A few weeks ago, my young nephew underwent a major surgery. The time around the surgery, we were all tensed and worried for him and did not think about anything else. But now that he is well on his way to recovery, it got me thinking – that he will struggle to catch up on his schoolwork!
The thing is, the surgery is just the first part of the equation. The recovery will take far longer and will have a tangible impact on my nephew’s class performance. But the silver lining is my nephew is young and in a lower grade; it should not be too difficult to catch up with what is being taught.

But if you are doing a master’s programme, catching up on lost time can get difficult.
While recovering from an illness, most of us will have low energy levels; as a result, the ability to concentrate for any length of time will be limited. Also, we tend to get physically tired quickly and need frequent rest. Not to mention rest will be a crucial component to a quick and complete recovery.
So how can you keep up with your studies during your recovery?
1. Remain optimistic. Falling behind with your work or studies during convalescence is understandable and should be expected. Do not get disheartened if this happens. Unfortunately, you have fallen ill and need time to recover, but that is life. Ask yourself – what is the worst thing that can happen? You will realise that it will not be as bad as you have imagined and will be able to prepare yourself for what is to come.
2. Network with your peers. Asking your friends in class for help can be one of the best ways to catch up on your studies. Ask them if they can set aside a few minutes daily to discuss what has been taught casually. Having a short casual discussion with a friend might not be as mentally taxing on you and will help you catch up and understand what was discussed in class while at the same time serving as a revision for your friend.

3. Ask for help. Speak with your professors and the college about your illness and recovery. Find out what can be done for you during this time and if there are any exceptions to the norm for medical reasons. Having some extra time can relieve stress and help you focus on recovery while also helping you not fall too far behind in your studies.
4. Schedule your time. Plan what you must focus on to avoid falling behind in your studies. Schedule a time daily to focus on what is essential in your studies at this time, but make sure you work this around your recovery. Your focus during healing should always be on rest and recovery, so schedule your focused studies around your recovery.

5. Sleep. An illness will leave you exhausted, and your body will need time to heal. Make sure you prioritise rest during recovery, and if you need to spend more time sleeping, please sleep. You can worry about everything else once you recover!

If you have been thinking about doing a master’s degree, and are ready to challenge yourself, look at our list of programmes and see if we have anything you are interested in doing.
You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on the programme right for you, the application process, and details on discounts we might offer.