Can’t Choose a Specialization for Your Master’s Degree? Five Ways to Overcome This Dilemma.

Choosing a specialization for your Master’s degree is a significant decision that can shape your future career and personal development. However, with numerous options available, this choice can often feel overwhelming. If you find yourself stuck in this dilemma, here are five practical ways to help you make an informed decision:

1. Self-Assessment: Understanding Your Interests and Strengths

Before diving into specific specializations, take the time to reflect on your interests and strengths. This self-assessment can provide valuable insights into which areas might be the best fit for you.

List subjects or activities that genuinely excite you. Photo Credit:
  • Interest Inventory: List subjects or activities that genuinely excite you. Consider what topics you enjoy reading about, discussing, or engaging with in your free time.
  • Strengths Analysis: Identify your core strengths. Are you more analytical or creative? Do you excel in research or hands-on projects? Understanding your natural talents can guide you towards a specialization that aligns with your abilities.
  • Values Clarification: Reflect on your personal values and what you want from your career. Do you prioritize job stability, innovation, social impact, or high earning potential?

2. Research: Exploring Potential Specializations

Once you have a clearer understanding of your interests and strengths, the next step is to research potential specializations. This research will provide you with a better idea of what each specialization entails and how it aligns with your goals.

Reach out to alumni or read their success stories.
  • Program Descriptions: Look at the curriculum and course descriptions of different specializations. Pay attention to the subjects covered, the skills you will develop, and the type of projects you might work on.
  • Career Outcomes: Investigate the career paths associated with each specialization. Look at job titles, industries, and potential employers. Consider the demand for professionals in that field and the long-term career prospects.
  • Alumni Success Stories: Reach out to alumni or read about their experiences. Their career trajectories can offer insights into the real-world applications of the specialization.

3. Networking: Connecting with Professionals and Peers

Networking is an invaluable tool when trying to make a decision about your Master’s specialization. Talking to professionals and peers can provide first-hand information and advice.

Participate in industry events, seminars and conferences. Photo credit:
  • Informational Interviews: Schedule interviews with professionals working in fields you are interested in. Ask them about their educational background, how they chose their specialization, and what their day-to-day work entails.
  • Attend Industry Events: Participate in conferences, seminars, and workshops related to potential specializations. These events can offer a wealth of information and networking opportunities.
  • Join Online Communities: Engage with online forums and social media groups related to your areas of interest. These communities can provide support, advice, and insider knowledge.
Engage in online forums. Photo credit:

4. Practical Experience: Gaining Hands-On Knowledge

Sometimes, the best way to understand whether a specialization is right for you is to gain practical experience in that field.

  • Internships and Part-Time Jobs: Seek internships or part-time positions related to your potential specializations. These experiences can give you a taste of the work environment and help you assess your fit.
  • Volunteering: Volunteering for projects or organizations in your areas of interest can provide similar insights and also enhance your resume.
  • Shadowing Professionals: Arrange to shadow professionals in your desired fields. This can give you a realistic view of what a career in that specialization looks like.
Volunteer in area of your interest. Photo credit:

5. Academic Guidance: Consulting with Advisors and Faculty

Leverage the knowledge and experience of academic advisors and faculty members. Their insights can be crucial in helping you make an informed decision.

Leverage the knowledge and experience of academic advisors and faculty members. Their insights can be crucial in helping you make an informed decision. Photo Credit:
  • Advisors: Schedule meetings with academic advisors to discuss your interests and goals. They can provide guidance on which specializations align with your aspirations and help you understand the requirements and opportunities within each program.
  • Faculty: Talk to faculty members who teach in potential specializations. They can offer detailed information about the curriculum, research opportunities, and career prospects.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Attend workshops and seminars hosted by your institution. These events often cover different specializations and can help clarify your options.

Choosing a specialization for your Master’s degree is a pivotal decision that requires careful consideration and planning. By conducting a thorough self-assessment, researching your options, networking with professionals, gaining practical experience, and seeking academic guidance, you can overcome the dilemma and make an informed choice that aligns with your personal and professional goals. Remember, the journey to finding the right specialization is a process, and it’s okay to take your time to ensure you make the best decision for your future.

5 reasons you feel stuck in your career

From early childhood, we start idolising people – our parents, grandparents, teachers, aunts and uncles, pop stars, a pilot, cops or firefighters. As soon as we are old enough to understand what each person around us does for a living, we start either liking or disliking it. Subconsciously, our minds begin making choices about which ‘profession’ we would like to venture into and which we dislike. We are also groomed (or maybe forced in some cases) to choose a career path that is traditionally high paying and secure.

But eventually, I guess we all choose something that we like doing or that we are good at.

I know I could just end the blog here and say ‘happily ever after’ went our careers. But sometimes, no matter how wisely we choose a career or job for ourselves, there may arise a standpoint when you start feeling stuck in that job. In simple words, feeling stuck in a situation where you seem not to be able to leave your present job but feel highly dissatisfied with work. The same mundane tasks you have mastered over the years do not offer any more learning or excitement, and you do not look forward to going to work.

While there can be numerous reasons why you may be feeling stuck at work, in my opinion, here are the top 5 reasons that might resonate with you:

1. Accepting a job role without understanding it entirely

At the time, you may have felt this job role was appropriate for you, something you always dreamt of doing. But eventually, you realise the position is much more or much less than you expected. The role does not fit like a glove but, in actuality, feels like a noose.

2.  $$$$ ruled

Photo credit:

When you signed on for the job, it offered a lucrative signing bonus with stock options and an unbelievable year-end bonus! It was too good to be true, and it was irresistible. It’s only when you started the job and over time that you realised the downside of all the ‘extra’ money you received. You might not feel that the money is not worth the time and effort you must put in. The work-life balance has only become a topic for discussion as you have not experienced a day without stress and pressure at work.

3. Outdated skillset


Many people will agree that they achieve job satisfaction from not just the salaries and bonuses they receive, but greater satisfaction is realised when they see their meaningful contributions resulting in higher profits, efficiency, or global expansions. A continuous learning curve is a high point for many people to feel happy in their careers. If this is lacking and you think your skills are becoming redundant, dissatisfaction starts sinking in. You may feel worthless and lose confidence eventually in your skillset.

4. Not enough recognition at work

This is another factor that makes you feel stuck at work. Your work is not recognised, and your boss has been fending the next promotion and increment questions you have been asking for. Even after mastering the work and putting in time and effort, your job does not seem rewarding anymore.

5. Fear factor

Photo credit:

Change is not everyone’s cup of tea. Everyone is afraid of the unknown. Stagnation happens when you are fearful of making a move. You may be applying for a new job, but inside, you know you are stuck in the current job and unable to move. Not receiving any favourable response from job search also reinstates the lingering fear.

Our career is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Most of us spend the majority of our time, say 8-10 hours, at our jobs out of the 24 hours. You can follow a few simple steps to overcome this situation of feeling stuck at work. Stay tuned and check out this space for my next blog, five easy steps to break free and get unstuck in your career!

Meg Plooy, RKC&YSJ graduate

Women in RKC – Meg Plooy, MA Leading Innovation & Change, York St John University, UK

In our effort to spread some positivity amidst the global pandemic, we turn to another success story of a proud RKC graduate – Meg Plooy. Meg graduated from the Online MA Leading Innovation & Change (the programme is now offered at York Business School as a 100% Online MBA Leading Innovation and Change). Let’s hear Meg’s inspirational story.

Who is..

A short profile

Vidhi Kapoor (VK): Who are you, really?

Meg Plooy (MP): Relentlessly helpful mother, wife, and friend. Innovative business solutions aficionado, Starbucks addict, camping nerd, and (foster) mother of Pitbulls.

Getting back into education

Your story of getting back to do a Master’s degree

VK: What was the driving force behind your enrolling for an online degree? Who inspired you? What motivated you?

MP: I was inspired to enroll for an online degree for a few different reasons. Firstly, to be an inspiration for my young children and show them that truly anything is possible if you work hard. Secondly, to advance my professional opportunities. Taking inspiration from my two sons, who work tremendously hard in everything they do and my sister, who enrolled in her graduate studies just a few weeks earlier.

VK: What were the thoughts/situations/people/challenges holding you back from starting (if any)? How did you overcome them?

MP: There were two significant barriers impacting my decision to apply and enroll. The primary barrier was time: finding adequate time while raising children and working full time. The other significant barrier was cost: as a mature student, enrolling in an international institution there were very few grants or bursaries I qualified for, meaning all the funding was out of pocket.

VK: What surprised you the most when you started your studies?

MP: I was most surprised by how determined I was to succeed.

VK: Do you feel there are unique challenges women face when deciding to get back into education?

MP: Absolutely. I feel there are still substantial gaps in gender parity. Although I have a supportive marital partner, I still feel that a larger portion of the parenting and household responsibilities fall on the female if both parents are working. I also feel that there is a larger need for females to have higher education for a lesser role in order to be seen competitively in the workforce and to reduce wage gaps.

Getting the degree

The work to get the degree – what did you learn, how did you balance, what would you do differently

Meg with her degree certificate, as happy as can be!

VK: Which programme did you do? Why?

MP: Master of Arts, Leading Innovation and Change. I had been researching online Master’s degree programs for quite a while and immediately was drawn to this program because it outlined everything I identified in myself both personally and professionally.

VK: What is the single most important thing you learned during the programme?

MP: That I am capable of accomplishing anything I am determined to complete.

VK: How did you balance work and studies?

MP: A good routine and sticking to a schedule. The best time for me to complete my studies was after the kids were in bed, which gave me anywhere from 2 to 2.5 hours each night. I used Monday through Thursday as “school nights” which ensured I was still getting downtime over the weekends. This helped me to stay focused and manage time effectively.

VK: Any particular challenges to being a woman and studying online, or do you think all students face the same ones?

MP: I feel all mature students, especially ones with family responsibilities, would face the same challenges.

Life post-degree

What changed, if anything?

VK: What’s new in your life since graduating/starting your studies? Any visible impact already?

MP: I feel that since graduating, I have more credibility within the organization I work for.

VK: Anything you are doing differently now because of the things you learned?

MP: Completing my Master’s degree has helped me develop strong skills in critical analysis, which helps me assess a situation more critically, also identifying themes and patterns in certain situations. It has certainly helped me strengthen my professional writing and report-delivery skills.

VK: Do you feel that getting a Master’s degree or doing other online programmes can reduce gender discrimination in the workplace?

MP: I do not believe getting a Master’s degree will reduce gender discrimination in the workplace. I currently work in a male-dominated industry and was recently appointed to our central business unit’s Women’s Council as our organization is looking to achieve gender equity in the workplace. In the council, we discuss many elements that contribute to gender discrimination in the workplace. I believe the best way to mitigate gender discrimination in the workplace is through leadership and inclusive corporate culture.

Advice for other women

Or other students, really.

VK: Imagine you could send a message back in time to your pre-degree self: what would it be?

MP: It will all be worth it in the end, you CAN do this!

VK: Imagine you could send an object back in time to your pre-degree self: what would it be?

MP: A financial grant or bursary that could have helped with tuition payments.

Closing thoughts

VK: Anything else you would like to add that could help with the goal of increasing women’s participation/access to a Master’s degree?

MP: I believe addressing the financial barrier would assist in women accessing higher education. I also feel that developing a platform for online support would be beneficial that may include blog posts, online resources, and motivational content.

If you are truly inspired by Meg’s story today and are ready to take the plunge, do not think twice. It’s the right time to do something positive for your career (no matter the global crisis) and get a Master’s degree you had always dreamt of achieving! Have a look at our list of programmes and see if we have anything that interests you.