The Evolution of OTT Platforms: 5 ways how it is Transforming the Digital Video Streaming Space

In the digital age, OTT platforms, or over-the-top, have completely changed the way we consume content. These platforms use the internet to distribute video content instead of more conventional means like cable or satellite television. As smart gadgets and high-speed internet become more commonplace, OTT platforms have not only become immensely popular but also completely changed the way that digital video streaming is done.

OTT platforms have effectively modified their tactics to accommodate the varied inclinations and actions of distinct age groups, capitalizing on their adaptability and prioritization of digital content. OTT platforms are serving different age groups in the following ways:

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Millennials (Born 1981-1996)

Millennials are digital natives who value convenience, variety, and personalized experiences. OTT platforms have captured this demographic by:

  • On-Demand Content: Millennials appreciate the ability to watch content on their own schedule, rather than being tied to traditional TV schedules.
  • Original Content: Platforms like Netflix and Hulu invest heavily in producing original series and movies that resonate with millennial interests, including diverse genres and culturally relevant narratives.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Recognizing millennials’ reliance on smartphones, OTT platforms offer apps that provide seamless streaming experiences across devices, enabling viewing on the go.
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  • Social Sharing: Integration with social media platforms allows millennials to easily share their favorite shows and movies, fostering a sense of community and engagement.

Generation Z (Born 1997-2012)

Generation Z grew up in a digital era, preferring bite-sized content, interactivity, and socially conscious media. OTT platforms appeal to Gen Z by:

  • Short-form Content: Platforms like TikTok and Quibi cater to Gen Z’s shorter attention spans with quick, engaging videos and series that can be consumed in short bursts.
  • User-Generated Content: OTT platforms encourage user-generated content and interactive features, allowing Gen Z to participate in content creation and influence trends.
  • Diverse Representation: Gen Z values diversity and inclusivity in media. OTT platforms curate content that reflects diverse cultures, identities, and perspectives, resonating with this generation’s values.
  • Educational Content: Platforms such as YouTube and Disney+ provide educational content that combines entertainment with learning, appealing to Gen Z’s desire for knowledge and skill development.
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Baby Boomers and Generation X (Born 1946-1964 and 1965-1980, respectively)

Baby Boomers and Generation X appreciate quality content, nostalgia, and ease of use. OTT platforms cater to these demographics by:

  • Classic and Nostalgic Content: Offering a wide range of classic movies, TV shows, and documentaries that appeal to older generations’ nostalgic preferences.
  • User-Friendly Interfaces: Intuitive interfaces and easy navigation make it simple for older users to discover and enjoy content without technical barriers.
  • Accessibility Options: Providing options for subtitles, audio descriptions, and larger text sizes enhances accessibility for older viewers with varying needs.
  • Family Viewing: Platforms like Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video offer family-friendly content, appealing to older generations looking to share quality viewing experiences with their families.

The capacity of OTT platforms to serve a variety of generations highlights their flexibility and responsiveness to changing customer demands. Personalized recommendations, a wide variety of content libraries, and intuitive user interfaces are just a few of the features that OTT platforms utilize to draw and keep viewers of all ages. OTT platforms are positioned to stay crucial to the entertainment landscape as streaming technology develops and consumer behaviors change. They will bridge generational gaps and offer engaging content experiences catered to the specific interests and expectations of each cohort.

Here’s a detailed exploration of how OTT platforms are transforming the digital video streaming space and the top five factors contributing to their influence.

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1. Accessibility and Convenience

OTT platforms offer unparalleled accessibility and convenience to users worldwide. Unlike traditional TV services that require scheduled programming, OTT platforms provide on-demand content. Users can watch movies, TV shows, documentaries, and even live events at their convenience, across multiple devices such as smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and laptops. This flexibility has empowered consumers, enabling them to tailor their viewing experience according to their preferences and schedules.

2. Content Diversity and Original Productions

One of the key factors driving the success of OTT platforms is their diverse and often exclusive content libraries. These platforms not only license popular movies and TV series but also invest heavily in producing original content. Original productions, ranging from critically acclaimed series to blockbuster movies, have garnered significant attention and accolades. This strategy not only attracts subscribers but also differentiates OTT platforms in a crowded market.

3. Global Reach and Personalization

OTT platforms operate on a global scale, transcending geographical boundaries. This global reach allows content creators to distribute their work to a broader audience, facilitating cultural exchange and diversity in content consumption. Moreover, OTT platforms leverage advanced algorithms and user data to personalize recommendations. By analyzing viewing habits and preferences, these platforms curate content suggestions that align with individual tastes, thereby enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

4. Technological Innovation and User Experience

Technological innovation plays a pivotal role in the success of OTT platforms. These platforms continually invest in enhancing streaming quality, optimizing bandwidth usage, and supporting high-definition (HD) and ultra-high-definition (UHD) content. Furthermore, advancements in streaming protocols and adaptive bitrate technologies ensure smooth playback across varying internet speeds and devices. Additionally, interactive features, such as offline viewing, multi-device synchronization, and integrated social sharing, further enrich the user experience.

5. Disruption of Traditional Media and Business Models

OTT platforms have disrupted traditional media and business models, challenging established norms and practices. By offering subscription-based and ad-supported models, OTT platforms provide flexibility to consumers and advertisers alike. This shift has compelled traditional broadcasters and content creators to adapt to changing consumer preferences and adopt digital-first strategies. Moreover, the direct-to-consumer approach adopted by OTT platforms has bypassed intermediaries, enabling creators to retain greater control over their content and monetization strategies.

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In conclusion, OTT platforms have redefined the digital video streaming space through accessibility, diverse content offerings, global reach, technological innovation, and disruptive business models. These platforms continue to evolve, driven by consumer demand for personalized, high-quality entertainment experiences. As the streaming landscape evolves, OTT platforms are poised to shape the future of digital entertainment, catering to an increasingly connected and discerning audience.

Whether you’re binge-watching your favorite series or discovering new content, OTT platforms have undoubtedly transformed how we consume and interact with digital video streaming, making entertainment more accessible, engaging, and personalized than ever before.

Check out the various Master’s programme we offer including Digital Business to kickstart or rocket-fuel your career growth: list of online bachelor/master/PhD programmes.

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#DILO (A day in the life of) a Robert Kennedy College master’s student

Here’s another gem of our #dilo (a day in the life of) series featuring our students. We asked some of our past and current students to share their thoughts and opinions and give feedback on how they handled the challenges of online learning.

Learn from those who came before and see if what worked for them will help you become a better student! Hopefully, this will help you to make an informed decision.

An Introduction

Who are you, really?

I am an ambitious 40 (soon to be 41) year old woman, juggling a very demanding job while trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle and continually developing myself on a professional level.

Which programme did you choose and why?

MBA Coaching, Mentoring and Leadership. I manage the HR function of a law firm, and I thought this programme would give me added skills which I can use in my current role.

The Study Plan

How did you plan to study each module, and what was the reality? How many hours did/do you have to put in each day/or in a week?

I tried to watch all the videos and do as much reading as I possibly could during the first three weeks. I always aimed to start writing by week 4. A great piece of advice I got was, “Just start by writing sentences. The more you read, the more you’ll be able to articulate your ideas”. I found the advice to be very true and a good strategy. I would say I dedicated an average of 20 hours a week approximately.

What part of the day did/do you find most suitable to study? (e.g. early mornings, lunch break, evenings, weekends?)  

I would stay a couple of extra hours in the evening at work and dedicate that time to my studies. I found that to be easier than coming home and starting again. On the weekends, I would typically dedicate mornings to studying.

How much time did you devote to each assignment?  

I honestly cannot quantify that. One particular assignment required a lot more time than others, as it required a lot of practice. So I would say that I dedicated as much time as I could depending on the requirements for each module.

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Travelling and Communication  

How did travelling impact your ability to study?  

My work does not require me to travel, so it was a matter of ensuring that any holidays would be planned in a way that they would not interfere with my studies.

How were you able to interact with peers and/or professors given the time differences?  

The online platform makes this pretty easy. Professors are usually quick in replying. I think the residency in York was an essential part of this programme because it made the whole experience real. You realise that most people are struggling with the same issues as you, and keeping in contact with several peers (mainly via Whatsapp) has provided a great support network, especially during dissertation!

A typical day as a master’s student  

What does a typical day as an Online Masters’ student look like for you?  

Go out for a run first thing in the morning before getting ready for work (currently back in the office 3 days a week). Deal with everything the day throws at me. At the end of the working day, I either spend an extra couple of hours at the office to dedicate to my studies or go home. I would summarise it as busy; however, now that I am in the final stages of this programme, I can honestly say that I would do it all over again. Looking back, I can say that the past two years have gone by very quickly, and all the effort was well worth it.

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Any advice?  

Any advice you have for students to better plan their studies.  

Always give yourself sufficient time to write your assignments, and don’t leave them until the last minute. Read, read and read, as that is the only way you’ll be able to write. If you have a block on some days, that’s fine, pick up the next day, and if you don’t know what to write, it means you haven’t read enough.

I hope this blog has answered some of your questions, and please watch this place for similar blogs. So, if you have been considering doing a master’s degree and now understand how to study better for an online programme, look at our programmes and see if anything interests you.

You can also chat LIVE on WhatsApp with one of our Education Advisors for more information on all the programmes we offer, the application process, and answers to any questions you may have.

Top 5 Master’s programmes trending in 2022 

The purpose of pursuing a master’s programme could be many, advancement in career, aiming for a higher salary, growth opportunities, thirst for knowledge, switching careers, etc. A Master’s degree can be pursued to add knowledge on the subject already studied in an undergraduate degree or a new subject regardless of what was learned earlier. It could be your second degree, one of the several you pursued through the career or the very first degree you wanted to earn and get that formal qualification.  

There are numerous options and specialities that you can choose as your major for your master’s degree. However, a few majors have become hugely popular amongst students as these are in great demand by employers, offering better career prospects and employment opportunities.  

So, which master’s programme has made it to the top of the list in 2022? Let’s have a look: 

Top 5 Master’s programme in 2022

1. Project Management 

Just as the name suggests, a project manager takes the lead role in planning, organising and completing a project. Since the project manager skills are easily transferable, they can work in any industry such as banking, tech, retail, pharma, or telecom industry, to name a few.   

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There has been an ever-increasing demand for project managers, and the economic hit suffered due to Covid-19 across the globe has only strengthened the need for project managers. The disruptions caused by the pandemic have resulted in governments earmarking and spending trillions of dollars on recovery projects.  

With millions of new projects across several industries being put into production, project management is here to stay.  

2. Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management  

Another hugely sought-after specialisation in 2022 is supply chain management. The entire world faces supply crunches for several goods and essentials, with most being back ordered for months. The role of a good supply chain manager is to analyse business processes, identify efficient procurement sources, establish a stable, reliable, and cost-efficient logistics network, and always ensure sufficient inventory levels while minimising costs.  

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A master’s degree in the field will ensure global career opportunities in purchasing, logistics and consulting.  

3. Leading Innovation and change 

In any business or organisation, change is inevitable. If you are a professional leading and supporting innovation and change in the organisation or community, this specialisation is right for you. A good innovation manager must be good at managing projects and managing change. They help shape the organisation’s culture and processes and provide necessary training to ensure innovative success. Modern organisations provide ample opportunity and rewarding careers for innovators in different roles such as Chief innovation officer, Business development lead, Innovation consultant, Change agent, Innovation strategist and Transformation manager.  

4. Healthcare Management 

If you are looking for a rewarding career focused on healthcare, a master’s degree in healthcare management can jumpstart your career in the field. As a healthcare administrator in roles such as healthcare consultant, Clinical Director, Administrator, and Healthcare manager, you can serve people and the community in improving their health while being on the administrative side of healthcare. There is an increasing demand for managers to look after the day-to-day operations and efficient management of resources in healthcare. 

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5. Data Analytics 

In this changing and dynamic business environment, traditional methods of doing business and catering to consumer needs is a thing of the past. Nowadays, all businesses and services are being provided online. There is a need to understand consumer behaviour and cater to their specific and, where possible customised demand. The Internet has shrunk the world, and there is a sudden influx of information and big data. Big corporations want to defeat the competition and gain valuable insights into consumer behaviour by analysing data.  

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The good news is that Robert Kennedy College offers all the above top trending specialisations of 2022. Talk to one of our advisors today about enrolling in one of these programmes! 

Can entrepreneurship and innovation be taught? 

Can you think ‘out of the box’?

When I was in school, let’s just say a decade ago.. okay two decades ago, I remember being taught the principles of economics – theory of demand and supply, demand and supply curve, market equilibrium, price ceilings and floors, so on and so forth. Later as a business student at university, I learned about economic models and even more complex financial terms about running a business, such as behavioural economics, macro and microeconomic policies, government policies, international trade and its impact. I have no recollection of ever being asked to or being taught to ‘think out of the box’ (the economics book in this case).  

The businesses, usually large traditional corporations, family-owned companies big and small, ran on the business theories and principles established many years ago.  

Fast forward to the 21st century; I see a new world around me. The businesses are no longer just large corporations run on an old-school of thought. There has been a paradigm shift in the way the companies are run and how they are conceptualized in the first place. I am sure everyone remembers the time of late 90s and early 00s – ‘the infamous dot com/bubble era’ that vowed to change the world and as a matter of fact, it did change the world! 

The bubble burst vowed to change the world

The bubble era engendered a trend of entrepreneurship of a scope like never before. The entrepreneurs – the new gurus of the business world – worked on very different business principles and business plans. Business plans were mainly driven by the strategy of growing big fast, being ubiquitous, insanely high stock market valuations, and focusing on branding and marketing to gain market share. And to establish a new trend, the essential ingredient was innovation.  

Hence, the birth and rise of entrepreneurship and innovation.  

In today’s evolving business environment, entrepreneurship and innovation have become increasingly popular. There has been a notable rise in the entrepreneurial activities around the globe in the last decade. Even the corporations are paying heed to the increasing value of innovation and the entrepreneurial mindset in the workplace. It is now believed to correlate to organisation’s profitability and growth directly.  

There are several forms of entrepreneurship, such as Innovative entrepreneurship, social, scalable start-up business entrepreneurship, big and small entrepreneurship. To give some real-life examples, Tesla aimed to innovate the automobile industry by introducing luxurious yet affordable and efficient electric cars. On the hand, Uber, a scalable start-up business entrepreneurship, started with an idea to disrupt the taxi industry and attracted various capitalists’ interest and bagged millions of dollars in investment, scaling the business to an otherwise inconceivable level, growing the company worldwide.  

All entrepreneurs have one thing in common – Innovation

And all the entrepreneurs (and their companies) like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jack Ma, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Walt Disney, J.K Rowling, Jeff Bezos (the list cannot be exhaustive), have one thing in common – Innovation. Microsoft, Apple, Alibaba, Tesla, Facebook, and Amazon witnessed tremendous business success through innovation by triggering a paradigm shift or evolving an old product with new technology.  

The benefits and increasing importance of innovation and entrepreneurship are manifold. As mentioned earlier, corporations are also realising their impact on their success. A study by Microsoft and McKinsey states that organisations show a direct correlation between employee retention and innovation, and innovative firms are more likely to retain employees. The study also reveals that companies that were assessed as having ‘innovative cultures’ were twice as likely to expect double-digit growth.  

So, the question remains if someone is a born Entrepreneur, is naturally innovative, or such attributes can be learnt, and whether individuals can be  adequately trained to be innovative entrepreneurs.  

The question remains if someone is a born Entrepreneur

“Profound growth requires innovation and, to foster innovation, you need people to feel trusted and supported to experiment and learn. There can be real returns for leaders who learn to let go and coach teams to constantly improve.”

Dr. Parke.  

To answer the question, yes, entrepreneurship and innovation can be taught, and with proper education, these skills can be mastered. By studying entrepreneurship and innovation, you can learn the underlying principles of starting a business, how to avoid common pitfalls, pitch ideas effectively, validate your product, develop a solid business model, and how to set yourself up for success in a field where failure is common. A good entrepreneurship and innovation programme will expose you to the challenges, contexts, and implications of entrepreneurship and provide you with a sense of the difficulties inherent in starting up and running a new enterprise. You will develop a critical understanding of contemporary discourses surrounding entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship as they are found in a range of national cultures and organisational contexts. The programme brings together relevant contemporary academic theory and research with a practical understanding of activities.  

We offer an online MBA Entrepreneurship and Innovation programme specifically designed to foster entrepreneurial and innovation skills to enable you to have a career managing innovation in existing firms and found new ventures. You will learn how organisations build value by applying entrepreneurial practices, the challenges and opportunities typically facing new and existing businesses, and the ability to design and implement creative strategies. Talk to one of our advisors to learn more about this and our other programmes.