial space tourism becoming a reality. Several private companies successfully launched missions, enabling civilians to partake in the adventure of space travel. This marked a significant stride in making space exploration more accessible to the public.

5. Metaverse Surge

The concept of the metaverse gained unprecedented traction in 2023. Major technology companies invested heavily in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), creating immersive digital realms for work, socializing, and entertainment. The metaverse emerged as a hub for innovation and collaboration.

6. Advancements in Biotechnology

Biotechnology made groundbreaking strides in 2023, with advancements ranging from CRISPR-based gene editing to revolutionary treatments for previously incurable diseases. These breakthroughs raised ethical questions but also offered new hope for addressing genetic disorders and improving overall human health.

7. Shifts in Remote Work Culture

The way we work underwent a transformative shift in 2023. Remote work, once a necessity, became a preferred mode for many companies. This change not only impacted work culture but also influenced urban planning, as cities reimagined themselves to accommodate a more decentralized workforce.

8. Renewable Energy Dominance

Renewable energy continued its ascent in 2023, surpassing expectations in terms of efficiency and affordability. Solar and wind power, in particular, became dominant sources of energy globally, contributing to a significant reduction in reliance on fossil fuels.

9. Tech Ethics and Regulation Focus

Amid rapid technological advancements, there was an increased emphasis on ethical considerations and regulatory frameworks in 2023. Governments and tech companies collaborated to establish guidelines for responsible AI use, data privacy, and digital security, ensuring a balanced approach to the benefits of technology.

10. Global Health Resilience

The lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic led to unprecedented collaboration in global health in 2023. This resulted in more robust health systems, improved vaccine distribution, and enhanced preparedness for future health crises.

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As we conclude the narrative of 2023, these ten highlights underscore the innovation, adaptability, and collective endeavors of humanity. The year was characterized by a fusion of technological breakthroughs, societal transformations, and a shared commitment to addressing global challenges. These standout moments will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of the years to come.

Here’s wishing all our readers, from the management and staff of Robert Kennedy College, a very Happy New Year 2024! We hope to see you as one of our proud Master’s and PhD students at RKC. Find a programme suitable to you, talk live to one of our education advisors, and apply now!





FIVE signs that you are ready for master’s studies

Sometimes we do not know what we want in life. How do we change our plans into actions to develop our careers? When is the best time to enrol for a master’s programme?

As it is said, opportunity knocks only once. And when opportunity knocks on your door, always be willing to take a chance. You never know how perfect something could be or when the next opportunity will arise.

Sometimes instead of waiting, you have to create the right opportunity for yourself. One should look for the universe’s signs pointing to any arising opportunities.

One such opportunity is receiving higher education. Studying for a master’s can be a life-changing event and sometimes even the best decision one can make. While it may sound great and exciting, studying for a master’s requires a unique kind of resilience, commitment, dedication, and drive to complete the programme. Time-sensitive assignments, group discussions, researching, dissertation submission – your strengths will be tested on many levels.

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Whether a fresh undergrad or a seasoned professional, the decision to start a master’s is always excruciating. But here are five signs that you are ready to take the leap:

Stagnation in current career/job role

Working in the same role and doing the same job every day becomes mundane. Self-motivated people feel less challenged at work, and their level of job satisfaction declines drastically. Studying for a master’s brings new focus and challenge to an otherwise dull routine.

You have clear goals 

You always wanted to obtain a prestigious master’s degree and add another feather to your hat. Some people plan and define their career path in an early stage of their life, knowing exactly when they will start working, when they will study for their master’s, get married and even when they will have a baby.

You are ready and keen for the academic challenge

Despite busy work and home schedules, you are an avid reader and keep yourself abreast of the latest happenings worldwide. You have been actively researching the field you want to study for your master’s, reading textbooks, and reaching out to current students and alums to understand the academic challenge a master’s programme poses.

You want to network with like-minded people

One of the benefits that most master’s students look forward to is growing their professional network. Students from all over the world, with varying professional experiences, from different cultures come together to study for a master’s degree. Peer relationships formed during the master’s programme over group discussions, or forum chats, usually last a lifetime! This brings an opportunity to create a truly enriching academic experience.

You are ready for the time investment

Sometimes people keep the idea of studying for a master’s at bay simply because of time constraints. Job, family, and social commitment abstain you from committing yourself to the study environment. When you are focused on developing yourself academically and have set aside time, it is the right time to enrol for a master’s programme.

So, in summary, a desire to learn more, earn more and advance more could be your sign to enrol for a master’s programme today.

If you feel this is the right time for you to do a master’s degree, then look at our list of 100% online master’s degree programmes and see if we have anything you are interested in doing.

You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on the programme that is right for you, the application process, and details on discounts we might be offering at this time.

5 reasons you feel stuck in your career

From early childhood, we start idolising people – our parents, grandparents, teachers, aunts and uncles, pop stars, a pilot, cops or firefighters. As soon as we are old enough to understand what each person around us does for a living, we start either liking or disliking it. Subconsciously, our minds begin making choices about which ‘profession’ we would like to venture into and which we dislike. We are also groomed (or maybe forced in some cases) to choose a career path that is traditionally high paying and secure.

But eventually, I guess we all choose something that we like doing or that we are good at.

I know I could just end the blog here and say ‘happily ever after’ went our careers. But sometimes, no matter how wisely we choose a career or job for ourselves, there may arise a standpoint when you start feeling stuck in that job. In simple words, feeling stuck in a situation where you seem not to be able to leave your present job but feel highly dissatisfied with work. The same mundane tasks you have mastered over the years do not offer any more learning or excitement, and you do not look forward to going to work.

While there can be numerous reasons why you may be feeling stuck at work, in my opinion, here are the top 5 reasons that might resonate with you:

1. Accepting a job role without understanding it entirely

At the time, you may have felt this job role was appropriate for you, something you always dreamt of doing. But eventually, you realise the position is much more or much less than you expected. The role does not fit like a glove but, in actuality, feels like a noose.

2.  $$$$ ruled

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When you signed on for the job, it offered a lucrative signing bonus with stock options and an unbelievable year-end bonus! It was too good to be true, and it was irresistible. It’s only when you started the job and over time that you realised the downside of all the ‘extra’ money you received. You might not feel that the money is not worth the time and effort you must put in. The work-life balance has only become a topic for discussion as you have not experienced a day without stress and pressure at work.

3. Outdated skillset


Many people will agree that they achieve job satisfaction from not just the salaries and bonuses they receive, but greater satisfaction is realised when they see their meaningful contributions resulting in higher profits, efficiency, or global expansions. A continuous learning curve is a high point for many people to feel happy in their careers. If this is lacking and you think your skills are becoming redundant, dissatisfaction starts sinking in. You may feel worthless and lose confidence eventually in your skillset.

4. Not enough recognition at work

This is another factor that makes you feel stuck at work. Your work is not recognised, and your boss has been fending the next promotion and increment questions you have been asking for. Even after mastering the work and putting in time and effort, your job does not seem rewarding anymore.

5. Fear factor

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Change is not everyone’s cup of tea. Everyone is afraid of the unknown. Stagnation happens when you are fearful of making a move. You may be applying for a new job, but inside, you know you are stuck in the current job and unable to move. Not receiving any favourable response from job search also reinstates the lingering fear.

Our career is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Most of us spend the majority of our time, say 8-10 hours, at our jobs out of the 24 hours. You can follow a few simple steps to overcome this situation of feeling stuck at work. Stay tuned and check out this space for my next blog, five easy steps to break free and get unstuck in your career!

Top 5 Master’s programmes trending in 2022 

The purpose of pursuing a master’s programme could be many, advancement in career, aiming for a higher salary, growth opportunities, thirst for knowledge, switching careers, etc. A Master’s degree can be pursued to add knowledge on the subject already studied in an undergraduate degree or a new subject regardless of what was learned earlier. It could be your second degree, one of the several you pursued through the career or the very first degree you wanted to earn and get that formal qualification.  

There are numerous options and specialities that you can choose as your major for your master’s degree. However, a few majors have become hugely popular amongst students as these are in great demand by employers, offering better career prospects and employment opportunities.  

So, which master’s programme has made it to the top of the list in 2022? Let’s have a look: 

Top 5 Master’s programme in 2022

1. Project Management 

Just as the name suggests, a project manager takes the lead role in planning, organising and completing a project. Since the project manager skills are easily transferable, they can work in any industry such as banking, tech, retail, pharma, or telecom industry, to name a few.   

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There has been an ever-increasing demand for project managers, and the economic hit suffered due to Covid-19 across the globe has only strengthened the need for project managers. The disruptions caused by the pandemic have resulted in governments earmarking and spending trillions of dollars on recovery projects.  

With millions of new projects across several industries being put into production, project management is here to stay.  

2. Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management  

Another hugely sought-after specialisation in 2022 is supply chain management. The entire world faces supply crunches for several goods and essentials, with most being back ordered for months. The role of a good supply chain manager is to analyse business processes, identify efficient procurement sources, establish a stable, reliable, and cost-efficient logistics network, and always ensure sufficient inventory levels while minimising costs.  

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A master’s degree in the field will ensure global career opportunities in purchasing, logistics and consulting.  

3. Leading Innovation and change 

In any business or organisation, change is inevitable. If you are a professional leading and supporting innovation and change in the organisation or community, this specialisation is right for you. A good innovation manager must be good at managing projects and managing change. They help shape the organisation’s culture and processes and provide necessary training to ensure innovative success. Modern organisations provide ample opportunity and rewarding careers for innovators in different roles such as Chief innovation officer, Business development lead, Innovation consultant, Change agent, Innovation strategist and Transformation manager.  

4. Healthcare Management 

If you are looking for a rewarding career focused on healthcare, a master’s degree in healthcare management can jumpstart your career in the field. As a healthcare administrator in roles such as healthcare consultant, Clinical Director, Administrator, and Healthcare manager, you can serve people and the community in improving their health while being on the administrative side of healthcare. There is an increasing demand for managers to look after the day-to-day operations and efficient management of resources in healthcare. 

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5. Data Analytics 

In this changing and dynamic business environment, traditional methods of doing business and catering to consumer needs is a thing of the past. Nowadays, all businesses and services are being provided online. There is a need to understand consumer behaviour and cater to their specific and, where possible customised demand. The Internet has shrunk the world, and there is a sudden influx of information and big data. Big corporations want to defeat the competition and gain valuable insights into consumer behaviour by analysing data.  

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The good news is that Robert Kennedy College offers all the above top trending specialisations of 2022. Talk to one of our advisors today about enrolling in one of these programmes! 

#DILO – A day in the life of an RKC student – Antonio  

We continue with our blog series bringing you answers to some of the questions we at Robert Kennedy College (RKC) frequently get from students looking to join one of our online programmes. We asked some of our past and current students to share their thoughts and opinions, to give their feedback on how they handled online learning challenges. Hopefully, this will, in turn, help you make an informed decision.  

I believe learning is a life-long process. You never know when an opportunity to learn is thrown your way. Would you grab the opportunity, or would you think it’s too late to learn and study when you reach a certain age? But is age just a number?  

Antonio, an RKC student from Mozambique, is a shining example of how age is just a number when it comes to studying for your Masters. Let’s hear his story!  

Who you are, really?   

Antonio M, from Mozambique. A senior citizen still willing to learn and upgrade my skills in new areas associated with my country development.  

Which Uni are you studying at?   

University of Salford  

Which programme did you choose and why?  

Online MSc in Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management  

How did you plan to study each module, and what was the reality? How many hours did/do you have to put in each day/or in a week?  

Initially, I thought 2h a day would suffice, but I learned that I needed to spend at least an additional hour every day. Let me say, for someone with my slow thinking speed, you need an average 3h a day to be comfortable and do all the homework (forum discussions, contributions). Do this for 6 days a week, 1 day to rest if you can afford it.  


What part of the day did/do you find most suitable to study? (e.g., early mornings, lunch break, evenings, weekends?)   

In my case, evenings due to silence and more available bandwidth for Internet data.  

How did travelling impact your ability to study?    

Being an online course, travelling did not impact too much. When travelling, the main issue was Wi-Fi availability.  

How were you able to interact with peers and/or professors given the time differences?   

Most of my peers were around the same or close time. Having a platform and forums eased the interaction. It was not immediate, but I would get the reaction soon enough. With those closer peer friends or people with closer affinity, we shared our mobile numbers, and if required, we would use the mobile phone and interact.  

How much time did you devote to each assignment?    

A lot of time. As soon as you get the assignment brief, start immediately and dedicate at least 3h a day for the assignment. Make sure you state an initial outline as soon as you understand the problem to be solved. Having the outline, Google Scholar all the required stuff, minimum of 15 peer-reviewed references per assignment (my opinion).  


What does a typical day as an Online Masters’ student look like for you?  

6-7h sleeping, 6-8h working and 3-4h studying, 3h solving family issues, 2h socialising with other people. My community, Rotary, and family would require more of my time and reschedule this time outline.  

Any advice you have for students to better plan their studies?    

Please make sure you do participate in the weekly activities since usually they prepare you for your assignments. If you do it right, you may have a considerable part of your assignment done, at least in terms of the referencing. Going straight to the assignments is the wrong strategy. I did learn with some pain later that if I had done the week activities it would have made my life easier and would have saved time for my assignments. Otherwise, while busy with the assignment, you understand that you still need to do the work you avoided.  


If you have been dreaming of joining a master’s programme or have had this personal goal to gain a higher degree, now is the time! Take valuable advice from our current students, gain from their experience, add your unique study strategies, and make your own success stories! I would love to feature you one day on our college blog.    

Chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on all the programmes we offer, the application process, and for information on discounts we might be offering at this time. 

Can you travel and study at the same time? Here are 6 ways to help you do it!

The popularity of online studies has been on the rise in recent years, and we have seen so much right here at Robert Kennedy College. With practically our whole student population being in full-time employment, we know the flexibility afforded by online delivery is amongst one of the highest-ranking reasons why people study online. 

I understand how critical it is to have the possibility of being able to access, learn and review course content anytime, from anywhere in the world. Working professionals like yourself have a demanding job and may be required to travel frequently for work.  

Now while it might look pretty simple and easy to study online on the surface, it is actually not quite so. I like to compare this to a duck’s swimming – when you see a duck advancing through water, you probably think calm and grace. Our eyes behold a view of effortless and smooth progression on water. However, under the surface, the duck is paddling frantically to propel itself forward.  

A duck seemingly advancing with no effort through the water 

I do not intend to scare you with this analogy. I want to focus on the duck’s efforts and skills that keep it advancing (keeping afloat is apparently the easy part, for biological reasons, ducks weighing less than the water they displace due to their uropygial gland and air-trapping feathers). Similarly, you can advance smoothly through your studies with the help of planning, foresight, prioritization skills and grit – especially when you are travelling.  

So, here are some tips that will help you stay afloat while planning your studies on the go: 

Plan ahead  

I personally can’t get enough of planning. I sometimes re-plan my plans (ha-ha) just to be sure of how my schedule and week/month looks like. Yes, planning is the key to be able to travel stress-free and balance the commitment of a university course module with the disruption caused by travelling. While you may not always be able to choose your travel times when travelling for work, do take your study calendar into account and redesign your plans accordingly. 

Plan travel around assignments 

Give yourself enough time at each step of your travel plan. To begin with, make sure you do not plan your 15-hour flight across continents a day before your assignment submission. Be wary and give yourself ample time to recover from jetlag. Reversely, if you have little control over your travel plans, advance your deadlines and submit earlier, or look into the administrative processes that may help you get an extension if done in time. 

Arrange your meetings in a way that you have some relaxing peaceful time segments during that day. This will allow you enough time to catch up with your course material and focus on the assignments due. There might be some occasions when you will have to prioritize studies and must skip that social evening with work associates and miss a drink. Reward yourself later when your work is done.  

You can download course material on RKC’s iOS and Android apps

Organize Internet access 

Most of your study materials normally require the internet to access them. You want to avoid situations where you have time to spare but no internet access nor offline materials. Know when you would be in limited connectivity zones and download the necessary course materials ahead of travel. RKC’s iOS and Android apps can help with that. 

As a student, you can also get internet access through the Eduroam network, something most Universities in the world are a part of. You use your home institution’s credentials to login to any “eduroam” WiFi you find (typically in and around University campuses, University and sometimes public libraries). Have a look at the eduroam map before travelling to know if you have this option.

Have reliable technology and back-ups 

While you are travelling you are completely reliant on your laptop, tablet, or phone. Always have your chargers, spare power banks and hard drives to backup data so that you do not lose your work. With the pervasiveness and ease of use of cloud back-ups today, “I lost my laptop/my disk died/etc.” is the equivalent of the “dog ate my homework” of yesteryear. 

Mind the zone 

While our online course materials can be accessed at all times, you may have to be careful of the different time-zones you are travelling to and how it will affect your deadlines (they don’t – your deadlines are always Zürich time!). What a different time zone will affect is when you must submit – so work that out in advance and anticipate the deadline rather than miss it. Another impact of travelling to a different time zone is that last minute questions may receive delayed responses with respect to when you were back home. 

Keep track of your progress 

It is easy to lose track of time when you are travelling and have so many things to manage. In order to make sure you do not fall back on coursework, keep close checks on your schedules and deadlines. While travelling breaks away from the 9 to 5 schedule (or 7 to 7 for the unlucky few) and could offer more flexibility in terms of the time of day you can study, it is helpful to chalk it out. 

Do not fret if you face any technical issues while travelling. Simply reach out to our student care team and they will be happy to help.  

It may feel overwhelming at times to balance work, study and travel. But with adequate preparation ahead of time you can enjoy smooth sailing; gracefully swimming like a duck towards your goals (with more or less frantic paddling). With these simple yet vital study tips, you can certainly ace study and travel together. Please share with us any tips or tricks that you might have up your sleeve from your personal experience.  

P.S: An easy way to connect with us on the go is to download our OnlineCampus Mobile App, which helps you prepare your “offline study packs”.

6 Reasons to Do a Master’s Degree Programme

I am going to tell you a story about a friend of mine and yes, I know “a friend” sounds made up, but this friend is real and what happened to him could happen to anyone of us in the corporate world.  

To make matters simple, let’s call this friend of mine Jojo (yes, this time a made-up name). A while back Jojo found himself out of a job due to no fault of his. The reasons given: downsizing, centralising, the usual corporate jibber jabber, and this from a company in which he had spent the last two years of his life setting up and developing an entire function for the organisation. 

He was reporting directly to the Managing Director and Country-Head, a position he achieved by hard work and determination and with professional experience going back two decades – working for some of the biggest multi-national companies in the world. He was not worried: with his experience, getting a job would be EASY. 

Safely crossing the gap from one job to the next is not always straightforward…

But as the days turned into weeks and then into months and he was still unable to find a job, the gloom around him was palpable.  

Jojo’s story 

Jojo started his career immediately after graduating with a bachelor’s degree from a top local university and as his career progressed at a faster-than-average pace, he never found the need and time to go back to school and enhance his academic profile too.  

Over time as life evolved, so grew his professional and personal commitments, demanding a greater share of his time and effort. He concluded that putting in time, effort and money into his education did not merit the return on investment.  

Fast forward to Jojo’s job search – he found that the lack of a master’s degree was having a profound impact on his ability to get hired. 

To be clear, I am not saying that you need a master’s degree to succeed in life. In fact, most people don’t have a master’s degree and are very successful in their profession. What I am saying is that a master’s degree can have a positive impact in your professional career (because, learning is good :D).

Added benefit of a Master’s – graduation is fun! Notice how these RKC graduates from 2018 have big smiles on their faces, despite the freezing cold of November in York.

Here are 6 reasons you should consider doing a master’s degree. 

  1. It shows you are hard working and committed: A Master’s degree implies that you have taken the extra step of getting a higher qualification, gaining extra skills and specialisations. Having worked on projects and submitted assignments and dissertations in a timely manner, it shows you to be more disciplined, structured and task oriented. 
  2. It levels the playing field: In today’s competitive job market, most of the candidates applying for any above entry level position will already have at least one master’s degree, if not more specialised qualifications and just a bachelor’s degree or lower educational qualification would just not cut it. Depending on the nature of the job and the position you are aspiring to, a master’s degree might be the minimum requirement to even apply. 
  3. It can help with switching careers: There may come a time in your career when you pull your hair and cry out – “I CAN’T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!”. I understand, I have been there a couple of times. For whatever reason, if you feel it is time for a change in career to a field that requires specific knowledge that you do not have or to a career in a regulated industry that requires you to have certain education qualifications, a master’s degree might give you a leg up in your new career. 
  4. It can help you standout: Unfortunately, this is the world that we live in. There may be several of your co-workers eyeing the same promotion that you have been after. Whether it is a management position or that specialised role within your company, a master’s degree could make the difference in your getting that position. In some cases, a company might also be willing to sponsor the master’s degree if they feel you are a potential leader and it could be mutually beneficial, so it is always worth asking the question to either your manager or the HR department.  
  5. It may help with relocation: We are no longer limited by geography. A master’s degree might help you in getting a work visa to a particular country; after all, you might be required to show why you are more deserving of a particular job than a citizen of the country and a master’s degree might go some ways in your company hiring you over a local.  
  6. It can fill the gap: Going back to the example of my friend, the longer you go without employment the harder it will get to explain the gap in your resume and to get employed. Doing a master’s degree is a good way to fill this gap, improve your knowledge, gain new skills and to generally show you are not one to wait around for things to happen.  

There’s more?

I am sure that there are many other reasons why people choose to do a master’s degree with benefits we wouldn’t have even thought off. If you have experienced or can think of any, let us know in the comments below! 

Finally, getting back to Jojo. It took him a while, but he is finally back to work. It is not what he wanted to do, and he had to take a hefty pay cut, but he is working again. He has still not joined a master’s programme (despite my constant reminders) but he is on the lookout for one that meets his requirements. Let’s hope he doesn’t leave it for too late.  Can it really ever be too late?

Explore the number of specialised master’s degree programmes offered by Robert Kennedy College through exclusive partnerships with top British universities. Or, if you have already made up your mind, click here to apply.

Robert Kennedy College and York St John graduates being silly with their hats in the Quad before graduation.