DILO – A day in the life of an RKC student – Robert C

As a former Education advisor, if I had to pick one of the most frequently asked questions by prospective students, it would be “How many hours do I need to study?”  

The vast majority (if not all) of our students are working and leading hectic professional lives. Some are motivated and have already decided to undertake a master’s, while others contemplate the unknowns of an online programme. In my experience, two things affect their decision the most.   

First – finances, and second, being able to strike the perfect work, study, and life balance. While I cannot completely help you with the finances (partially yes – check out the discount offers currently being offered on our online MBA, MSc, and LL.M programmes), I thought what I could do to help was to bring some facts to light about the other unknowns – what does a typical day in the life of an online master’s student look like?  

I asked a few of our students from different walks of life, occupations, and personal situations to answer a few questions on their study tactics and strategies, plans and reality, and so on.  So, through our ‘#DILO ‘a typical day in the life of a master’s student’ blog series, we bring to you one of our actual students or alumni sharing the insights.   

Today, we’re looking at  Robert’s typical study days. Robert studied Master’s of Business Administration programme from University of Cumbria.

An Introduction  

Which programme did you choose and why?  

I chose an MBA programme in International Business in order to boost my wealth of knowledge for conducting business through a wider lens that could help me steer the company and any new initiatives to greater heights from an informed foundation.

The Study Plan   

How did you plan to study each module, and what was the reality? How many hours did/do you have to put in each day/or in a week?  

I usually read, research or write on an average 4-5 hours per night during the week and 6-8 hours on the weekend. I would begin my studies after returning from work, after dinner close to about 9 pm.

What part of the day did/do you find most suitable to study? (e.g. early mornings, lunch break, evenings, weekends?)  

I found morning hours very apt especially if the assigned time implied adjusting your wake-up schedule and morning routine. Moreover, the weekends were more productive for me.

How much time did you devote for each assignment?  

Depending on the assignments, I would spend minimum one day on an average for completing assignments.

Travelling and Communication  

How were you able to interact with peers and/or professors given the time differences?  

The forum is a great tool however, most professors are available through email which made communication very easy and effective.

A typical day as a master’s student  

What does a typical day as an Online Masters’ student look like for you?  

A typical dat would be like this: Wake early.. ready emails and forum posts, gather information for assignments if necessary. Once home from work begin reading, research or writing. Weekends are different as I have the whole day to manage my time. I generally aim to end my weekend studies by 4 pm

Any advice?  

Any advice you have for students to better plan their studies.  

Yes a few!

Ask many questions to ensure they have all information needed to help manage time.

Stay ahead of reading assignments.

Read all suggested and mandatory articles while monitoring external news sources to support learning objectives

Stay focused and positive— keep your end goals in kind at all times and know that the sacrifices will soon pay off

Alright friends, this was a sneak peek of a typical day in  Robert’s life as a master’s student. I hope you find it insightful and informative and that it gives you an idea of what to expect when you enrol for our master’s programmes. Watch this space as we have many more interesting insights coming up! 

All you need to know about the top 5 career choices in 2023, and you can study for these top careers at Robert Kennedy College (RKC)

The career landscape constantly evolves, influenced by technological advancements, shifting societal needs, and economic trends. As 2023 is fast coming to an end, staying ahead of the curve and considering career choices that align with future demands is essential. In this blog, we will explore the top five career choices of 2023, offering insights into the fields that are likely to thrive in the coming years.

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In today’s data-driven world, data science and artificial intelligence are at the forefront of technological innovation. Companies across various industries are harnessing the power of data to make informed decisions and improve their operations. Data scientists and AI specialists are in high demand to develop algorithms, analyse data, and create intelligent systems. If you have a knack for mathematics and programming and a passion for problem-solving, a data science or AI career could be your ticket to success in 2023 and beyond.

As a result of the widespread use of these technologies by companies seeking a competitive edge, artificial intelligence and machine learning have already begun to revolutionise the corporate sector. Join Robert Kennedy College and study one of our more sought-after Data Sciences and AI programs.

Data scientists and AI specialists are in high demand to develop algorithms, analyse data, and create intelligent systems.

The MBA in Artificial Intelligence is designed to provide you with the abilities and knowledge needed to handle the complexities resulting from a world driven by artificial intelligence. Through modules on Information Management, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Analytics, you can learn about the main problems arising from using AI technologies, how AI affects management and business strategy, and the steps executives should take when developing a strategy for their company. The MBA programmes benefit significantly from the internationality derived from recruiting students from across the globe and drawing on tutors well qualified in their field.

Sustainable Energy and Environmental Sciences

The demand for sustainable energy and environmental sciences professionals is skyrocketing as the world faces increasing environmental challenges. Careers in renewable energy, environmental conservation, and sustainability management are rising. Whether you’re interested in designing eco-friendly buildings, developing clean energy solutions, or conserving natural resources, these fields offer a chance to impact the planet while securing a promising career.

At Robert Kennedy College, we offer just the programme that will help you secure that promising career in sustainable energy – the MBA Energy and Sustainability programme. This MBA programme aims to allow you to engage in an experience that will enhance your ability to develop and lead a sustainability agenda focusing on change in the energy sector. It can act as a catalyst for your knowledge and infuse new perspectives into your professional goals. Talk to one of our dedicated education advisors live on WhatsApp to learn more about the programme and the admission requirements.

Healthcare and Biotechnology

The healthcare industry has always been a stable career choice, but recent events have highlighted its critical societal role. In 2023, careers in healthcare and biotechnology are not only about doctors and nurses but also encompass roles in healthcare technology, pharmaceuticals, telemedicine, and genetic research. With an ageing population and ongoing medical advancements, these careers offer job security and growth opportunities.

If healthcare is the sector in which you want to excel and carve your future, then look no further. Robert Kennedy College offers a competitive master’s programme in Healthcare management. You can choose from the two courses offered – the International Healthcare Management programme and the Public Health Management programme.

With an ageing population and ongoing medical advancements, healthcare careers offer job security and growth opportunities.

To ensure that you acquire and put into practice the skills you need to succeed in today’s complicated healthcare environment, the curriculum was created in conjunction with active industry experts. You will obtain useful knowledge while enrolled in the program through project work that is directly related to industry, professional job experience, and a curriculum that focuses on real-world and current topics in healthcare administration. Download the catalogue here to gather more information about these programmes.

Cybersecurity and Information Security

In an increasingly digital world, cybersecurity has become a paramount concern. With the rise in cyber threats and data breaches, organisations invest heavily in safeguarding their information. Cybersecurity professionals, including ethical hackers, security analysts, and risk assessors, are in high demand. If you possess a strong understanding of computer systems and a passion for protecting data, a career in cybersecurity could be both rewarding and lucrative.

Cybersecurity professionals, including ethical hackers, security analysts, and risk assessors, are in high demand.

You can level your game by studying the MSc Information Systems Management programme. You will have the chance to gain a thorough understanding of the function that information systems and technology (IS/T) play in organisations worldwide, as well as a critical awareness of current and upcoming concerns in this constantly evolving industry through this course. Apply online now and graduate by September 2024.

Creative Industries and Content Creation

The creative industries have been evolving rapidly, driven by the internet and digital media. Careers in content creation, digital marketing, graphic design, video production, and social media management are flourishing. Brands and businesses constantly seek unique, engaging content to connect with their audiences. If you have a flair for creativity and a knack for storytelling, a career in the creative industry could offer you the freedom to express yourself while enjoying a fulfilling career.

The fast development of digital media over the past few years has completely changed how businesses do their marketing, enabling them to target clients individually. As a result, the nature of work and how it is done today have changed, inspiring both firms and business schools to change how marketing is perceived as a separate activity.

If you dream of joining this rapidly changing industry, consider enrolling in one of our Digital Business programmes. Learn more about the programme and the flexible fee payment plan we offer.

You’ll think about many business sectors impacted by technological advancements, such as autonomous delivery vehicles, new types of money, ambient beacons and sensing technologies, and increasingly individualised workplace and social experiences. We have a proven track record of bringing together students and proprietors of digital businesses to address business issues and conduct real-world projects or work-based learning.

As we navigate the ever-changing career landscape of 2023, staying adaptable and open to learning new skills is essential. The top career choices mentioned above reflect the current trends and demands of the job market, but they are not static. Technology will continue to advance, and societal needs will evolve, creating new opportunities and challenges.

Ultimately, your best career choice in 2023 should align with your skills, passions, and long-term goals. Whichever path you choose, continuous learning and adaptability will be your greatest assets in building a successful and rewarding career in the years to come.

Newest programmes by Robert Kennedy College (RKC) – All you need to know about Bachelor’s in Business Administration

A bachelor’s programme is a stepping stone in the field of specialisation in which one wants to build their career. Bachelor’s degree is a degree awarded by a college or university in the subject of choice upon completion of undergraduate studies.

A bachelor’s degree enables you to gain advanced knowledge of the subject, learn new ideas, enhance employability skills, boost earning potential and provide networking opportunities. Obtaining a bachelor’s is usually the first step towards achieving a higher academic degree like a master’s or doctorate.

 A bachelor’s degree is usually the first step towards achieving a higher academic degree

While a bachelor’s degree can be pursued soon after finishing high school, it has become increasingly common for people to undertake a programme later in life as well.

Traditionally one had to go to a university to study bachelor’s degree. But in the modern context, earning a bachelor’s degree online has become much easier.

RKC has pioneered business and legal education online for over 24 years, allowing thousands of professionals from every continent to achieve new heights in their lives and careers. Today you can benefit from our latest bachelor’s in business administration programmes.

Robert Kennedy College offers the following two bachelors programme in business administration:

  1. Diploma in Business administration
  2. BA (Hons) Business Administration

Diploma in Business Administration

The diploma programme offers fundamental knowledge and understanding of business administration and management. This programme is suitable for someone looking to advance their career in any industry, equipped with advanced business intellect to help improve businesses and their operations.

Five reasons to study Diploma in Business Administration:

  1. The Diploma is delivered in partnership with the University of Cumbria, rated in the top 10 in the UK for developing business leaders and ranks 14th overall in the Top 50 universities for business.
  2. The course can be studied entirely online to graduate in just nine months. 
  3. Enhance your employability with strong problem-solving aptitude, practical business knowledge and skills and applied leadership.
  4. No traditional examination system, but one learns through real-life case studies, essays and assignments.
  5. Gain entry to the next step in your career: study Bachelor’s BA (Hons) in Business Administration.
 The course can be studied entirely online to graduate in just nine months

The programme consists of the following six Level 5 modules. Each module is worth 20 credits:

Organisational Behaviour

Services Marketing

Culture and International Business Systems

Corporate Social Responsibility in Practice

Global Economics 

Operations Management

BA (Hons) in Business Administration

BA (Hons) in Business Administration is a bachelor’s degree programme offered by the University of Cumbria, UK, ranked 8th in the world (Times higher education impact rankings). The programme is provided exclusively to the RKC’s diploma graduates who have gained a solid foundational knowledge of business subjects.

University of Cumbria, UK

The programme is delivered online and can be completed in as little as 12 months.

The bachelor’s programme consists of four modules. The Level 6 modules total 120 credits, including a 40 credits independent business project:

Business Psychology (20 credits)

International Marketing (20 credits)

Global Business (20 credits)

International Human Resource Management (20 credits)

Business Independent Project (40 credits)

Upon successful completion, an internationally recognised British Honours degree is awarded by the University of Cumbria.

 Upon successful completion, an internationally recognised British Honours degree is awarded by the University of Cumbria.

The bachelor’s programme serves as a solid base to launch and spearhead a career in business. Apply online today and become part of a professional network of business students. Chat live on WhatsApp with our education advisors to learn more about the admission procedure, eligibility requirements, fee structure, payment plan and upcoming intakes.

All you need to know about Robert Kennedy College

The first thing anyone interested in enrolling for higher education in a college or University does is to check its legitimacy. And no surprises here, this is one of the top questions our education advisors get asked all the time – Tell me more about the college and partnership with British universities. 

So, here is everything you need to know about RKC!

Number one of Number one: Who are we? An Introduction

Robert Kennedy College is a private educational institution based in Zürich, Switzerland. The College is a pioneer in Swiss quality online education offering rigorous but flexible learning programmes, through enhanced state of the art online e-learning technology that has been developed in-house entirely.

Exclusive Partnerships

The Robert Kennedy College online master’s and bachelor’s programmes are offered in an exclusive partnership with the University of Cumbria, the University of Salford, and York St John University

Student focused teaching

RKC’s online learning community greatly values and invests in each of its student. Here you get an opportunity to be a part of a prestigious international community of over 5000 students from 130 different countries and some world-class faculty. Chat with our education advisor to get your customized study plan.

World-class faculty

As a student at RKC, you will learn from some of best professors in the education field. 

RKC’s dean Dr. iur. David Costa is one of the founders of Robert Kennedy College. In his current capacity as Dean of Faculty, he oversees the faculty review process and several of the college’s academic programmes. He lectures at Robert Kennedy College in Contracts Law, Transnational Business Law, Investment Law and Money Management, and is a frequent guest on business TV channels such as CNBC Europe and Bloomberg Television. 

Our instructors are graduates from some of the best universities worldwide. Other key faculty members are Prof. David Duffil, Dr. Radu Negoescu, Dr. Alistair Benson and, Emeritus Prof. Gabriel Jacobs.

Unique course plan with one-week residency

Our programmes combine best of both worlds by offering Swiss quality education online via OnlineCampus with one-week residencies. The one-week residency represents a unique opportunity for students to work in groups, focus on case studies and get a head start for their dissertation. Residency offers a great opportunity to interact with fellow students and professors and learn from professional experiences of students from all over the world. Chat with our education advisor to get your customized study plan. 

Worldwide recognition

One of the best advantages of studying master’s at RKC is that at the end of the programme, an internationally recognised full-time British degree is awarded by the University. 

The University of Cumbria, University of Salford and York St John University are fully recognised by the British Government and duly listed on the United Kingdom’s Department for Education list of recognised UK awarding institutions. You can verify their official University status directly at the UK Government Website.

Flexible payment plans

At RKC we understand the importance of work-study-life balance. This is why we offer flexible payment plan where you can pay fees in interest free instalments. Check out the sample payment plan here.

With the above information, RKC ticks all boxes from the ideal online programme institution list. Go ahead and download our course catalogue and start your application online now.

Be Merry this Holiday Season

The most beautiful time of the year is here! It’s merry and bright with the town’s festivities, decorations, hustle, and bustle. It is almost the end of the year, and everyone wants to enjoy some time off, relax, take break from studies and work, and spend time with their families, friends, neighbours, and colleagues. Seems like all jovial and merry time to me! However, are holidays always like that?

Photo Credit: Canva.com

Well, the demands of the holiday season – shopping, cooking elaborate festive menus with exotic dishes (thanks to social media..), baking, cleaning, entertaining, and making the season its festive best (and the list is exhaustive…phew!) – can prove to be an overwhelming time.

One of my friends told me she was planning to bake 12 cakes, one for each of her neighbours with whom she is a good friend. Her husband suggested buying cakes instead, but she wanted to give a personal touch to her gift. Wow! I am sure after baking 12 cakes, she has become a professional baker. On top of this, she had a “Secret Santa” gift exchange at work, and her kids had to do a gift exchange at their school. Well, online shopping helped her save a lot of time, but one can never wholly escape visiting the stores physically. 

Photo credit: Canva.com

I experience the same mixed feelings of excitement and pressure around festive times. While I love decorating my house, I get stressed about getting the best colour-coordinated decorations and, of course, not to mention matching Holiday sweaters for all my family. I love entertaining my friends and family at my house, but the whole process of planning, preparation and execution exhaust me.

It is advised not to get carried away with anxiety about holiday preparations. It is better to prioritise what is essential for you, keeping in view the traditions. 

Photo credit: Canva.com

Here are some helpful tips you can follow to keep stress at bay and enjoy the festivities:

  1. Plan ahead – Start your preparations in advance to stay ahead in the game. Plan, prepare and stock food for cooking and baking, and start shopping weeks in advance to avoid the last-minute rush. You will be better able to enjoy time with family and friends.
  2. Ask for help – Please know that you are not in this alone. Other family members, friends and colleagues would love to give a helping hand, assist you with getting groceries, driving around, wrapping presents, or decorating.
  3. Be organized – The key to stress-free holidays is to be super-organized. Make lists of tasks and set reminders to keep you on track.
  4. Set holiday budget – I know we are still reeling under the effect of Covid-19, and inflation is at an all-time high. We all want to make the season as festive as possible, don’t we? Under these trying times, set strict financial budgets for holiday shopping and stick to them. Think of innovative ideas to save some $$ like buying when discounts are on, buying collective gifts, organising potluck instead of doing all cooking etc.
  5. Don’t forget to breathe and exercise – Take a deep breath whenever you feel overwhelmed. With all the merry drinks and sugary cakes you will be eating, exercising will help keep those extra calories at bay. Also, exercising is relaxing and boosts new energy.
Photo credit: Canva.com

There is a lot of cultural pressure around the holidays, especially now that social media forces us to compare ourselves with the idealised notions of the holidays. I would suggest, earmark a day and some of your budget, to volunteer at a food bank, volunteer a day at a retirement home taking gifts for the elderly, or donate to a charity. Knowing that you brought smile to someone’s face and made a difference in their lives, will immensely lift your spirit (holiday spirit)! Be mindful and emphatic towards those who are struggling this holiday season.

Ultimately, it is all about sharing, giving, loving, and spending time with our loved ones – the essence of the holiday season. 

On this note, I wish all our readers Happy Holidays! Be merry, and do not worry 🙂

All you need to know about Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology

Time is money, and both time and money are evolving rapidly. The discovery of the internet disrupted the way the world operated, bringing political, business, economic and social changes. It improved business processes and made online transactions, and banking, among other things, quicker and less complicated. And this is just the beginning; we humans are, after all, constant inventors and innovators.

Traditionally, political, economic, and legal systems structures are defined by contracts, transactions, and records. Nations and organisations set boundaries of operation to identify and chronicle managerial and social events.

But now it’s time for economic transformation. However, the slow and administrative regulations are stifling the digital transformation. 

Blockchain technology is here to help!

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is an open, distributed technology that enables the process of recording unalterable transactions and tracking assets. Blockchain works on five basic principles:

  1. Distributed database
  2. Immutable records
  3. Transparent access
  4. Algorithm-based computational logic
  5. Two-way participant transmission
Photo credit: Pwc.com

Blockchain gets its name because of the way the transactions are grouped together into blocks of data, then chained together by way of a mathematical function that creates a hash code

Blockchain has disrupted the business industry with its application in financial services, healthcare, artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) for supply chain, retail sector, oil and gas, telecommunications, insurance, smart contracts, voting and crypto of course.

So, how do blockchain technology and cryptocurrency work together?

Since its first implementation in 2009, blockchain has not been well known. Blockchain technology is the foundational technology for cryptocurrency, which was first implemented just a decade ago but was revolutionised with the widespread use of the application by Bitcoin. Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency and operated through blockchain.

Blockchain is the foundational technology for cryptocurrency

Blockchain made it possible to record bitcoin transactions without a central authority establishing trust in a trustless environment. Being a digitalised, decentralised, public ledger, blockchain allows the formation of digital information into blocks, which are stored across a network of computers, creating a database. When verifiable transactions take place, the data is stored in blocks, which, when complete, are added to the chain.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and, USD Coin are used to buy goods and services. And cryptocurrency uses blockchain, an enhanced cryptographic security system, as a public ledger with immutable records that cannot be deleted or altered. 

Cryptocurrency is used as a digital form of cash to buy goods and services through various trading platforms or digital wallets. The blockchain technology here records the transaction when ownership is transferred to the new owner. Every transaction, therefore, is a public ledger, unalterable, secure and time-stamped.

The pace of technology will not slow down. Cryptocurrency and blockchain hand in hand continue to disrupt much more than the financial services industry. 

What are your thoughts? Share in the comments below.

Venturing into the world of Cryptocurrency – 5 reasons why businesses should move towards digital currency

One day I was sulking over the pitiful return I got from my money in a bank’s saving account (The rate of interest offered by my bank is a little shy of 0.01% for a balance over $5000 and 0% on balances less than $5000). My colleague shared a similar disappointing story of seeing his money stay the same over a period, giving no returns. He was a risk-taker and invested in crypto about a decade ago. I stayed put as I knew little about crypto and thought it was all a scam! Fast forward ten years, he now owns a healthy bank balance or, should I say, digital currency balance and a brand new mode of payment!

Cryptocurrency has come a long way in the last decade. Cryptocurrency ownership increased 63% just in 2020, and the valuation exceeded $2 trillion for the first time in April 2021. Bitcoin has been one of the oldest and most iconic cryptocurrencies in the blockchain domain. Closely following its footsteps is the Ethereum blockchain – the second largest digital coin. And both combined hold the most significant shares of crypto valuation.

This trend is here to stay and become a financial revolution in the currency world.

Photo credit: Canva.com

There is an increasing interest in buying and using cryptocurrency, especially among millennials, as this is the future of payments. Consumers don’t want to miss out on this lucrative investment opportunity or miss being part of the futuristic trend of being able to pay with digital currency for retail purchases. The market has a strong interest, and the findings suggest that current owners, former and even non-owners, are eager to own and use cryptocurrencies for making purchases in the future. As per the Cryptocurrency Payments Report May 2021, “12% of consumers (a projected 30 million) currently own one or more cryptocurrencies, 4.5% (11.5 million) have owned them in the past, and 17 million non-owners may acquire cryptocurrency to make purchases in the near future.”

Currently, crypto owners have spent their digital currency on making purchases of jewellery, grocery, online gaming/gambling, food delivery and even real estate. They would like to pay for retail products, travel, financial services, furniture and appliances and streaming services with cryptocurrency.

All they await is more merchants to open doors to cryptocurrency and start accepting the new mode of payment! So, merchants pay attention!

Here are 5 reasons why businesses should join this revolution and should consider accepting cryptocurrency:

1. Opening doors for new customers

Businesses can give their brand an instant facelift by accepting virtual currencies. It provides a cutting-edge image to the company, attracting new customers keen on spending cryptocurrency.

2. Lower fraud risk

Unlike credit cards, cryptocurrency is safe from chargebacks or fraud. The transactions processed with cryptocurrency usually cannot be reversed or cancelled, which means lesser chances of fraud.

3. Lower transaction fee

Businesses can potentially save a lot on the processing fees they usually pay on transactions using the traditional methods. With cryptocurrency, the processing cost will reduce even more if using the same blockchain crypto. Hence, businesses will eventually get a bigger slice of the profits.

4. Lesser trading risk

Cryptocurrencies are meant to pose smaller risks. The market fluctuations do not affect the value of your business when you are dealing in cryptocurrency.

5. Boundaryless payments

In this international market, especially in post-covid conditions, businesses can go global by accepting digital payments from anyone anywhere. Anyone having an internet connection can make a purchase without worrying about the exchange rates for currency conversions.

Cryptocurrencies have been gaining momentum and have caught the eye of one too many. This is one of the ways to stay ahead of the competition by taking on the forward-thinking opportunity.

Robert Kennedy College has recently become one of the merchants where one can pay with cryptocurrency. RKC offers a secure method to pay your course fees using Coinbase. Payment is accepted using Bitcoin, Ethereum, USD Coin and Litecoin.

Talk to one of our advisors on WhatsApp to know more about paying course fees using Coinbase.

5 easy steps to break free and get unstuck in your career!

Last week I talked about five reasons you feel stuck in your career. In my opinion, one spends considerable time developing their career and then working the job. And it is far from ideal if one keeps feeling stuck and unhappy in their jobs. Now, every problem has a solution. So here I present to you five easy steps to break free and get unstuck in your career:

1. Introspect, revaluate, and develop new skillsets

There is new competition and talent added to the job market every day. Fresh graduates and experienced professionals with unique skills dominate the workspace. It is but natural to feel that your skillsets have become outdated. Now is the time to do some introspection and reassess your skillsets. Start by writing down your skills, even those you use in your personal life. You may be surprised to discover that those skills you never thought could be helpful in the professional diaspora are actually useful. Also, keep learning and adding the latest qualifications to keep abreast of the competition. You can also upgrade your education to a Master’s degree by studying online with RKC.

Photo credit: Unsplash.com by Tim Mossholder

2. Move past the fear

You must come out of the shadow of fear. If talking to your supervisor about your career growth, new opportunities, or searching for new jobs instils fear of the unknown, then you are not pushing yourself and limiting your potential.

Learn to be outgoing and gather feedback from trustworthy colleagues about yourself. Make lists of pros and cons and identify the top things you fear most.

3. Evaluate your priorities

Photo credit: Unsplash.com

Money could have been your priority before. But when you have reached a point where the job does not offer any challenges and has become monotonous. Yes, we work to pay our bills. However, it might make better sense to be in a job that might pay slightly less but the one that you enjoy doing every day.

4. Better late than never

Often you might be given some promises by the management of an upcoming raise or promotion. You end up waiting for that performance review, bonus, or annual increment. Because you are comfortable and used to working in that position, you might want to wait for the decision and what’s in store for you. But instead of waiting (sometimes in vain), you should keep planning for the change and look for better opportunities.

5. Create a roadmap and manifest

Photo credit: Unsplash.com by Matt Duncan

You might be feeling stuck in your job because you don’t know what you want to do in the future. Without a goal, you might just be wasting your efforts. Try to channel your focus on what you want to do and grow your career. Invest sometime in yourself and research what areas might interest you. It might be time-consuming, but once you have a clear understanding, you will have a clear path and purpose.

I hope these five simple steps will help change your thought process and help actualise your dream career! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

“Focus on your key objectives in 2022” – Dean’s message for the New Year!

A new year means new resolutions. As we all fasten our seat belts and rush to achieve our newly formulated objectives, Prof. David Costa, Dean, Robert Kennedy College (RKC), advises to the contrary and suggests we take it slow. Dr Costa proposes not to get overwhelmed or distracted with a long list of resolutions but to focus on small and critical objectives to start with.

We have a great support system for our students at Robert Kennedy College. From highly qualified faculty to a world-class professional alumni network, you’ll know you made the right decision to study for your master’s degree with RKC. Join us today.

#DILO (A day in the life of) a master’s student – Anicet

We asked some of our past and current students to share their thoughts and opinions, to give their feedback on how they handled the challenges of online learning. Hopefully, this will help you to make an informed decision.

There is no better way but to learn from those who came before and see if what worked for them will help you become a better student!

An Introduction

Who are you, really?

I am Anicet.

Which Uni are you studying with?

University of Cumbria

Which programme did you choose and why?

Energy & Sustainability. Chose this to acquire skills and knowledge in environment impact assessments and protection.

The Study Plan

How did you plan to study each module, and what was the reality? How many hours did/do you have to put in each day/or in a week?

I took one module at a time. Depending on the volume of reading and assignments, spent on average 2 hours a day

What part of the day did/do you find most suitable to study? (e.g. early mornings, lunch break, evenings, weekends?)  

Early morning and lunch break

How much time did you devote to each assignment?  

Research, book/articles selection and reading, writing and reviewing took a lot of time. I would say on average 40 hours per week.

Photo credit: Canva.com

Travelling and Communication  

How did travelling impact your ability to study?  

Except the time seating on the plane, no major impact as long as I was connected to the Internet

How were you able to interact with peers and/or professors given the time differences?  

It was not a big deal since I spent most of the time in Kinshasa, DR Congo.

A typical day as a master’s student  

What does a typical day as an Online Masters’ student look like for you?  

Wake-up at 5:00 AM. Meditation, Gym and toilets till 6:40 AM. Breakfast at 7AM. Arrive at office at 8:30 AM. Stay at work till 6:00PM. Arrive at home at 6:25 PM. Diner at 8:00 PM and bed at 10:00PM

Photo credit: Canva.com

Any advice?  

Any advice you have for students to better plan their studies.  

Prepare and start reading materials/books ahead of time. Do not wait until last minute to work on your assignment. Avoid overloading oneself with many modules at a time.

I hope this blog has answered some of your questions, and please watch this place for similar blogs. So, if you have been thinking about doing a master’s degree and now understand how to study better for an online programme, look at our programmes and see if anything interests you.

You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on all the programmes we offer, the application process, and answers to any questions you may have.